Shout by Corey

Triangle 2009

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Triangle’:

  1. This is precisely the kind of movie where you go in completely blind. Don’t read about it. Don’t watch a trailer. Just press play and enjoy endlessly trying to make sense of what you’re watching. I certainly did. Still am.

  2. Sooo many questions. So much mystery. So much to decipher. What was real? Who was real? Was there a ton of thought put into the story with tales of Sisyphus? Or is there just a bunch of plot holes for us to never truly understand? I usually don’t enjoy movies that leave me scratching my head so much, but this was actually satisfying and I appreciate what they tried to do.

  3. I felt bad only giving this a 7, but… as much as I enjoyed it and found it refreshingly original, I wonder if it’ll be at the cinematic forefront of my memory when it comes time to recommend a great flick to a friend.

Bonus Thought: It could have used a liiittle more Liam Hemsworth.

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