The most anticipated show in the SWU is finally there. Of course, every new show is the most anticipated but Ahsoka still is something special. There will be lovers and haters of that I'm sure. Right now I take the middle ground.
I like the look and the fact that it is basically the continuation of Rebels which I absolutely love. Therefore I'm thrilled to see all the characters in live action finally. The beginning with the crawl text gave me a bit of goosebumps I have to admit. I think the story has potential and I place my faith once again in Filoni to make this right. After all Ahsoka is his baby.
Of course we get a lot of character introduction in the pilot and I'm already regretting not having watched Rebels again as I'm sure I missed some easter eggs along the way.
From a neutral standpoint I'd say this was a "7" all day long. It had it's moments and it's flaws especially towards the end it became very predictable. And once more someone will survive a lightsaber stab. But because of the aforementioned connection to Rebels (you can call it fan-service if you like) I decided to go with "8".

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a question like if you haven't watched star wars rebel are you compromised?

@quab775 Not sure I get what you mean. You can watch this show without having seen "Rebels" I'd say but it is a clear continuation of that story line. Most of the things that happened between these characters will be explained. But it's different feeling if you've seen instead instead of just being told. Of course if you watch "Rebels" after watching "Ahsoka" you do already know what will happen to the characters.
Don't know if that answers your question. If not, please feel free to reply again.
