Review by Sarah

Penny was a resident. Like Jo and Stephanie and Ben. She was learning. She was a student. She had people above her, attendings, who should have known better. The attending who decided to ignore her and not order a CT, the neuro attending that was out at dinner and took too long to get there. They should have known better. It shouldn't be on her, she shouldn't be 'the person who killed Derek' she didn't stick a scalpel in his brain, she didn't shoot him in the heart. She TRIED to fight for him, and the people who should have been fighting for him too didn't care enough to put the effort in. And what would have happened if she'd have fought harder? Would she have been fired? Suspended? Derek still would have died. Would that make you happy? Because she tried harder? Or was she supposed to beat up her attending and do the brain surgery herself without the neurosurgeon's help? Save Derek and save the day all alone? Because that's just downright impossible.

Yknow, tonight on twitter I saw people asking if the actress who plays Penny has an account, Jerrika Hinton - Stephanie - said they told her not to get one. I can only imagine the messages she would have been getting if she had one, and lets be honest, most of them would be death threats.

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