Wow!!! Talk about an awkward dinner!
First off, Ellen Pompeo rocked this episode! I like that Meredith was behaving like a lady towards Penny in the beginning and only blew off when she found out about the transfer (which honestly would make any person loose their cool). Her acting showing the conflicts was perfect!!!
Alex showed once again why he is a true friend, noticing from the beginning that something was wrong with Meredith, just points off because when she did try to tell him what was going on, he interrupted her by saying that Penny was amazing.
Amelia is too egotistical and annoying with her "me, me, me" attitude. Yeah, I felt sorry for her when she found out about Penny at the dinner table, but everything after that was just pathetic, specially trying to make it seem like everybody revolves around and for her. LOVED seeing Meredith yell at her and say some truths!
Speaking of pathetic, Jo gets worst with every episode, insecure about her relationship with Alex, always trying to compete for attention with Meredith and playing the "nobody likes me" card... please Mary Sue, go away! And the only thing that actually made her bearable was her friendship with Stephie, which she also managed to ruin. She is jealous, and always trying to be better by using emotional blackmail and pout faces... Stephie showed that she really is a better doctor, who didn't need a sob story to achieve great things at work. LOVED when she said the truths to Jo, and stood up for herself.
Didn't like Owen here either, that commenting about preferring Cristina dead than leaving him was very OOC and crude.
Arizona was hilarious drunk.... I'm like Bailey, I like drunk Arizona... and also that she seems to be moving on from her relationship with Callie (they were awesome once, but not anymore).
Now about Penny... I really felt sorry for her, because she was a resident and not an attending... she did want to ask for a MRI and got blocked off by a superior, so it wasn't her fault! And even if it was, every single doctor on Earth has made one mistake or another at one point in their career, and they learn from it, which is exactly what she is trying to do. It's like April said, she also lost a patient in a mistake, and that doesn't make them bad people. Penny even wanted to leave several times once she got there, and people kept insisting she stayed, so she did what she could to avert the situation. I like that in the end it seems like Meredith understood that... of course she isn't going to be best friends with her, but she is also not gonna be the one to deny Penny the chance to learn how to not make the same mistake again.

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