Review by Pamela Pavlova

Business Proposal 2022

While the story is a generic/cliche it has its charm. The charm being the actors. The show is worth watching because they are great. They truly carry the whole show. The friendship between Shin Ha-ri and Jin Young-seo is really cute. Both actresses are really good and have great chemistry between them.

It's obvious that the show had a high budget. Some transitions are cool while others remind me of TikTok edits. The interesting editing picks up in the beginning, falters in the middle, and is gone by the end. Wish they spent some of the budget on more than 3 songs. The intro song sucks and every time I heard it during the show I cringed.

As previously mentioned the story is quite generic. The writing can be really predictable. It starts kind of interesting, it picks up in the middle and ends boring. Some parts are inconsistent and some parts do not feel satisfying. Some of the problems I have with this story are:

- Kang Tae-moo treatment to Shin Ha-ri in the beginning. The show keeps mentioning what a good employee Shin Ha-ri is. Yet, Kang lets his emotions get the better of him and makes her life miserable at work. So far as to overwork her and almost cause an incident where she fell asleep with the stove working. He went on a full power trip and never got consequences for that.
He does that multiple times throughout the show. Threatening her with a lawsuit when she does not want to sign a contract for a fake relationship.
Or when he filed the lawsuit against the creep that was only going to get fined. (in my opinion, this was justified tho)
Shin Ha-ri was almost fired by the chairman after the scandal. She stood her ground. But why does she stand her ground against the chairman but when Kang Tae-moo goes on a power trip she doesn't stand her ground?
I don't like her character sometimes. She is written to be naive and taken advantage of sometimes despite being 27.
Also, I wish Go Yoo-ra got some consequences for exposing that they were dating. Instead, we get "she is sorry" lol.
- Young-seo and her independence. She is the 'rich girl who goes on her own against her father' trope, but it was actually nice at the beginning.
At some point, her father meets the person she is seeing. Her father says "You're the only child that I have so who knows" and "What's so wrong with checking if my son-in-law could inherit my company?". This felt kind of sexist at first but it is actually missing context in the show so don't know. Why wouldn't his only child inherit the company but the man she is with would? Unless she does not want to inherit his company or he doesn't want her to because she is a woman? Maybe it's also a cultural thing. Apparently, Korea has been a Confucian society, which meant that sons inherited most of the property and carried on the family name.
Her character felt like it was building up for her to be independent. She moves out of her home, gives back her father's credit card, and moves out into her own apartment.
She went to see her father with a resignation letter. This seems like the next step to becoming more independent since she is working in her dad's company. She said that she would prove that she would be perfectly fine on her own without using her father's name. This scene felt really great. Later she says she is gonna make her own company. Great, right? Her boyfriend decided to invest in her company with 1 million won. So much for making it on your own. Why the build-up just so she could end up in the same place as before?
Another thing about Young-seo is when she got drunk and slept with Cha Sung-hoon. Can't believe he would take advantage of her in a state like that.

Anyway, I can't believe they almost did a Hannah Montana on the rotating doors. In the movie "Hannah Montana: The Movie" there is a scene where Hannah Montana is changing while in those mall rotating doors. And in this show, Shin Ha-ri does the same thing.

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