Shout by mads

this was a tricky one to review because there was a lot I did like about this movie: the midwestern gothic, the eldritch location, the disturbing imagery and overall direction, plus cinematography, and sexy evil patrick wilson

but I think the timeloop element was a detriment to the story (haven’t read the novella but seeing it wasn’t in it makes me want to now) WITHOUT the timey-wimey stuff more could be left ambiguous, but with it, certain things become very strange, what happened with the Tobin who touched the rock? I suppose it was just an alternate reality, but still seemed frustratingly vague

also when they established the grass cant move dead things (multiple times, might I add) why didn’t they try walking around with dead stuff to get out??

but most of all, this film felt like Heavy pro-life/anti-abortion propaganda that pissed me off so ultimately this comes out to a lot of wasted potential I think

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