Shout by Diego

Gen V

Season 1

So I have to admit that I think the best parts of this series are it's ties to the main show and the rich universe that it's happening in. On a few occasions I found that this show pandered a bit to Gen Z viewers and grout along some uninteresting teenage drama with that baggage but overall I've enjoyed the ride.

The acting isn't as good as it is in The Boys, but who could expect it to be when the main show has an absolutely star studded cast. Same goes with the writing, while it's not perfect, it certainly gets the job done and entertains with the same gory, shocking and crude style.

I am glad that season 2 is confirmed but I hope they don't intertwine the shows all that much. I like the idea of having the seasons staggered with the main show as 8 episodes never seem like enough and this will serve as something like a solid appetizer while we're waiting for the main course.

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