8.8/10. I may have to rethink my "graded against itself" scale for BoJack because it seems to have found a bit of a groove. Again, the show balanced the heavy stuff and the comedic stuff pretty well. BoJack and Wanda's scene felt particularly real ("You didn't know me. You fell in love with me. Then you did know me." was a devastating line.) Dianne turning into a shiftless slob who "wasn't the person she thought she was" was hilarious and heartbreaking in turn. And while Todd's story was more straightforwardly comedic, the meld between Scientology and Improv was an amusing take on both that had a lot of juice to it. I like where they've placed all the characters at the end of the episode, and I'm interested to see where these stories, especially BoJack trying to get back to the (metaphorical) place where he was last happy as a throughline.

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@andrewbloom Ah now I know. You had a graded against itself scale for Bojack. Since I find you a responsible professional reviewer I always wondered how on Earth you could give this humorless boring piece of garbage 8s and 9s. But if this is graded against itself which is a 5-6 on average then I understand. Thank you for the explanation
