In some ways this episode was a little more forced than others but it was still good. Rather than feeling like an organic progression through each stage of his process it seemed like he already had it figured out before starting production. I'm guessing he has most of what he does in the show preplanned and makes it seem like he is reacting to what happens around him but it seemed more planned this time. The first feedback he got from those two ladies may have even been prompted to motivate the rest of the show that he had planned. When he then went to get another professional opinion he wouldn't have shown her the whole show but a tightly edited video that could have even had footage that wasn't shown so as to inspire her feedback - Nathan is probably very good at prompting people to get them to say what he needs.

Of course I could be wrong about everything but part of what intrigues me about the show is trying to figure out how he shot it. If I can find any detailed interviews about it or a special behind the scenes episode (I feel like I saw something like that listed somewhere), that would be a great follow up.

This did have the most obvious "The Rehearsal" structure... and meta structure but I feel like I have seen glimpses of The Rehearsal in many episodes while binge watching all the series.

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