8.5/10. Loved the way this one was shot and edited. There were so many interesting POV shots that conveyed how Jessica and others were feeling in the midst of her marathon without sleep. There was an impressionistic bent to the way a lot her scenes were shot, that really helped tell the story of how she was feeling without making it explicit.

And the rapport between Jessica and Trish is probably the best it's ever been in this episode. From the sprinkled in backstory that took a page from sister show Daredevil in parceling out the origin story without devoting one single episode to it, to the way that the pair just seemed to only trust one another, only feel comfortable with one another, the central relationship in the show so far has never felt more lived-in or real that it did here.

This was, in many ways, a regroup episode. After pretty constant escalation on the Kilgrave front, this was an episode that served as a bit of slack tide between that big mid-season climax and the final push at the end. It worked as a chance to sort of survey where all the characters are and point them on a path forward. There was a sense that everyone is still reeling from the events of the prior couple of episodes, but still gearing up for the last battle with Kilgrave. Seeing how Jessica in particular had a different attitude now that Hope--the symbol of her crusade--was gone, made a difference.

I wasn't a big fan of the Simpson part of the storyline. He was nicely unsettling as he was stalking Trish, but the whole super pill thing just doesn't jibe with me, especially when you had the sort of perfunctory twist of Trish taking the same pills and having to get saved. But hopefully that's at least finished now.

And I also appreciated Malcolm's crisis of conscience about whether it's worth it to help. It's some emotional, heartbreaking stuff when he doesn't call Jessica, and it's very earned with the character's arc over the course of the season.

Even though, ugh, we close on Luke coming back, it's still a nice lead in to the show's final push.

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