I don't know what's going on with the other comments, I thought it was great!

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@tedford It sounds hilarious in a good way, it isn't taking itself too seriously, it's for those who are not snowflakes. A win win!

@tedford You call Halo boring and this "great"? You need to check in with a doctor, preferably a psychiatrist.

@nour1337 I'd be concerned you're creeping my comments, but I never said Halo was boring (dumpster fires are very exciting) so :person_shrugging:

@tedford There is a reason you have your comments and profile public, also you might check in on your mental health, seems you have alzheimer's.

@nour1337 What is this reason? I don't think you even understand the language you're trying to use. Tell you what, link the comment, like it, reply to it. Prove I said it or kindly harass someone else troll.

@tedford I'm not gonna help you with your alzheimer's training, look up your comments and start a diet.

@nour1337 Cause you're lying. Body shaming? lol ok kid time for bed.

@tedford Movie was not horrible at all. I was expecting it to be terrible it's a fun way of spreading a much needed to be heard message.

This tread cracks me up. Especially that nour1337 guy. Sound like a grade A retard.
