Shout by JoJoConejo

Sugar: Season 1

1x01 Olivia

Noir-ish, at times stylish (those flashbacks from real, old school Hollywood movies are a great touch), soft voiceover, the hero's name which gets repeated around 75 times as a Humphrey Bogart detective... some more jazz and we got it all. I take it back, more than enough jazz.
Too full of itself - which is fine if it delivers, which it doesn't tho.

The movie buff trait is nice, but gets pretentious like those dudes whose identity is built around the band they listen to. As much as the philosophical, man of the people attitude. It feels as fake, carefully constructed and at the same time not believable - as the quirks of Don Winslow's characters. They try to be Connelly's Bosch but more often than not, fail.

All in all, it didn't convince me but I hope noirs make a come back cause hell yeah they need to

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