Review by JC

It’s Mad Max Fury Road, dog. In some way it’s unfair to have this be the first movie I saw of the series. It’s one of the best action movies of all time, a contender for the best, a nonstop thrill ride that somehow never tilts over into exhausting or thoughtless. Passion and craft is in every frame. People actually did these stunts! And the colors, the visual flair, how they convey tone and the emotions of the characters… The music that vibrates your bones… It’s the climax of everything the previous movies built to. It’s the product of decades of experience and a true love for a story Miller’s held dear for even longer.

And that’s not even going to the performances like Hardy’s rabid dog learning to love people again, Hoult’s puppy dog finding a true home and meaning, and of course, Furiosa, a character at this point just as iconic as Max. The efficiency of the storytelling is so clean, every Wife gets a moment to shine and pay off their arc, everything you need to know about Max and Furiosa is etched into their expressions. And at its core such a hopeful, human movie, believing in a better world amidst the ruins of the old. Just top to bottom a flawless movie. Furiosa has a lot to live up to, but knowing Miller, I have no doubt it’ll be a hell of a time.

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