Review by Andrew Bloom

This one started off pretty weak, with a generic "Ahsoka is overzealous and Anakin has to teach her a lesson" story. But once the episode focused more on Bane and his motley cohort's plan to infiltrate the holocron repository, business picked up. Bane was instantly a pretty interesting and imposing figure, from his Clint Eastwood-like get up, to his Werner Herzog-esque voice, to his general air of being in control while mildly annoyed with everyone else who crosses his path. There's an imposingness and cool factor to him that's been missing in most of the villains in this show, and the prequel universe for that matter.

At the same time, Todo 360 put Seth Green to good use in a character who felt like a commendable twist on C-3PO, and bringing back the shape-shifting assassin from Attack of the Clones was an interesting twist as well. Plus, the cinematography and design in this one was pretty stellar, with sweeping shots and dark lighting that gave the episode a more cinematic feel. As is often the case with Clone Wars, there was a little too much exposition, but the misdirection from the bounty hunters and Ahsoka being the one who more or less saved the day was a nice way to keep the story moving but wrap things up in a nice way at the end.

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