Okay, I have a LOT of questions. How is Kreese able to travel between multiple countries so easily when he is a recent prison escapee? Has the show forgotten that Tory has a younger brother? Why is there no fallout to Devon putting laxatives in Kenny's water? Speaking of Kenny, where was he in this episode? Did he poop himself out of the show? I was expecting to see him alongside Tory and Kreese at the end. Why is Miguel pinning all of his hopes on Stanford when safety schools exist? And yet, despite all of this, I was still entertained; this show is truly a unique animal.

Daniel, it's not a huge surprise that you don't know everything about Mr. Miyagi. He was an adult when you met him; of course he had a whole life before you came into it! I am curious to see where this storyline goes from here, though, especially given what was discovered.

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@jcpdiesel21 Kreese is traveling under a fake name? Dude's got contacts that hooked him up. There's a lot of suspension of disbelief needed for this show already.

Undoubtedly Devon's fallout will come up eventually. This is just the mid-season finale.

@slimyboi Oh, I totally understand that suspension of belief is necessary for watching and enjoying this show. The wild story beats are often my favorite parts about it! These particular details concerning Kreese just felt more ridiculous than usual. I also expected at least a brief nod toward Devon's actions here, but there's plenty of time to deal with it in future episodes.
