Review by Nuldel

Falling Skies 2011

I may be the only one here, but i don't watch shows just to comment about the acting, visual effects and stuff. Actually I finished this one a time ago now. However i think it deserves some more credit, as i've seen shows with poor acting and terrible visual effects that surprisingly last more than 1 season. While of course, good series (like this or better, i should say) die after 2 seasons.
I may be a simple guy but i know what i want, and it's not about the acting or the script, it's about the story! Creativity, above all. Stargate sg-1 always had terrible actors, even for the 90's, and i don't see anyone complaining. Atlantis was similar, and then stargate universe came, with great production and better cast, and guess what? Ended after season 2. If you ask me, sci-fi is going to hell these days, but at least some shows like this can still make it.
Despite all of that, as i'm not just a stupid fanboy, i will admit the second half of season 5 was horrible, so thank god they finished it there. But i can't complain about the overall story (and acting). I just can't, guys, sorry!

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