7.7/10. Look, the idea of holding a gameshow to determine who the possible guardian of your child will be is a pretty out there concept, but damn if the show doesn't just have so much fun with it that it's too much to care. From Barney's objectively horrible, though truly in character answers to each question, to Robin basing all of her parenting ideas on the way her horrible Dad parented her, to Ted's dweeby lame response to everything, this one had a lot of goofy laughs to go around and some great lines. (I especially liked Robin's protest that she was "packing a vag'" and thus was naturally inclined to be "nurturing and all that crap." The silliness of bits like Ted's "Professor Infosaurus" and Marshall's outlandish recurring enthusiasm for games was great.

It's a little disjointed in places, and the emotional stakes at the end of the game show feel a bit tacked on. (Plus, come on, who in their right mind would make Barney the guardian of the child, even with Robin and Ted as counterweights?) But it works well enough in the moment and does a lot of the sort of structural, imaginative, character-based comedy that the show can excel at.

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