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Boys Don't Cry 1999

@catyalexandre I don't think you understood the film. He's a man, not a woman.

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She pretended to be a man.. that didn't make her one

Reply by The_Argentinian
Blocked2020-05-27T04:30:07Z— updated 2023-10-24T10:59:10Z

@ashlove so after all he went through you still deny his humanity. Did you not learn anything watching this movie? Do you think it's a happy ending?

@the_argentinian I meant that as a reply to comment above mine. The movie was incredibly sad.. The story it's based on is an absolute tragedy. No it's not a happy ending. Yes she deserved humanity.

@the_argentinian he wants to be a man and i respect that. i dont care what he does and wish people that are the same best of luck and a happy life, but when it comes to biology its a woman and thats a fact. you cant just ignore your genes because you feel different

@ashlove it's bizarre that you give this movie a rating of 10, and so clearly 100% misunderstood the film. After everything he went through, you are still calling him "she". It's ridiculously disrespectful, especially to the dead. You think he deserves humanity? Try being a person who gives a little bit to him instead of trying to minimize his existence.

It's sad because the movie is supposed to help people like you understand these things

@the_argentinian seems you didn't learn anything either since you are still calling Brandon "she", and "her".... It's clear after all he went through, the humanity he needs is from people like you to stop doing this. It's kind of crazy you dont understand that - it's not about happy endings. Things like that happen to people. It's not a cautionary tale telling people that it was a bad idea, or not to treat people like Brandon with respect.

Anyone who comes away from this movie thinking that has something wrong with their mode of thinking. Humanity is about decency, and respect. That's what he wanted. And just to live his life and love. Like any of us.

It's sad, and we should be doing more things to support those in our families and communities that transition & want to, and we should be opening our eyes to the violence that happens - so we can do more to prevent it. (That's what this is about)

@chocoloctopus that was an honest mistake, I have now edited my comment. Don't you see what side I'm on?
