Shout by FinFan

X-Men: Apocalypse 2016

The problem I usually have with the Marvel movies is that while they where something special when they started they´ve become a common thing in cinema today. So I´m not as thrilled today with every new one coming out, I watch them, they were quite average to me lately. I found this to be quite entertaining though. Story was good, I like that we see more of where the x-men came from and how they got together. Visually it is good too. As I said, it´s a good and entertaining movie.

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@finfan I now realize that your review is almost 5 years old. Do you confirm your review after the second play?

@andreas1138 I think I even changed my rating from 8 to 9. As far as superhero movies go this is one of the better ones in my eyes. Interestingly I get more out of the x-men series on second watch than I did with The Avengers. The later ones in that series were really bad. I do like the new shows, though.
Anyway, as I said I like this earlier time of the x-men as it gives really good background. Especially the relationships of the characters is explained. The cast is great, too. Good chemistry.
But like every movie it's all personal. Some think it's great while others hate it.
