Shouts about...

1917 2019

Despite the Golden Globe awards, didn't impress me. Acting was dope though.

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The story is incredibly predictable and kind of boring so I don't see it winning the Oscar for best picture. Instead it should get two Oscars for best cinematography cause wow, just wow. It's a pure pleasure to watch and could as well been a silent movie as far as I care.

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Almost the revenant plus a generic WW1 premise and the same old war rescue plot. Nothing new.

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This film is overwhelming. I have nothing further to add, other than the compelling need for eternal remembrance to those who sacrificed their lives in any way, we can not fathom. We, citizens of any country, today, should feel ourselves lucky and blessed to exist. This tells a poignant story that touches you. It does so by being human, and not with blood and flying body parts. I was touched to tears in the end.
NB: Do not give it a second thought; watch it; even if this genre is not your cup of tea. After all, it is much more than a feature film. It's a massive dedication to unselfishness. This was an intense and expertly crafted film, very much worth your time, not just for the effects but for the impressive sound/score/directing. -Again, do yourself a favour and watch it.

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The one-shot thing really worked on the story telling of this film. I’ve seen how they made it and it was really technical, and well thought of...but after seeing that last scene left me cold like...”that’s it?!” It’s impressive alright but i feel like there had to be something more to this.
I hope Sam Mendes wins best Director. That's really something very hard to beat

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I was really surprised by this movie because I did not expect what I found. A way of filming with a continuous sequence shot, which immerses you in history as a companion over the protagonists. For me one of the favorites to best address without a doubt.

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Saving Private Ryan, only set 1 world war earlier.

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Well if everyone says it's good then it must be good. Watched it on my computer, maybe u have to be in the theatre to feel it, but i think its overrated.

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Shout by Darren

If i did know otherwise I just said this was Red Dead Redemption 3. It storyline is quite good but it's a visual effects makes it look more like PlayStation computer game.

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What an adventure. If typical movies are buses, and scenes within are different bus stops, 1917 is a supersonic fighter jet taking you around the world, all in (seemingly) one tank of fuel. The movie can be a bit too slow at first, but as the final act draws near it will start to pickup pace. once you get to the scene in the ruins you will know that its the right call to go Imax.

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The cinematography is fantastic some of the best of the decade, it looks beautiful and with the secret little things in the background it really is an experience to watch this in theaters. The acting is good and Sam Mendas looks like he was very passionate about making this film and he directed it very well. It is also very thrilling and the score is very good mixing great with the movie. Overall it’s probably the best movie of 2019 and will definitely win a few oscars.

(9 out of 10)

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I gave this movie an 8/10 partly because I saw it in a small theater and the look was not right. If you see this, go to an IMAX. It is an assault on the eyes how beauty and ugliness find themselves together on the screen. The "one-camera long shot" gives you the feeling of being a part of the story. Your eyes become invested in it. And before you know it, you care about the soldiers and their well being. It's a simple story that is elevated by the actors - a lot of them major actors in bit roles - and the cinematography.

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Truly amazing direction, totally worth the Oscars!

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Shitty show, nothing to see here

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I should say up front that I watched this on a "small" screen (40") but after the way it had been built up by some critics i was really disappointed. The plot has no surprises whatever - in fact it was a collection of World War 1 clichés, the characters were uninteresting, and as for the scenery itself which was meant to be I think what grabs the attention was far too obviously a series of stage sets. In addition there were at least two totally implausible moments which took me all the way out of the film.

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The long take is very impressive

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