Shouts about...

1917 2019

what a great movie it deserve all the raves ++

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The absolute mastery in film making alone deserves a 10.

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Impeccable picture and sound mixing. Deserved all the Oscars it won. I absolutely love it.

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What a remarkable cinematic experience. Simply outstanding.

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One of the best anti-war war movies and I think it's the best 2019 movie that realy deserves Oscar for Best pircture of the year and definitely will won the best cinematography

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I thought this movie was completely riveting. I loved every second of it. Just amazing. I hope this one gets the Academy Award for Best Picture.

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Perfectly taken in one shot, amazing cinematography and great acting. Kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Definitely one to watch! 1917 is a cinematic masterpiece.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Lest we forget.

Masterful cinema here.

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1917 had me blown away by how much better it was than I expected going in. The film's use of a continuous shot gave it a unique sense of urgency that made it feel like I was right there on the front lines with the soldiers. The cinematography in 1917 is nothing short of phenomenal. The camera work is masterfully done, and the film's use of lighting and color creates an atmosphere that is both gritty and beautiful. The action scenes in the film are excellent, and the pacing keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout. The tension never lets up, and there are several moments that left me breathless. Overall, 1917 is one of the best war movies I've ever seen, and definitely the best World War I movie.

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Impressive, takes you with the boys from start to end. Well done for the director.

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1917 is a captivating and immersive experience of events during World War I. With a magnificent combination of excellent editing, superb acting, and an outstanding score from Thomas Newman, 1917 is a rare example of absolute cinematic perfection. Sam Mendes's film is unique again as this is something you may not have experienced before, an Epic On Shot Film. Watch this on your biggest screen if you haven't already.

Sex and Nudity : None
Violence and Gore : Severe
Profanity : Mild
Languages Available : English
Streaming : Sony Liv

Telegram : @streamgenx
Full Reviews :

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Deserves a big, beautiful HDR display and immersive audio. A stunning technical achievement in two shots. Phenomenal set and costume design and acting. Moving score and acting. Wow, wow, wow.

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"Time is the enemy."

The combo of Roger Deakins' cinematography + Sam Mendes' storytelling of this World War 1 event is simply beautiful. One of my favorite movies of 2019, and possibly my favorite war movie.

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I know this movie is predictable and simple blah blah blah.
for me a movie needs to have good cinematography, music, cast and sound. this movie has them all, I was teary at the end. one beautiful movie, this is. absolutely loved it.
Sam Mendes killed it one hunnid percent!

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Exceptional film! Raw, gritty and breathtakingly well filmed with a seemingly continuous take.

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I expected to be awed by the production of 1917. But it is much more than that.

Make no mistake, the pseudo-single-take filming style is unbelievable. The sheer logistics of the production boggle my mind. And the single camera effect impart a unique personal quality to the story of our two main characters in the midst of chaos, but its gimmick is never distracting.

1917 is the most honest, brutally honest and horrible depiction of war I’ve seen on film in quite some time, if not ever. This is magnified by the choice of World War I, a particularly unglamorous war, but it’s uniquely communicated through long, sweeping shots through grisly landscapes.

The movie is not afraid of its subject, pays due deference to it, and hits you hard when it needs to.

1917 is a uniquely excellent movie, in ways both haunting and triumphant. I guarantee you’ve never seen anything like it.

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Just watch it for the cinematography!

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For the way it was filmed I have to rate by ten stars. I was totally amazed and never seen anything like that. Highly recommending.

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George Mackay. That's it. That's all I'm going to say.

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Shout by Deleted

Is incredibile, it have some sad moments but the action was to good

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Shout by Bjarne Castelein
BlockedParent2020-03-14T00:51:14Z— updated 2020-03-28T12:35:40Z

Definitely Oscar-worthy! Should've won the Academy Award for Best Picture too!

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Absolutely Fantastic film. Just an incredible experience. One of the most intense films I've seen at the cinema for a few years. Cinematography was spellbinding andalthough the story was simple you are swept away with the intensity of the acting and situation. Go and watch on a big screen with Atmos - you won't regret it.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2020-01-10T03:55:15Z— updated 2020-01-26T00:27:23Z

An incredible technical achievement. Roger Deakins's cinematography elevates this decent war story to something that is one of a kind. There is hardly anytime to catch your breath. The score is fantastic. I need to see the making of documentary.

Seeing this again it is still very impressive. The story is fine but the way we are always with Schofield and Blake with almost no relief makes this super tense. The score really is great.

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What an experience! Incredible cinematography and directing, made to be like it was one-take. The hidden cuts were well implemented and in some cases very hard to spot. This film was very well done. The reason I gave it 9/10 was because I felt it had a weak story, otherwise it would be a 10/10, and I don't even like war films which is the surprising part. Definitely worthy of the golden globe win.

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This is an incredibly personal movie. Everything in the picture is designed to make you an intimate witness: the writing, the performances, the cinematography, the editing (or lack thereof), the uniqueness of all the exteriors which never repeat, and it is incredibly effective. You find yourself holding your breath as the action plays out. The seed of this film came from the stories Sam Mendes heard his grandfather tell of his time as a message courier in the First World War. The partnership between Mendes and cinematographer, Roger Deakins, to create the movie as one long shot is award worthy and completely elevates the film above its genre. It's not just a war movie, or an action movie, or a thriller, or a drama. It's all of this things, and more. A truly intimate experience, I give this film a rating of 9 (superb) out of 10. For a behind-the-scene look:

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‪Every time I think we’ve seen it all when it comes to the world wars, a movie such as this comes along and moves you in a new, different way. Clearly an immense effort was put into the making of it. Totally deserving of all the recognition it got. An absolute pleasure to watch. ‬

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Truly amazing direction, totally worth the Oscars!

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One of the best films I've ever seen in my life! For me, it does not glorify anything about war. In the end, we see that all this effort was basically for nothing. the war is still going on Blake is dead and there are no heroes, he is just a survivor with another scar for the day. When he sits on the tree, we also feel the relief and rest that we long for throughout the film, but we are still afraid for the next day: "Will I survive tomorrow? Will I be able to go home?" we are not sure! that's just brilliant !!!

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Seen it twice already and I have to say this is something truly special... The score, cinematography, and the sets are all breathtaking. A simple story with a great impact.

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breathtaking, incredibly gripping watching experience fit for such an inspiring and formidable story!

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For sure an epic movie with great directing and great scenes..I am not quite sure if this is the best movie of the year or parasite but the battle is on. 8.7/10

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So basically this whole movie plays out like a hardcore main mission on a video game where you control the character and try not to die. Powerful movie. Only bad thing is the script. JUST FUCKING KILL THE ENEMY DUDE. Fuck trying to be a better person.

Also music is phenomenal.

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This movie was an amazing milestone for cinema. The One Shot actually works in this film. The sound effects of the bullets were the best to date in a film. The acting was very strong and I fell in love with the characters. The way this movie was shot was amazing. The film is a roller coaster of emotions and you get sucked in and can’t keep your eyes off.

There isn’t too many negatives in this film just some smaller things that would be spoilers so I won’t include it in the review. The way the film changed between day and night was a little confusing but they had to do it that way.

This movie is a must watch in the theaters to get a full cinematic experience with this film. This is one of the best films I’ve seen and even though this movie will be awhile before I see it again because of the emotional punch, it is a must watch.

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Sam Mendes' direction paints a strikingly poignant tale of war that grips you from the get-go, moving with the same frenzied pace as our heroes - Lance Corporals Blake and Schofield - charge through the hellish landscapes of World War I. The meticulous choreography of the one-shot technique is like a ballet of cinematography; it's almost like Mendes and legendary DOP Roger Deakins are waltzing us through the annals of history. And it's not just a treat for the eyes, the soundscape in this movie - the deafening booms, the terrifying silence - transports you right into the trenches. It's not often we get such a visceral, boots-on-the-ground war movie that also manages to touch on the human elements of courage and sacrifice.

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really very good nice is

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This is hands down one of my favorite war movies. The cinematography is absolutely amazing. This movie will definitely satisfy the eye from beginning to end. The movie also moves at a very good pace. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, and it’s on your list, than bump it all the way to the top. You’ll be glad you watched it sooner than later.

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It's an art. Many might not like this but you should at least watch this once.

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Shout by Deleted

Best Mendes movie since American Beauty.

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3.0 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.7 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.4 points -> Plot (0-3)
1.0 points -> Score (0-1)

0.9 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 9.0 points

Shows the evil of war, not in the form of a gore.
There was nothing positive about the war, and the film was subtly conveying that message.
The level of achievement is spectacular.
Score, Screenplay everything is of a quality well above normal.

It is predictable, but what does that really matter.

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Roger Ebert once said that all movies should be seen on a large screen. I can think of few movies where this is more true than 1917. I can't tell you how many times (especially in the middle of the film) I was struck by just how beautiful the movie was to look at. I can think of five or six scenes that wouldn't be out of place when put next to some of the all-time great scenes in cinema. At some point I am going to seek out the behind-the-scenes extras (something I never do) to find out how they were able to have scenes that lasted several minutes at a time from a single camera. I think some people stayed away from the movie because they feared at would be as violent and as personal as Saving Private Ryan. While the film certainly had war as a backdrop there was actually very little fighting.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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I generally don’t watch films like this; I find them too emotional. However, my son desperately wanted to see it.

And it was very difficult to watch, deeply emotionally, but I’m glad I did. It was a truly brilliant film on so many levels.

The cinematography was outstanding. The colours, scenes, audio etc where artwork. Almost immediately you are left speechless with the ‘one’ shots; something you rarely see, especially to this standard. It helps you feel like you are there, second by second.

A phenomenal line up of actors who gave it their all.

The story based on true events was told so simply, but yet had such incredible impact.

I’m glad I watched this; not only to see such a unique cinematographic achievement, but to be reminded of all those who served...each one a hero. And how we should all be thankful and grateful for what we have today.

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Shout by Deleted

Nice to see known actors here and there and the main two protagonists were really great. The movie really took me there with them, and I was all the time expecting the worst to happen. I really enjoyed it.

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Great epic.
Specialised in dealing with the cruelty of war.

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Incredible cinematic perspective. Very moving story. Felt the emotion throughout. Realistic and extremely captivating

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Really enjoyed. Awesome filming perspective

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I feel like after seeing this watching movies is going to feel completely different. Never had a movie take my breath away like that.

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I was really surprised by this movie because I did not expect what I found. A way of filming with a continuous sequence shot, which immerses you in history as a companion over the protagonists. For me one of the favorites to best address without a doubt.

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The cinematography is fantastic some of the best of the decade, it looks beautiful and with the secret little things in the background it really is an experience to watch this in theaters. The acting is good and Sam Mendas looks like he was very passionate about making this film and he directed it very well. It is also very thrilling and the score is very good mixing great with the movie. Overall it’s probably the best movie of 2019 and will definitely win a few oscars.

(9 out of 10)

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘1917’:

  1. How the hell did they even film this? A cinematic achievement, indeed. The scope of it all is insane.

  2. The two young actors were fantastic. Cared about them and their fate almost immediately.

  3. Other reviews mention the film lacking despite its technical marvels. I wholeheartedly disagree. The storyline may have been simple, but I found it compelling, emotional and inspiring. And the score was fantastic. It wasn’t only filmed well.

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This is my favourite film about 2 men walking non-stop and telling wank Jokes. 9/10.

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I don't watch many war films and usually prefer strong writing over cinematography. This movie seems to be an exception for me. While the plot was simple, it didn't come off as silly or insignificant. Even though I don't know much about cinematography, I still found myself admiring it through all the continuous shots. Somewhat paradoxically, it shows a very ugly world in a beautiful way. There's also a sense of futility and meaninglessness, particular in Blake's death.

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Shout by Greg Enslen
BlockedParent2020-02-06T22:17:13Z— updated 2020-02-07T22:44:29Z

The film is an incredible technical achievement--it's one of those films where you spend half the film wondering how they pulled it off. The cinematography, coupled with the seamless editing between "scenes" makes this feel like one long take, with only a few recognizable breaks. If I had to nitpik anything, it would be that the story itself felt thin, but I've read that the producers were going for something simple and timeless. A complicated story would have made production even more of a nightmare--as it was, I can't believe they pulled this off. The pacing never lets up and never lets you catch your breath. I think Sam Mendes is probably a shoe-in for Best Director, even though I liked "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" better. Best Film Editing is also probably a lock--except it didn't get nominated, when films like Joker and Jo Jo Rabbit did. Confused? Me too! And the score was haunting and memorable. Catch this on the big screen if you can!

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Loved those long unedited shots...

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2020-06-27T15:30:07Z— updated 2020-06-28T16:27:12Z

A technical achievement yes, but it's an acting one too, with George MacKay carrying the film through the long takes used within the story. With a great story, wonderful music, and all-round great acting, this is an excellent film that surpasses expectations on multiple levels.

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Wow, what a picture, some good action, it felt so real and great work on the one shot effect.. sound cast..

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Incredible cinematography made to be like it was one-take. Simple story, but beautifully made.


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Shoulda watched at the theatre

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A cinematographic masterpiece, must watch if you simply like movies.

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"Immersive, and an impressive technical achievement. It captures the trench warfare of World War I with raw, startling immediacy."

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So glad I watched this at the cinema, it was so tense,

Overall a visual masterpiece with the one cut like edit; made this a joy to watch

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I thought about the first 3/4 of the movie were great. But the last 1/4 of the movie took a few too many liberties for my liking. But the cinematography was great in that the entire movie looks like one long take.

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Shout by Rusty

Started out so great, it started to fall off towards the end when the main character suddenly became a video game character that learned he had plot armor/respawns. Cinematography was great, loved the one-shot feel and the moments of tension it added.

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This film was an absolutely phenomenal technical achievement. Visually stunning, it also had just enough heart to let you connect to our main character who you will spend the entirety of the movie alongside. The only downside is that the climax is...not that much of one? After a tense, adventurous, and intense 90 minutes, things end with you knowing this is just a tiny slice of life during wartime, which makes sense, but still leaves you a tad empty, when looking for closure. Despite that, this is still a must-see, especially if you can watch it on a big screen with good surround sound as you'll feel like a part of the story.

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Although partly a technical showcase rather than a story, it's still a terrific Great War movie

Although I have some issues with it, and I certainly don't think it's the greatest war movie ever made, by and large, I think Sam Mendes has made an exceptional film, one in which form and content are unusually tightly matched, with the style extremely effective at delivering the story in a thematically justified manner.

For my complete review, please visit:

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1917 manages without a single visible cut (apart from a lengthy blackout of one of the figures)

The shooting in long, continuous shots, in which the lens is attached to the two soldiers, required an immense logistical effort.
Huge sets were specially built so that the camera could traverse them in long scenes without interruption.

From a purely technical point of view, this is without question a breathtaking masterpiece.

But that's exactly where the dog is buried.
Because you have to like these long tracking shots.
There are many "loooong" scenes with little text or music that seem like eternity, but on the other hand also build up a certain arc of tension.

Apart from the rather thin and logic-free story (why not take a pilot who delivers the message, would you go faster than two foot soldiers who trailed through the battlefield all day?), You should definitely watch the film. (Best if it is technically feasible in UHD)

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Pretty much an all star cast of the UK:s finest. Great movie. I know I only gave it an 8, but even though it was great, it was just missing something. Not the action, not the acting, not the script. But Just can't put my finger on it. It just doesn't get all the way to 9 for me. Maybe how fast it goes, or seems to. Not sure. But it's still well worth the watch.

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LCpl Blake: Bloody hell! Even their rats are bigger than ours.

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Watching this movie is like watching a game of Call of Duty

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Impressive movie with a gripping story and amazing cinematography. Definitely never got boring.

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Cinematography 10/10, absolutely wonderful. The story is also good.

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Quite the massive undertaking and quite the adventure it was. Although incredibly predictable at times, it was still beautiful to watch and unfold.

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2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
1 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

8 / 10

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There's one thing you're gonna see in every comment!

It's a directors movie!

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That was intense. I didn't really know about the whole oneshot thing so I just noticed it after about 20 or so minutes into the movie. But not only this technical feat impressed me. The acting was on point and delivered the otherwise not really great story very in a way that put me on the edge of my seat for the whole two hours. Excellent movie, watch it in cinemas if you can!

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The one-shot thing really worked on the story telling of this film. I’ve seen how they made it and it was really technical, and well thought of...but after seeing that last scene left me cold like...”that’s it?!” It’s impressive alright but i feel like there had to be something more to this.
I hope Sam Mendes wins best Director. That's really something very hard to beat

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What an adventure. If typical movies are buses, and scenes within are different bus stops, 1917 is a supersonic fighter jet taking you around the world, all in (seemingly) one tank of fuel. The movie can be a bit too slow at first, but as the final act draws near it will start to pickup pace. once you get to the scene in the ruins you will know that its the right call to go Imax.

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I gave this movie an 8/10 partly because I saw it in a small theater and the look was not right. If you see this, go to an IMAX. It is an assault on the eyes how beauty and ugliness find themselves together on the screen. The "one-camera long shot" gives you the feeling of being a part of the story. Your eyes become invested in it. And before you know it, you care about the soldiers and their well being. It's a simple story that is elevated by the actors - a lot of them major actors in bit roles - and the cinematography.

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Once, the Lannisters and a Starks were more like brothers to each other.

This film is just great, it’s an amazing technical achievement. Let’s also not forget that the script elevates the experience by genuinly making you care about the main characters, something which Dunkirk completely failed at, for example. On the other hand, there are a few too many moments in the beginning where not much of interest is happening, and you’re just wandering along with these soldiers. You can’t complain about that for too long when it’s still a feast to look at, but I genuinly felt the movie picked up a lot more steam in the second half.


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Fantastic cinematography. The continuous take with the camera moves was well done. But the climax left a lot to be desired. Just thought there would be a better finish.

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1917 is a really nice gift in the most incredible fucking wrapping paper ever developed.

The story is simple, the actors are all on point and the entertainment value is high, but the real reason to see 1917 is cinematographer Roger Deakins. He's already won the Oscar for Blade Runner 2049 and the visuals in 1917 are so breathtaking here that if he doesn't win it again we need to start another war. 1917 is a feast for the eyes and needs to be seen on IMAX if at all possible.

I know a lot of people are comparing this to Birdman, but if you liked this film, watch Utøya July 22 (the story of the 2011 shooter on an island in Norway who killed 69 people with an average age of 20 y.o.). Utøya was also filmed with a single camera and edited to look like one cut (its also filmed in real time and has more action than you're ready for).

(1917 also reminded me of Apocalypse Now, with the journey through the war aspect, and the killer cinematography. Watch that one again if you haven't recently!)

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The one-shot continuous technique in this movie was amazing to see. This movie once again demonstrated the complete insanity and horror of not just WWI but any war. The story itself was not bad. overall a very watchable movie.

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A really good movie with beautiful cinematography. It was ugly and dirty yet attractive at the same time. A great achievement. I am not a fan of war movies but this is a movie I enjoyed although it lacked in story and that is really my only criticism.

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The cinematography was really amazing, the actors almost everyone who played on a Show was there and epic score.
Other than that we have a guy walking for two hours making some irrational and stupid decisions. All was on his favor, he got shot but he always survived, i mean he had the German guy right behind him in 1 meter but he couldn't shoot straight. Also literally bombs dropping in front of him, all people around dead, he is still standing.

It is a nice war film but a bit rushed in order to make him a hero.

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Liked it but contrary to what others say, I felt like the long one shot is distracting rather than immersive. Constantly reminds you you are watching a technical feat rather than letting you enter into the story

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1917 is a flawed but visually intense movie with great performances and score.

Director Sam Mendes can be hit or miss for some people, but he is a fantastic filmmaker.

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Quite unfortunate. A brutal time and despicable war. The long takes and impressive visuals made this movie quite special.

I prefer fully fictional stories though. They feel much less brutal/horrifying (since it didn't actually happen) and more appropriate to "enjoy".

Speaking of the story: I didn't really like it. Many things didn't make much sense to me and felt unlikely, plain wrong, or just stupid. Overall it was ok/good but just due to the suspense/action.

The soundtrack and audio effects were good as well.

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Shout by Aitor

Let's start with something that all or almost all of us will agree on. "1917" if it is not the best visual experience of 2019, it has been very close to it, because technically it offers a very detailed vision of how it must have been lived during the battle of Passchendaele, although, of course, it would have to be analyzed to what extent it is truthful.
However, there are certain aspects that do not convince me. For example, the lack of continuity in the story makes the sequences look like independent plots, isolated events (although they have a connection) that juxtaposed together make up the footage. On the other hand, the story lacks a climax, and for this very reason, there is no memorable scene that differentiates it from other war films (not to mention that this film is more of a road movie than a war film). The most striking, to say the least, is when William Schofield arrives at the trench of the 2nd Battalion of the Devonshire Regiment, due to the photographic similarity it has with Stanley Kubrick's "Paths of Glory".

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A tale of selflessness and heroism during one of the most horrific and senseless conflicts in the history of man. If you've ever played any first-person shooters, you will notice the similarities with this film as the characters walk into danger. The one-take method was something that I was always conscious of while watching.

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Do I think this movie is the greatest ever? No
Do I think it sucks? No
I think it's a better than average war film that sometimes suffers from the "one-take" thing they were trying to do

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An incredible technical achievement-that's all. The story has already been told a lot of times, nothing interesting there. So for pure visual experience a 7/10.

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It's not a war movie, It's about strength of our own will in hard times.

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This film is overwhelming. I have nothing further to add, other than the compelling need for eternal remembrance to those who sacrificed their lives in any way, we can not fathom. We, citizens of any country, today, should feel ourselves lucky and blessed to exist. This tells a poignant story that touches you. It does so by being human, and not with blood and flying body parts. I was touched to tears in the end.
NB: Do not give it a second thought; watch it; even if this genre is not your cup of tea. After all, it is much more than a feature film. It's a massive dedication to unselfishness. This was an intense and expertly crafted film, very much worth your time, not just for the effects but for the impressive sound/score/directing. -Again, do yourself a favour and watch it.

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Saving Private Ryan, only set 1 world war earlier.

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The good thing that is said about her is true, that it is in sequence sequence impresses more, the scenarios impress

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Not that I put everything into oscar wins as they don't often tell you about the movie but in this case I agree. A picture-perfect film with incredible sound and score. The script however could fit on a sheet of paper.
By no means a bad movie but obviously not for me. Shame, I really had very high expectations, didn't even watch a trailer so to not spoil anything. I never immersed into the movie and therefore was out about halfway through.

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Passible war flick. At moments lost immersion as the artifice shouted out like a herd of elephants troubled by a pride of lions. Some of the decisions of the protagonists looked very foolhardy traversing the landscapes, I'm surprised the ending wasn't even more tragic. They also looked quite well fed, and didn't look nearly as haunted as I would have expected watching the docs about it. Even the modern All Quiet was better. From the scoring I'm guessing there are a lot of fanboys out there.

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I should say up front that I watched this on a "small" screen (40") but after the way it had been built up by some critics i was really disappointed. The plot has no surprises whatever - in fact it was a collection of World War 1 clichés, the characters were uninteresting, and as for the scenery itself which was meant to be I think what grabs the attention was far too obviously a series of stage sets. In addition there were at least two totally implausible moments which took me all the way out of the film.

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Shout by Chris

“I hoped today would be a good day. Hope is a dangerous thing.”
- Colonel MacKenzie

George Mackay is incredible and it is a beautifully shot film. It just felt like every other war story. I really wanted to like this and had been looking forward to seeing it. Just a big miss for me.

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The story is incredibly predictable and kind of boring so I don't see it winning the Oscar for best picture. Instead it should get two Oscars for best cinematography cause wow, just wow. It's a pure pleasure to watch and could as well been a silent movie as far as I care.

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Almost the revenant plus a generic WW1 premise and the same old war rescue plot. Nothing new.

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