[JFF '23] A story of romantic relationships in a summer in the city of Hakodate that gives off the carefree air of encounters that seem destined to end. The director is not concerned about the conflicts that may arise in this trio that is not completely romantic. And this absence of drama also permeates the tone of the film, sometimes making it too inconsequential, unconcerned in itself with its own characters, about whom it does not provide much information. There is a dreamlike atmosphere in the color palette used, but it doesn't lack development in the dramatic arc of the characters.

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Shout by dgw

Not sure if the airplane I watched this on (why am I always half-asleep for these?!) had a cropped master, or if the director used cutting off the characters at the edges to make a statement about their lives and relationships to each other.

That cliffhanger ending though.

I kind of cared a little about the characters by the end. Sort of. A bit. I think I'd need to watch it again while fully awake to pick up the character moments I missed, so I'm not going to rate the movie this time. (Though I understand that there's a fair amount of consensus—if two out of two total reviews counts as such—among IMDB users that this movie's characters are just unredeemable.)

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