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Army of the Dead 2021

The tiger was cool

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Was not worth the hype....

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Very obvious. You won't be surprised by anything that happens in this film, but it's enjoyable enough
Some of the characters are so idiotic that they don't make sense, but what else would you expect from this film.
It is what it is, way too long and nonsensical but enjoyable enough while you're watching it. Especially if you switch off your brain.

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Lol this movie made absolutely no sense,

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Not as bad as people are making it to be, just not as good as the rest of the Snyders movies.
Unique zombies, good cinematography and visuals, decent plot!

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I'm kinda liking this BAUTISTA guy much more than the ROCK guy.

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Went in with zero expectations and came out whelmed.  Adequately fine for this genre.

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What if Superman was reborn has a zombie and one guy of the guardian of the galaxy had to stop him? Well this is not that movie but it’s an action packed zombie movie. So many kick ass scenes resemble John wick shooting Russians but nothing compares to the final fight scene that truly make us remember T2 vs T1000. Don’t expect an art piece just some classical characters and a lot flesh eating and mind blowing.

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Not a good movie, by far. Very predictable as the plot really is quite simple and many times makes no sense at all. Very cheesy and the ending is really a downer, quite depressive indeed. However, it has excellent shoot-them-up action sequences and it looks amazing on the screen. Really nice photography, make up and VFX. The moral of the story is - at least for me-, don't you dare to care for any of the characters. None of them. The documentary of the movie is way better than the movie itself.

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Loved the movie. Would've loved it even more if it weren't for those dead pixels ruining the experience. No one in the production saw that? Have to be a quick fix problem for the VFX crew. Blatantly obvious on an OLED display.

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Snyder should have stayed within the dawn of the dead (2004) universe. This movie is a step back in quality and originality.
there is always that guy that suddenly notices that he was bitten...really???

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there's a lot of suspension of disbelief to be had to enjoy this movie, but i definitely did enjoy it. i think for what it is it's pretty good, it's a somewhat generic solid budget zombie film, and i automatically love movies that are set in dystopian wasteland version of vegas because it's like 99% more realistic than the ~sin city~ everyone seems to believe we are. (no we're literally a desert wasteland.) but i will say having had zero idea about the casting issues and tig's cgi placement, i didn't notice anything supremely off or uncanny valley about her. i'd say if you don't know to look for it, it's perfectly convincing cgi, especially when it's surrounded by a bunch of other special effects.

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Like Zombie Peeps (R): no thought went into it, mostly air inside and so saccharine at times you feel sick to your stomach but MY GOD DOES IT LOOK GOOD!

The most fun I've had with a zombie movie since the first Zombieland. Strong recommend.

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Shout by Trill

3/10 if that. The rooftop shot where the king jumps towards and into the helicopter has been so many times, even in zombie flicks. Very unoriginal, the setup for the next one was dumb and what I didn’t get was bautistas character gives the money to his daughter, for the kids back at the camp. Wasn’t the camp just nuked with all Las Vegas?

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Army of the Dead Pixel. I wasn't expecting anything deep and it delivered. Solid action and silly plot. Good stuff.

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Whimsical at it's best. realistic ending :satisfied:

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Zach Snyder sure has a knack for make boring movies … too long, stupid subplots, sooo fucking slow paced.

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So many goddamn plot holes but what the hell, some zombie killing is better than no zombie killing.

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I gave it 6/10. I actually thought i will enjoy it, but i didn't. Must they all die...? Just a normal movie where some guys are sent on a wild goose chase.

the only thing I find interesting is the Cranberries -Zombie song towards the ending.

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purnell should be dead in this movie... annoying as fuk..the music not suitable at all..stupid ending..i guess this is why they aren't in cinema

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i gave 4.

its this bad.

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This is one of the coolest zombie movies I've ever watched I mean it has a freaking zombie tiger.

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Who knew a zombie heist movie could be so entertaining.

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How do you spend money in a 2h30 movie that bad? Its Netflix.
We have money, we have skills, we have story and then:
Bad education, when your father say no, its no or a slap.
Endless ammo guns, but it end when needed.
Guys with guns that shoot everything except to save friends.
Netflix ideology, a lot of content with no content.
Glad i dont pay it.

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A great Friday night popcorn flick. Sure there are some things I would have liked fixed up, but did I have a good time? Absolutely!

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very good..lotta action, blood, guts...story egg..listen to it with some Xtra bass headphones for a rockin time

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I was entertained. However:

  1. What on earth was Synder trying to do with the “prior team may actually be us, in a time loop” nonsense? Crazy idea that wound up going nowhere despite the big lampshade he hung on it.

  2. The whole zombie pregnancy thing was an interesting idea that got insufficiently explored.

  3. The opening credits scene was stylish and fun and set a great tone but unfortunately the movie proper never rose to meet it - it was pretty standard zombie fare.

  4. There was a UFO in the beginning (or at least some sort of fast moving light in the sky) that was never explained. Also never explained: a robot zombie - sparks flew from his head when he was shot on the casino floor. It was a quick moment but unambiguously a robot. What was up with that?

  5. “They reanimate when it rains” was a big unfired Chekhov’s Gun. About the same size as Chekhov’s Chainsaw - if a character has a big rotary saw as a weapon, shouldn’t it be used to kill at least one zombie at some point?

  6. Sean Spicer does not deserve to be rehabilitated via cameo.

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wish they filmed in vibrant color not black and white filter like all these new movies like bait was filmed. colorful. very beginning great and end was great, zombies scary as shit. I wouldn't go for any money. they could of picked better cast. hopefully there's another movie. alot of talking in this one. need more zombies throughout but when they had them they were scary

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I guess it wouldn't be a snyder film if there wasn't an unnecessary slow mo montage every 10-15 minutes.

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Well shame on me for being excited with the trailer in the first place. It is a Snyder movie after all. The premise is good, but the rest is trash.

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Nice camerawork, nice cast, trash story.
Tries to be something bigger than b-movie with big budget and fails miserably.

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That plot was simple, sometimes didn’t make any sense, had a hint of cheesy but mostly I enjoyed it especially the action and the cast were average also had predicable ending.

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Solid zombie movie. Snyder’s best since film since Watchmen, and most fun since Dawn of the Dead. Probably most fun for a while as he’s tackling his libertarian fanboys favorite book next… which should be the next of their internet freak outs.

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The acting is sometimes meh, but it has plenty of good action, gore and effects. It was worth the ride into Viva Las Vegas.

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Not quite the balls to the walls action zombie flick that I was expecting, although some of the scenes do get the adrenaline pumping. There are more talky scenes than I would have liked, sometimes dragging the pacing to a crawl. But it is quite imaginative even if it never manages to beat some of the best zombie movies in the genre. A sequel would not be unwelcome but if there is one, I hope Snyder lets rip with something crazier and less sentimental than this entry.

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All of the characters had their head so far up their behind that I was more afraid they'd die of asphyxiation rather than killed by a zombie.

Overall a great zombie popcorn movie that could have been a half hour shorter. You'll wonder why all the characters are making such stupid decisions, laugh when they actually go through with them, facepalm for some death, giggle at some of the more gruesome scenes and scratch your head at unnecessary long story points that lead nowhere.

I'd recommend this if you want to have some fun with friends around a pizza and some alcoholic beverages.


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I don't know...gues I was more excited to see some familiar faces in the cast than I was with the movie itself. Halfway through it and I already knew the end, so that was a con for me. Maybe I just felt like the whole movie was pointless with that ending and it really made me question if spending 2 hours just because there was a zombie tiger and a heist was really a good idea.

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Very classic "zombie flick" that at least doesn't suffer from a low budget.

They have a bit of a The Revenant scene involving the Zombie Tiger which was pretty well done. The rest is just all very meh. Definitely should not have been 2 and a half hours long. Ridiculous.

Would not recommend, unless you have a thing for zombie movies AND quite a lot of time to spare.

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Full of boring characters and a boring cliche plot-holey story (also some scenes dragged a bit) but the zombie action scenes look cool as fuck. And at the end of the day that's why you're watching this movie. To see Zombies get fucked up. And you definitely get that in this movie.

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Army of the Dead

Watched it....

But doubt I will be watching it again soon...

Good effects...

Gore galore...

Bit over long...

More of a Popcorn movie.. Sit down and leave your brain elsewhere...

Still I enjoyed it....

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It's not that great..i had high hopes so i was lifted a little disappointed at the end..easily forgettable, full of zombie cliche with no surprises or twists in the plot to make it different from the other movies coupled with some bad acting i couldn't get into it.

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Well... at least the visuals were ok.

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Streamed via Netflix

Zack Snyder's best film since Dawn of the Dead. Not as good as I was hoping but it still offers tons of fun. I just don't understand the super lengthy runtime, with a plot THAT simple. It's predictable, there's no surprise or anything. I don't like unnecessary slow motions in this film especially during emotional scenes, like forcing me to feel sympathetic, it felt so cheap. But there's also a lot of cool stuff to like. I think the action parts are decent, the characters could have more depth but they're all likeable, the practical effects and make-up are fantastic.

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Zack Snyder trades in some of his slomo with the discovery of depth of field. Snyder returns to zombies in with diminishing results, teasing with the idea of smarter, more unified zombies that really goes nowhere, he also can’t help yet another zombie baby.

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overall like this movie a lot better than I thought it was

is it perfect no is it a masterpiece no

this is pretty much a typical soldiers of Fortune
heist heist movie with a zombie apocalypse thrown in for good measure The wheeled building is pretty interesting there are some very interesting rules to this world zombies in the movie really does some cool new stuff with the idea Also setting the movie in Las Vegas allows for some fun shenanigans in regard to the zombies and just some good physical humor as well

You have a fun little cast of characters nothing too amazing on the acting front there are some stupid decisions sure but what zombie movie is there with all the characters make perfect decisions ?

overall it's a pretty fun action movie a little bit long there's definitely a lot of fat could be trimmed

some silly things that just don't make sense logically or physically here's looking at you perfectly balanced handgun sitting on the edge of a helicopter that's moving that just really annoyed me lol

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