E for Effort. This was a total BOMB :put_litter_in_its_place:

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Been waiting over a decade for this movie…

Obviously the biggest movie of 2022!

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Can't wait . 1St was great . So this should be epic

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The loooooooong awaited sequel to one of the highest grossing movies of all time. Expectations are certainly sky high, and with anything popular, the naysayers will tell you Avatar isn't even that good to begin with and this movie is bad (see the Gamespot 5/10 review for this sequel). I personally thought this movie was everything good from the original, but ramped up.

The first, a pretty basic Pocahontas plot, pretty/amazing visuals, but lackluster human plot lines.

This sequel, a more elevated family focused plot, greatest visual spectacle I have ever seen (I did see it in 3D), and its ONLY blue people on screen from basically start to finish.

Is it without faults? No, which knocks it down one notch for me. But I love movies and this is the most ambitious movie ever.

I will see this movie again in theaters. And absolutely ecstatic for the sequels to come.

Rating: 5/5 - 9.5/10 - Highly Recommend

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-11-19T22:35:35Z— updated 2022-12-16T22:50:00Z

Despite being a very long movie Avatar: The Way of the Water at times is a superior sequel. That is more beautiful to look at “especially in IMAX 3D.” With some better action and adventure.
The movie might even manage to make the Avatar haters fans. Even if James Cameron doesn’t have something so good on his hands. That he can drag it out to seven movies.

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This is why I love movies. It has everything I want in one big epic. A truly incredible experience.

I got to see this in Imax 3D 24 frames per second and I think that is the ideal way to see it. Way less distracting then the high frame rate switching.

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Great movie, especially in 3D. Don't view the HFR version, it's not worth it.

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boring!!! stopped watching after an hour. also is this is the year of water? black panther had water people too.

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James cameron single handedly saving the theatrical movie watching experience and cinema houses from going out of business. Dint think it would be this good, expectations were met and exceeded above and beyond. Truly a spectacle.

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Shout by PrisonMike
BlockedParent2022-07-08T16:40:08Z— updated 2022-12-30T02:24:05Z

The first one sucked. Why they are adding two more is beyond me. Hollywood just plain sucks these days. I literally have no want or desire to watch this.

One can only hope this bombs so bad that they cancel the third one.

Has Sam Worthington even been in another movie since this??? There’s a reason for that. Terrible actor.

James Cameron should stick to terminator and alien movies like he is good at. Avatar franchise is trash.

Just saw this.... I have no idea why. There was so much fluff. They could have condensed the movie to an hour and half and had the key points landed. After the 2nd hour, i found myself continually looking at my watch. Was basically the first one but now the bad guys aren't human... just dumb. Sam Worthington's voice was even creepier in this one than the first. Great idea for a lead James Cameron... no one has ever said that. Make another Aliens movie, F this crap.

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The movie stays true to the "Avatar Brand". High quality CGI, awesome world building and some epic scenes. Did it have to be this long though? The movie doesn't have much of a plot or character building.

It's a good movie to have in your collection in 4K HDR to impress people with your home theatre setup and/or to play as background noise while you work. This is literally what I'm doing right now, since I lost interest after the first hour while watching this for the very first time today.

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The most obnoxious character in this movie, is the kid who wants to be an avatar. His non stop hissing was very irritating.

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In case you missed my previous comment..... this movie sucks!

Sam Worthington is his usual creepy voiced self who acts like his balls haven't dropped.

I warned you twice now, if you watch it, it's no longer on me!

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Overstimulating 3d , no story , tiring to watch

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Such an amazing movie! Bravo!

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If you're watching this to watch a movie, you're watching it for the wrong reasons. I saw this in Dolby Cinema and it was breathtaking. The story is very tropey, but I'm okay with tropes if I'm watching for the spectacle. Probably the only time I've seen 3D used well. If it ever comes out in Dolby Cinema again, watch it, I promise it's worth it.

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What a long ass movie! good storyline. Now the question you all been waiting for. Is it a MUST WATCH? If you are into creative art and technology this is a good movie. Sad it was just too long.

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Watched it twice, once in a cinema where the 3d projector didn't work and I still thought it was beautiful. Watched it again in actual 3D and it was AMAZING. Moving storyline, more so than I thought it would be and it just stays with you.

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I can't express in words how grand it was!!It didn't leave a scope to make me disappointed.James Cameron came with a lot bigger plot this time.The families built, emotions acquired and made this a wholesome show.In a word,from visual treat to spiritual uplifting,all came on the single screen.

And about the half stars,the action seemed a bit dull compared to the previous one.Maybe next time,it will not matter...

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cannot watch in my country. what's this app good for??

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Very good continuation of the worldwide phenomenon of 2009. The story is good and interesting enough even though not that different from the first one. Still with a runtime of over three hours, the movie was never boring. Visually the movie wows on every level and I don‘t think I have ever seen a better 3D presentation on the big screen. Looking forward to watching this again at home even if it‘ll be only in 2D then.

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Lol yeah it is not out....

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Hope my great-grandkids will see this movie.

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If I ever traveled to Avatar world, I would invent arrow proof cockpit glass for the helicopters and become rich.

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3 hour movie that felt like a 5 hour movie and could easily be edited down to 1 hour without losing any plot points.

Took a lot of looking around to find a screening that had comfy seats that wasn't in 3D.

Visuals go from being stupidly realistic (ie, amazing) to looking like clear animation and back again throughout the movie.

I had someone comment to me "visually stunning. But. Has James Cameron even met an indigenous person?? And all those plot holes. California wellness and cultural appropriation all over the place." and I can't fault that.

And towards the end when the fire comes around ON TOP of the water, 5 whole people suddenly forget the whole 2.5 hour sequence where they learnt to free-dive and hold their breath? They can't swim under the flames? Have to swim away and towards the sinking boat? I understand the characters need to be ushered in to the sinking boat for the next sequence but surely there was a better way. That's like scientists taking their helmets off the moment there's anything remotely resembling breathable air on a completely alien planet then sticking their heads inside giant eggs.

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The visuals and the message -anticolonialism, protection of nature, sovereignty of indigenous people- are great, but the plot is just bad: poor, repetitive, with many clichés, very predictable... Much worst than the first, I couldn't connect. But it's arguably worth it to see it in 3D just for the visuals.

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Sure, it's beautiful. That's said. But what else ? Not much.

The story itself is a 95% copy of the first one, and can't say it was original either at the time.

There's a whole universe there, but that was what came from the first one. There's basically nothing new here, except what they once did in the forest they now do in the water. It basically brings nothing new. Even the bad guys, that were dead, are the same.

Instead of soldiers we mostly follow the adventures of the kids, which adds a lot of annoying stupidity to what happens.

The only "new" thing the movie brings might be what's happening with Kiri, but it's obviously been kept for future releases and barely scratched here.

Is it at least entertaining ? Meh. It could have been, but EVERYTHING is too long. You could cut 5 to 10 minutes of absolutely every single sequence. All of them, be they exposition, adventure, contemplation or even action scenes. Everything is too long.

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I really don't mind the look of cg, I think it has its own charm. As does traditional animation and stop motion. Just don't tell me this looks realistic. Just call it what it is. An animated movie. It took 3 hours to tell us nothing.

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Not all the CGI and IMAX bonanza in the world can save a lackluster and uninspiring plot

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This is what we call a prestige picture. Sure, it's very pretty to look at, there's no denying that, it is indeed visual magnificence, but that's about it, nothing more. Nothing can justify the insane and unnecessary length, the story is generic when we aren't gazing at endless CG landscapes and cut-aways, the characters (in both films) are not well developed, the protagonist is an acquired taste, and I'm not even going to address the "white man's burden" and cultural appropriation of it all.

In any case, now I can finally say I saw both movies and I never have to see them again, nor wonder what the hype was about.

5/10 (for the aesthetics)

...but of course JC can do no wrong, amen.
* extra heavy on the sarcasm *

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Predictable and shallow storyline. This Avatar v2 had none of the excitement of newness that Avatar had, of course, so one would expect/want there to be something beyond just "more of the same". Unfortunately that's all we got, and story-wise it was just ho hum... Why spoil a great movie with a lame v2? Most of v2 is just a load of battles to showcase the superb special effects. It gets an extra star for that. As far as the story goes, really boring.

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pretty visuals but honestly pretty bad, there was so much potential and it just became a revenge movie

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Great movie. 9/10. good move to allow ratings for non existent movies.

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I prefer bad looking movies with a good story over good looking movies with a bad story.

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Technically superior, but the story is a reconstruction of the first movie....only with more water. Unfortunately, the story in the first movie was already weak. I'm already afraid of the other movies.

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Stunningly beautiful - it's evident that we waited those 13 years due to James Cameron spending every single one of those years developing water effects. I genuinely had to keep reminding myself that what I was watching wasn't real. As someone who works with 3D graphics & visual FX this absolutely blew me away in that regard.

The world-building of Pandora continues to be the main draw-in. However, the story misses the mark a fair bit, with some sloppy writing detracting from the finesse of the carefully crafted environments. Considering its length, it's reasonably well-paced but definitely should have been slimmed down by at least half an hour. It probably wouldn't feel like such a slog if it was easy to relate to any of the characters. I just couldn't get into caring about literally anyone except for Sigourney Weaver playing her own alien hybrid daughter that's somehow a fairy princess.

Is it good? Yeah, I guess.

Was it worth waiting 13 years for? Not really.

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The non existing plot, awful pacing was already mentioned. Tbh, it doesn't then LOOK that good. I felt like watching a game, which is boring if you're not the one playing it.

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This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The plot and dialogue was worse than most high school plays.

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Pretty good movie, way better than I was expecting considering it was in development hell for a decade. Visuals are of course outstanding, this one is worth going to IMAX for

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Wow. I was dragged to see this movie but I have to say, it's the best cinema experience I've had since Lord of the rings movies were dropping. It was epic in scale and ambition. Far superior to the first movie... I'm still in awe about what I just watched...

I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but it had so many scenes that would steal a movie normally, but this movie just dropped them on you like they were nothing.

The story was a 6/10 but it did get very emotional and not for everyone if you get emotional about animals... But the story isn't everything here. The visuals surpass anything before it not just by a little, but my a light year.
I had such little hopes for this but oh boy I was wrong!

Watch it, I watched it in 3D and was very happy. No complaints and I think it added to the movie by a long way.

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Avatar, The Way of Water is a visual and technical masterpiece with some great action sequences; unfortunately, it is also lazily written and an all-too-familiar movie. Cameron had a unique position to make a deserving sequel, but unfortunately chose to create a safe and lazily written remake with an undeservedly prolonged runtime.

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If you are going to watch Avatar: The Way of Water, then I highly recommend seeing it in IMAX 3D. It is an immersive experience that the runtime ended up not bothering me at all. Setting us away from the forest to the islands and oceans of Pandora, this movie gives a broader perspective of this world to really dive into. The storyline, on the other hand, felt repetitive from the first film. Not saying there isn't any moments to laugh, cry, and cheer for. Just don't expect anything too original. Go for the state-of-the-art CGI and VFX, not so much for the story.

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Great movie and must be seen in 3d!

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Finally decided to sit down for this one. Watched on an OLED which Dolby vision which makes a big difference for this type of movie. Great sound design and spectacular visuals with a pretty breakneck pace for the final hour. This helps keep focus on a story that otherwise is pretty by the numbers. I cared for the animals more than the rest. A very impressive technical masterpiece, the story just doesn't keep pace, but still an emotional and rewarding story. 7.9.

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Certainly one of the most beautiful and immersive films I have watched. Both the visuals, soundtrack, and well-thought out characters, and world building draws you into this unfamiliar yet mesmerizing world. Definitely worth the watch!

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Longest intro ever - maybe the film would fit into 1 hour ;)

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The idea that someone would hold that kind of grudge for that long really seems contrived. I get that you want the mineral or whatever it was. I get that people will die in the pursuit of commerce but really the rest of it just wasn’t needed.

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This was fine, but I enjoyed the first film way more. Yes, it's visually stunning, but that's not enough to make a fantastic film. There is almost nothing new here in terms of plot - in fact, the plot is almost the exact same as the first film. Even the bad guy is just the bad guy from the first film resurrected.

It's not a bad film by any means, but it is largely forgettable. Despite the visuals, I was not as taken in by this film as I was by the original.

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The movie has some great looking scenes, but for a huge movie I am disappointed to see not much more then tall people in a standard US war action movie. The depth of the world is a bit lacking.

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Great movie and storyline. Half point loss because I couldn't stand all of the scenes where the sea creatures were getting hurt and also it's so fucking long.

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Visuals and world building? Absolutely stunning. Actual plot? Mostly uninspiring and forgettable for me. Certainly not a bad movie overall, but I don't feel like I'm ever going to be excited at the idea of watching it again, especially given its length.

I know it's a common criticism of the first movie to point out that it's basically a retelling of other movies, but I never really had an issue with that. A lot of things are retellings of similar story beats, but as long as there's compelling new characters and/or worlds involved, it's all good. For this movie, as a sequel set in the same world as the first... eh. At the very least, give me a new antagonist (yeah, I get it, big bad killer Earthlings with their fire and mechs are super bad, but can we do something else now?).

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A simplistic plot with no character development and a mediocre visual experience due to a poor balance in render quality. It's not something that can be considered a movie if you are looking for story telling, and neither it is if you are looking for some cinematographic experience. The overall feeling is the one from a 90s era blockbuster produced by Disney and scenarized by Schwarzenegger, featuring no humor and giant smurfs moving to their green cousin to inflict on the viewer the same indoor firework effect that failed to move anyone in the first installment of the franchise. If I were mean, I would add something about the toxic masculinity, the reverse anti-colonialism and the overall human zoo feeling that I sensed in that thing called a masterpiece by some weirdos. Since Cameron reads approval in numbers and not in words, it would be wise for us to no longer go to the movie when his name is mentioned around it.

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No story, poor screenplay and some major mistakes. The experience was unexpected after such a great prequel. I only enjoyed the stunning visuals, and that's all.

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I want these three hours of my life back.

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Almost unwatchable. No character, no story and dull.
Go and play a game on the PlayStation of XBox instead.

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Does anyone know why they didn't just resurrect Tom into the avatar body the same way they resurrected Miles.

Also very funny how they can swim for minutes underwater but not if there's fire on the surface.

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Just because they swim it doesn't make it a new movie. This is a remake of the first movie. The same story but cut into parts. What happens in this movie? It's not even complete, it is not resolved. Now they have to go back to jungle and fight again like in the first movie?

At first I thought how Cameron could have already found 5 stories? Now I suppose he has cut the first movie into 4 and remaking them as Avatar 2-5.

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Shout by Maharaja
BlockedParent2023-04-03T16:51:43Z— updated 2023-04-18T08:56:26Z

Made for the big screen. I watched it on a 16" ipad and missed out on getting mesmerized by the visual effects. Plot was thin and dialogues' intensity couldn't match the beautiful frames. Overall, other than being a visual delight, the movie felt flat. Obviously watching it on the big screen/theaters will be a much cooler and whole lot different experience. Cinema goers will appreciate it truly. (streaming fans, not so much)

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BORING! Not worthy of your time and certainly not worthy of my time. Thank God there will not be an Avatar 3 as we will all still be asleep from this diatribe

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The epitome of a overly long boring film

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An old enemy returns to keep alive a story about family that made the 1:1 jump from air to water.

Visually stunning and atmospherically thrilling.

Nevertheless: a money-printing machine that seems artificial.

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Here’s my “Quick and Dirty Review” of “Avatar: The Way of Water” Back and better than ever, Avatar 2 is a beautiful and worthy follow up to the first film. The story is engaging, and they figured out a clever way to bring back some of the more interesting characters from the first film. As always, the sweeping vistas and breathtaking images pull you back into the world of Avatar. 8 out of 10.

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How American do you want the military to be? Yes.

A graphically stunning movie with a very basic scenario. The kind of movie you want to experience at the cinema.

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Spectacular, much better story than the original. First half was a bit meh with a lot of overlap with Avatar 1 but second half was awesome. Whilst IMAX 3D is recommended experience, still stunning in 2D

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Thanks for to James Cameron to made me have a good sleep. What a poor disaster.

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The script seems more a script for a computer game more than for a theatrical movie. Even the cinematography made the same impression, and I did not find it the masterpiece so many were claiming, it was like watching the cutscenes of a game on Twitch. The first two hours were bloated with useless content and visuals, as well as flat characters and dialogues. The third was packed with action, but, as often done by Cameron, dragged for too long with the enemy resuscitating multiple times. Honestly, I doubt this is the "future" of cinema, it seems more the current state-of-the-art in gaming.

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Great visuals. So many unnecessary scenes. The running time could’ve been an hour shorter and the story wouldn’t have been impacted at all.

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Simple equation: Good visuals, mediocre story and far too long running time results in: 5/10

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I was deceived, there was going to be a water tribe but nobody is a water bender in this movie

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Simple script and other choices made this feel very cartoonish....

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Saw it in 3-D on Christmas Eve with the whole family. To be treated to another masterpiece of stunning beauty and technical wizardry, I'll gladly put up with the standard politically correct storyline. Three hours of the most entertaining movie magic that had me nearly convinced we visited another planet... again!

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Anyone notice the 2 levels of detail and frame rates the movie kept switching between. And it seemed the majority of the movie was comprised of up close shots.

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I Had High Expectations After 13 Years From The Original 2009 Avatar - A Simple Story Told In Beautiful Way And Amazing World Building Making Avatar The Way Of The Water An Amazing Visual & Emotional Journey - Having Watched The Way Of The Water I Am Looking Forward To Watching The Third Installment

I Do Want To Watch Again To See All The Details I Missed - Even Though At Times The Pace A Bit Slow I Loved The Action In It

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Easily the best film of the year. I didn’t get to see the first one in theater so I was making sure to recompensate by seeing the sequel on opening weekend (in IMAX 3D) and I gotta say it was SO worth it. The theatrical experience which you can’t easily get from the comfort of your home theater that we’re so craving makes this movie even more special.

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Just Watched this today and can i say its nice to go back to theaters for a big movie.
The Movie was good I really enjoyed it. Some plot holes but still well written. Hope it doesn't take nearly as long for the next ones.

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Way of the water is stunning, like a young Burt Reynolds.

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The essence of the movie lies in how big set up you watch it in. Larger the TV and Speaker, Better The Experience.

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The essence of the movie lies in how big set up you watch it in. Larger the TV and Speaker, Better The Experience.

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Great film. I have watched it in 3D and it was fantastic!

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The trama was pretty boring and not well curated like the first one. Great effects.

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I wish this was a Subnautica adaption instead.

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Avatar x2. Bigger, better, bolder. This movie never fails to make me cry. The depth of emotion goes deeper than the ocean. The number of different world problems shown but not told is what made me fall in love with this masterpiece, that and the character and world building, as well as the cgi and vfx, of course. If you thought number one was good then get prepared for number 2, and then 3 because I'm sure all of Jim's money and time and effort is going into these movies, and as you can tell, the man is a legend.

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Jake sully : Neteyam don't let your brother do dumb shit
Neteyam : yes dad
Lo'ak : proceeds to do dumb shit
Neteyam : Surprised _pikachuface.jpg

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As expected of any Avatar movie, the graphics and scenery were gorgeous. They spent a lot of time showing the underground world, and while it was gorgeous it does drag on at times. The only thing that I didn't like, was that it essentially the same plot as the first movie. Despite winning in the last movie, the humans are back and the family essentially just takes their fight from the forests to the water. I still enjoyed the movie. The addition of the children makes for a bit of a plot change, and the action was good. I just hope this doesn't end up being a movie series with the same plot in each movie, just carried out in different landscapes to capitalize on the ability to spend most of the movie showing amazing landscapes.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - James Cameron once again proved his films are spectacular masterpieces. Absolutely amazing.

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 7.5

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So, Pandora's once again invaded by humans, including a avatar-ized Quaritch who's hunting for Jake and his family.

Of course, the visuals are stunning... but the movie drags on quite a bit because the story feels recycled and thin, the "everything's connected"-angle very heavy-handed (I'm just saying space whale hunts)... and the family drama predictable. Not sure Avatar needed this sequel (or any that are yet to come).

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Basically a water themed version of the first movie, just dragged out for extra an extra 30 minutes. I think the wow effects of the graphics and CGI had largely been worn out with the first movie so there's actually very little left for this one, the fact that it still has the same paper-thin story line, coupled with the excessive run time (should have been 2 hours make), makes this a watchable but not particularly memorable offering IMHO. There's only so much you can achieve with an endless sea of colour! Just lucky I didn't see it at the cinema.

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How in the holy fuck does Zoë Saldaña not have multiple best actress wins for Neytiri in this film?!

Disney, Feige, Iger, Gunn, and all of the MCU 'creatives' and executives should bow their heads into mud in shame for their pathetic garbage attempts at spectacle films next to any single thirty second clip of this film. Cameron and Co. are making an absolute mockery of every other film utilizing and relying on CGI for its thrills, doubly so for ones that also try to play on your emotions. Disney uses dull, ugly, indirect gray lighting to cover up their low-bid "get it done next week for cheap or you're going bankrupt" CGI contract work, making for ugly, fake, generic, and samey visuals. Avatar, on the other hand, is lush, vibrant, and groundbreaking in every single scene, shot, and frame.

I can't review this, because I just watched three hours of a film that can't be compared to any other film but its preceding entry, and all I want to do now is hunt down whalers and executives from Disney and mining and livestock companies.

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That frame rate got me waiting to pick up the controller and start playing

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What an amazing film! I'd like to echo one of the comments I read on Letterboxd – the story is solid, following a typical linear film structure. However, what truly stands out is the seamless editing, CGI, and the overall craftsmanship of the entire movie. It's a cinematic masterpiece.

This film also showcases how technology is pushing the boundaries of the film industry. Every aspect is visually stunning, blurring the lines between reality and CGI to the point where it's hard to distinguish what's real and what's edited.

Looking ahead, if they decide to create another Avatar film, I hope they can enhance the plot a bit. This one felt somewhat similar to the first movie, with mostly changes in characters and settings.

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视觉效果真棒, watched at 2023-08-02, imported from douban

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The plot is repetitive, very predictable and just bad. Cameron should have stopped to the first one. Also the CGI kinda look outdated sometimes to nowadays standards… not worth 3 hours.

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Beautiful scenes, but a story that’s much more of the same. Then it becomes dull with over 3 hours.

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tbh I genuinely thought it was about Sky people coming back for water because nothing remains of earth but welp this was good too

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loved it:sob::sob::sob:

sully stick together! Also Jake's wive is a bitch, ngl

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Sunday film. Worse than the first one.

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Way better than the original

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The first one was quite good, but this is a very long movie for a plot that is just generic American action man, with blue people.

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The adventures of a traitor to his tribe and his family at a water theme park.

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