Shouts about...

Barbarella 1968

By any normal standards this is not a great film. But it is so kitsch, you can't help but love it.

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once upon a time, when jane fonda had fantastic tits...

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If there ever was a time that this movie should be remade it is now. In this era of reboots a remake of Barbarella would be IT.
Some scandly clad female vixen that kicks ass and takes names, a cameo by Flesh Gordan and some others, Desmond Harrington as Pygar and a bit more substance to the plot. Keep the many outfits, keep the boobs, up the ass and up the violence.

It'll be great.

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Ya, there is no real reason to watch this, but I'll go out on a limb here by saying we, who watched this, know exactly why.

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Worth a watch once, but I think that's about it. Taking in consideration the age of the movie, not bad ;)

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A surprisingly fun level of camp. The gonzo visuals, scenery-chewing performances, and swinging 60s soundtrack are all cognitively dissonant, but you have to admire Vadim’s ambitions and Fonda’s commitment. I enjoyed this more than I expected and would watch it again.

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Barbarella is a fun sci-fi fantasy. While having the production value to not be a crappy B movie, it definitely leans into the campy nature of the genre.
The movie has some storytelling flaws, however, for the most part, it manages to be entertaining the entire runtime.
Onto the titular character herself: Jane Fonda plays her perfectly. She is a future human who is unfamiliar with hostility - and other types of interaction - and has to use her cunning and trickery to get out of dangerous situations. Another notable detail is the numerous costume changes she undergoes, including no costume. Wowzers!
The movie is clearly not to be taken very seriously, although I'd still recommend it to fans of sci-fi and/or fantasy. If you like Flash Gordon (1980) or even Jason and the Argonauts (1963), this would be a safe bet.
Silly, fun, very imaginative, and quintessentially '60s.

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If this was what our parents and grandparents watched - I feel sorry for them. What a crock.

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As a lover of bad movies, this movie is a train wreck unless of course you're 12.

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Campy but fun says it all

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Looking camp right in the eye!

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