Shouts about...

Beckett 2021


Shout by Trill

IDK what people are tripping about, this movie was good. Conspiracy action movie set in Greece. Simple and yeah he says it at the end. He should of died. I think if they made it too realistic it couldn’t be as good of a movie. 8/10

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It is very much like a seventies movie. You could imagine Gene Hackman or Dustin Hoffman in a movie like this. It's quite good and John David Washington is great.

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The movie goes on a little too long, with one perilous situation after another piling up a little too fast. Still, it did manage to hold my interest, largely thanks to Washington who turns in another great performance.

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That was a decent film but did feel like it went on for too long and good performance from John.

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This was so much the opposite of everything you’ll see playing in theaters. It’s a small story with sparse action, lots of natural tension, and only a few convenient moments. The filming style takes you back to suspense thrillers of the 70s and 80s and John David Washington plays a great any-man who is thrust into the middle of a plot he wasn’t meant to be a part of. I wouldn’t say this is a must-see, but it is a great counter-point to the slick, big budget nonsense that most movies today turn out to be.

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Not a bad film actually. Its certainly all been done before but it had enough suspense and action to keep my interest. Not bad for a Netflix film.

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Castle puns aside, this was a great movie. John David Washington, just wow! What I loved most was that this at least had a plausible storyline, and did not go way OTT like the Fast franchise. While fast 9 was trash, this one truly shines. Just wish Alicia Vikander was in a few more scenes.

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Beckett is a good movie that is going to keep you glued to the screen, as an intense movie such as this should. It has very good performances that feel very real and emotional.

Don't be dissuated by the other comments, it's definitely worth a watch.

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I'm really not sure about John David Washington. The man is the silent protagonist of video games but for movies and that's really not a compliment. He is a blank canvas on screen and he never really puts in a performance that convinces you of anything. That worked for Tenet, but here it sticks out like a sore thumb. While the premise is gripping enough, I found Beckett to be all the running of a Bourne/Bond movie, but without the bite of the action set pieces found in those movies. It tries to increase the scope of the narrative with a large international political scandal, but it all just comes off a little contrived and not thought through. That being said, I still found the core premise intriguing enough to see through to the final credits, but I was neither blown away nor underwhelmed by the whole thing. It was just ok.

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This was all Greek to me.

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Not bad as long as you set the bar not too high. The car parking garage scene was beyond stupid, but most of it was acceptable.

I'm wondering if Hamilton is some kind of neanderthal because he never walked or ran upright through the entire movie!! I've never seen anyone move in such an awkward way before.

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Somehow this random ass dude suddenly turned into some kind of invincible Batman in the middle of the movie haha.

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This is a convoluted plot, filled with implausible twists and turns. I wanted it to be better for Alicia Vikander’s sake but it just didn’t work for me. I give this film a 5 (meh) out of 10. [Crime Thriller]

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Good acting by Washington. Terrible background music that just became distracting instead of complimentary to the film. Badly executed 'fight' scenes and the plot and script needed work.... pretty much bad all around and the only saving grace is the casting of Washington.

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This movie focuses exclusively on the fear of the main character, everything else is a minor character. Why those people are out to kill him is less important. And that is done well.

This is a part foreign language film and Netflix does not provide the translation. Sigh.

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Tenet, Beckett! What is next? Emmet?

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Wanted to like this way more than I was able to. What an absurd plot. Still, for parts I was entertained while I suspended my disbelief as hard as possible. 5.1

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The movie lost me when the protestors, upon having their demigod assassinated, then choose to start attacking bathroom tiles on the street with claw hammers. Firstly, why were there bathroom tiles on the street and secondly why is this a response to an assassination and thirdly who brings a claw hammer to a political rally? Also, why were there three cartoon-style bombs (round black balls with a fuse coming out) being thrown? Who brings those to a political rally either? I just can't. And I like thrillers. But this misses the mark too much.

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[Netflix] The attempt to recover the style of the political thrillers of the seventies fails in a monotonous film seems to be reflected by titles like "Z" (Costa-Gavras, 1969). The attempt to produce a "realistic" action is artificial, because it becomes unreal when the script needs it. Luca Guadagnino's disciple is clumsy when he has to solve the film, even ridiculous in the fight scenes shot in slow motion.

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This movie just is not worth watching. You have a wildly disjointed plot, if that's what you call. Action scenes, badly done. 3.5/10.

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Really wanted to like this but …. I laughed from second hand embarrassment.

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where to begin. Just skip this, so full of missteps, for example, half way thru, the arm cast changes color, blue to white, with a broken arm, two gunshot wounds, he jumps from the third story garage, times it just right, lands on the car top, on his belly and saves the day.

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Pretty good but slightly over baked with the narrative. And the scene at the end in the multi-storey car park where he does a Batman… ruined it.

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Not horrendous, but it did put me to sleep a few times.

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Really good loved the story and action

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