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Blue Beetle 2023

Considering this is effectively Gunn's DCEU equivalent of Iron Man.

It's (almost) as good as Iron Man, in my opinion. Yes, there's clichés left, right and centre but it does everything it should do, and it does it with so much heart.

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Straightforward story done well. Enjoyed the latin celebration, especially when it was left untranslated.

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DC didn't screw this one up! It's a good origin story and a very well made Blue Beetle, with the right story line. Fun and heart warming with the right amount of action, and loved George Lopez in the movie. Can't wait for the sequel.

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ridicously terribile.. skip this movie

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Just terrible. Nonesense and only funny during the first 5 min maybe. Didn't have any expectations as I only wanted to enjoy the Soda Stereo song on the BSO but its sadly on in the last scene :(

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Shout by quab775

generic af would love beetle character to be more bubbly not this ... it's too mucyffs

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Bruna Marquezine is uncommonly beautiful. Now that that's out of the way...

I appreciate how it tries to take on some more serious themes, but there's so much stupidity here that I can't wholeheartedly recommend it. Maybe I'm just getting too old for these movies.
- I lost it at "suit rebooting" - what's the use of a suit that doesn't work half the time?
- When villains attack normal people, they pull their punches so as to give them a chance.
- Dialogue was so predictable I mouthed multiple lines along with the characters.
- Whatever arc there is feels completely unearned.

Was Batgirl really worse than this?

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This is just generic as hell. Why do they need to say every minute that they are Mexican?

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Like an 80-year-old redneck on Viagra: slow to get started, predictable climax and too much family involved.

This Spider-Man meets Venom works best when it leans into its Hispanic-ness.

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I went in with low expectations and was pleased with what I saw. Sometimes it's about that, the expectations created.

Bruna!! :blue_heart:

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I really wanted to like Blue Beetle, but I just couldn't vibe with it - even as someone that liked the Flash, Suicide Squad, and thought the most recent Shazam was okay

Xolo plays Jaime well, but the character himself has no real personality outside of being attracted to Jenny. Susan Sarandon as Victoria Kord was atrocious and ruined my immersion whenever she was on screen, babbling about the exact same thing in every scene

The movie was also incredibly predictable and failed to surprise me in any sense. SXF were dope, the suit was perfect, and Jaime's family had some decent scenes - but the rest fell flat

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Incredibly lackluster beginning that failed to give depth to the characters (George Lopez really shined though), got a lot better in the middle and redeemed itself (I'm a sucker for a tight-knit immigrant family), then finished up with a cliché and overdone ending.

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Well blue beetle is a heartwarming family comedy, I mean it would be heartwarming if you could give a crap about the family and comedy if it was funny. Tries to single out the plight of poor latinos again if their plight was any different from anyone else’s. So eventually you get some comic book action and the lead is doing everything to not kill anyone. As blue beetle should, but everyone else just straight up murders the crap out of the bad guys, if you consider paid corporate security as evil. During the family musical murder montage they joke about impaling some poor schmuck. Yes the bad were occasionally threatening an innocent family and there is an evil crazy ole white lady leading them. It’s just the tone for the lead and the rest of the movie is a total mismatch.

I love some movie violence but it doesn’t work with a cringe bad Latino family comedy or a teenage superhero movie. Which is what blue beetle should be.

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Has the full on stink of a mid-2000s generic superhero origin story, Xolo Mariduena does what he can and brings charm to the movie but he can’t save it. The humor is baffling and while there are a few moments, it totally reeks of a made for streaming movie. Gotta give it up for the Cypress Hill needle drop tho.

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Received an invitation to the premiere, and as you guessed, it had very typical superhero tropes. I don't really mind it and kinda dig the light-heartedness. The storyline isn't groundbreaking but the slapstick humor here and there makes it a fun watch. I'm glad I went, it was a great choice to unwind on a midweek evening.

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And YOU get an iron man suit..aaaaand YOU get an iron man suit AND YOUUU get an iron man suit ppphhhfffrrrttt

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