Shouts about...

Bright 2017

I found this incredibly boring. It was a really poorly portrayed storyline that had overly complicated narratives that ultimately made little sense. And, given that the entire film was based in magic, it meant that nothing that happened had any consequences, b/c it could always be undone by magic. Aside from this, I'm so tired of seeing Will Smith play the exact same character over and over and over. He always plays this angry, abusive character, whose humor is based on degrading others. Even in his dramatic roles, he often plays this angry, emotionless version of a human being. I find him unfunny and not particularly well-skilled as an actor.

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Film with interesting premise and potentially interesting world-building, hampered down by sloggish pace, run-of-the-mill dialogue, and less-than-stellar writing. The whole film feels like a jumble of events made possible because the plot wills it, very apparent in every scenes when the people pursuing the duo somehow tracked their location and somehow they escaped for the Xth number of time.

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5/10 is already generous. I discovered the soundtrack on Spotify, watched the trailer, watched it and was disappointed. Stay with the music, nothing original

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A film about race, Joel & Noomi did great work as they usually do.

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It’s just big bunch of confused mess. This movie has chronic condition of never explaining anything. Two minutes ago We were at a street of Los Angeles. Now we are in some kind underground demonic colts headquarter. It’s amazing what I been for. At beginning of the movie. They know elf character that she is one of the chosen ones . She tagged long the main characters like a little toddler. Whole entire movie, she been speak in some weird language. at the end of the movie. She magically somehow speak English. it’s awful. All it’s f*cking awful. Every single one of them sucks.

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Robust setting and greater plot with lots of potential.
But none of that was really used, while absurd dialogues and events made this an oftentimes painful experience.

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Alien Nation meets Cast a Deadly Spell with mediocre (or medi-orge) results.

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Not Will Smith's best movie, but I loved the not-too-subtle bit about prejudice and police corruption. Definitely a movie that is on-the-nose for our times. I could have used some more world building exposition.

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This is a good movie, love it.

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Although nothing special and not as grand as it might've been, 'Bright' is still a film that I had an enjoyable time watching.

I quite like the world it creates, I feel there's a lot to tell about it. I don't, however, rate the special effects for the orcs, elves etc. - not enough emotion added, as well as the effects themselves not looking that great. There's a few instances during the driving parts that particularly look off.

Another thing of this that I don't like is the dialogue, which doesn't match the tone of a lot of the onscreen stuff - except for one amusing scene right at the end, the humour and wit just isn't strong enough; a more funny buddy-cop-esque relationship between Ward and Jakoby is needed.

Those aforementioned characters are played by Will Smith and Joel Edgerton, who both do satisfying jobs though they could've been better; if the script was itself too, I guess. I won't remember the rest of the cast, Lucy Fry (Tikka) perhaps the standout of that bunch.

Some may find this underwhelming, but I had a fair time viewing.

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Good concept and an intriguing fantasy story but suffers in the writing area.

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When is Bright 2 coming out? Anyone heard if there's a Bright 3??

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Lots of potential but the execution just got out of control. The dialogue could have been a lot more crisp but instead it was diluted by letting the characters riff out. The mood was uneven not able to balance wise cracks and action. It had the big budget bang but this could have been so much better with more incisive writing and mor streamlined direction. I give this film a 6 (fair) out of 10. [Fantasy Action]

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the mixture of magic and police action does not work well. Failed attempt

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i was expecting this movie to be this kinda weirdly good. thought just another movie about aliens or whatever! but it was really charming, funny, action packed. it was really good and Nick & Ward they were really good, chemistry and all. very enjoyable!

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Shout by Arda
BlockedParent2018-10-24T09:20:44Z— updated 2018-10-27T20:39:43Z

I just couldn't watch this movie. I dozed off in the 50th minute. The plot makes no sense, the person that is watching the movie has no idea what is going on in the movie. The 5* is just for the acting and the unique characters.

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too bad they wanted to put some kind of racial message in that movie; although what the exact message was is totally beyond me. The only very misplaced message that was the red line throughout the movie, seemed to be that all (white) cops are corrupt and only cops of a different race can be trusted. The whole story was a mess anyway; the sub-story around Tikka and her magic wand was.... uhm... far fetched and not clearly developed.

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Bright is an interesting mix of genres but they left a lot on the table that could have made this so much better. Because, if you take out the fantasy element, at the core it's a rather generic cop/buddy/action movie. Providing more than the superfical background would have given it more depth. And than there is another thing: hypothecically, I can't accept a world where Orcs, Elvs, fairies and magic in general excist, and have excisted for millenia, to look 100 % like the normal world we live in. That made it a tough sell from the get go.
Still, entertaining enough not to be considered a waste of time and maybe a sequel or prequel can add to the whole.

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There're like just 3 movies that I wasn't able to finish. This was one of them.

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I really wanted to like this because Orcs! Elves! The truth is, the racial stuff was super on the nose, yet the plot was pretty average. I still enjoyed it, and I have hopes the sequel will transcend this installment, but as it stands, this was not as great as "End of Watch with orcs" makes it out to be.

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The ideia of the universe where the story goes is awesome, but it was a bad experience of watching, because they made a terrible work with the script and the development of the story, like they were telling us in a hurry.

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The world building was pretty good, but it needs a prequel to explain how we got to where we are

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Hm i agree when people say this would have been better off as a series. It took them so long to introduce the nice world just for it to be over after mediocre story. Its watchable and I enjoyed it but its something for days where you don't feel like you wanna think too much about what you watch. I would love for more Pieces in the Universe tho. The Elvs looked amazing.

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I guess this is just me, but I actually really like this movie. I love fantasy, and I think having a fantasy story set in modern day time is a cool idea. I just really wish it would have been made as a series instead of movie, so that they would have been able to explore the universe more and maybe get more into to the history of it, because I was and still am very curious to know more!

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I couldn't even finish it...

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A real waste of time.

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Shout by Deleted

"Well, that movie's setting isn't commentary on today's political climate or anything," he said sarcastically.

This would have definitely been better suited as a 10 episode series like Stranger Things. Taking more time to ramp up, build the world, establish relationships, make us care about the characters. Like, what was Ward's wife's name? She was basically a potted plant with a nametag on. I flat out forgot he had a daughter until they mention in later in the movie. Did we just completely forget Ward's entire reason for being a cop?

The entire movie feels like act 3. They tried to cram too much into too short a timeframe.

That being said it was still a decent movie. Worth a watch, but not worth watching again.

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It's not bad. Even think it could be a nice TV show! Would love to see how this world has become.

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Shout by Deleted

film graficamente molto carino... trama non troppo comprensibile o avvincente

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Good movie, it exceeded my expectations, from the reviews I had read I didn't expect to enjoy this movie as much as I did. The effects were pretty good and the action was mind blowing, there were many great emotional scenes and the ending was very well done.

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It has action, shots, diverse beings, Will Smith is fine, but I expected more

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From the previews, I expected a commentary on race and society through a "safer" lense, an easier way to have a difficult conversation and it was just that. It offers a unique perception on "racial" and social interaction within a very diverse community.

As it carries on, though, it begins to move into it's own scifi/fantasy story. Having sent the message early on it frees itself up to entertain in the second half with magic and folklore.

It leaves so many unanswered questions that beg for a sequel or prequel or both which I would be excited to watch.


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I saw this movie after checking the ratings on IMDB and metacritics and didn't expect much from it but it was better than I thought but not good enough to be recommended to others, it's good for killing time.

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The Fresh Prince is not a believable as an angry black cop. The premise is interesting but like other comment said, there is little development of the characters or of the world they are evolving in.

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Great movie! Didn't expect it to be that good.

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Saving 30 bucks at the theatard and staying home and watching an extra mediumly entertaining flick? Now that's so Bright...I gotta wear shades

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Alien Nation was just a basic cop movie with Aliens and a human cop teamed with an alien. Well, now we have a human cop teamed with an Orc and the result is pretty much the same. It's a cop movie that throws in something different but still is a cop movie.
With Will Smith enjoying just being Will Smith yet again. But Smith does carry this movie. Maybe because Joel Edgerton as his Orc partner doesn't get to do much but listen to Smith talk and phone it in.
David Ayer at least does a much better job with Bright than he did Suicide Squad. Like I said though all Bright really does is throw in an Orc and fantasy creatures in a cop movie and yes a Will Smith movie.
With a sequel on the way. Maybe the Bright story will get off the ground a little better. After the bad reviews, I was into Bright more than I expected however.

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It was OK, I was pleasantly surprised. The Fairy concept was good, [[think of trolls with wings]]!

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Not sure why people are hating on this movie, i thought it was a nice one with humor, good music and an interesting yet a little bit predictable story. It had good action scenes and good conversations, the action was on point. Really cant wait for the next one

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I kinda like it.
It wasn't a big deal, just something to watch.

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Horrendously disappointing.

There is so much wasted talent within this whether it be David Ayer (End of Watch), Max Landis (Chronicle) or even Will Smith (I Am Legend etc) but what comes out is an absolute mess with cringe-worthy dialogue around every corner. There is pretty much zero character development and too much world-building for a 2 hour film.

Most of the time I had no idea what was going on and a story like this would’ve been better suited as a miniseries to fully show the world and all the characters (not just the main leads).

Giving some stars for Will Smith being Will Smith, good chemistry between the two leads, some visual / prosthetic effects being done well and the soundtrack (much like Suicide Squad) being one of the best parts.

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I don't often give up on a film, but I found this incredibly boring. I couldn't connect with the characters and the other races just looked like humans with dodgy makeup. Really disappointed as I was looking forward to seeing this.

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Critics v Audience. Critics have clearly no idea what the audience likes anymore. Star Wars was awful. This was awesome. Critics are corrupt and need to stop being paid by the studios.

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My man Will! You really have to hand it to him for taking chances. I'm really starting to doubt a lot of these "so called critics". I thoroughly enjoyed this film. I found to be weirdly original, and didn't get too bogged down will the fantasy aspect. Kudos to hair and makeup. I think Netflix was testing the waters a bit, and I'm a little surprised this wasn't a binge series. This is a world I'd like to visit again, and perhaps flesh out a little more. Not sure where [spoilers] the gangsters fit in [/spoiler], kind of had me scratching my head. And for [spoiler] 2,000 years worth of backstory [/spoiler] I didn't really get a sense of how this alternate reality came about with such a striking resemblance to our own. [spoiler] That being said I'm kind of glad they didn't go with a boring introductory monologue trying to explain everything [/spoiler]. Judge for yourself

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Well it wasn't the best and I felt that (Will Smith) showed the film up... It was like a modern day lord of the rings... orcs, evils, magic etc.. the one wand that ruled them all...

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An enjoyable (Will Smith) movie with an interesting premise/world. Don't expect Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, this knows exactly what it is.
Now Netflix: make a series from this, drop or minimize the buddy-cop angle (since it's overdone in TV) and call it "Shadowrun".
I think the mainstream world is ready.

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Great movie, great original concept, but a shitty ending.

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Started off so well and then changed steps in the middle of the dance and tripped over its own feet by the end. Too bad, as I quite liked the intro.

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What a waste of a potentially very interesting world. I want more exploration of the world they created not some bullshit boring cop drama dealing with gangsters.

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Shout by Deleted

I think it was a fun movie despite all its flaws. I am just a massive Will Smith fan xD

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Gave 10/10. It has a deeper meaning when you look at it from another perspective. Didn't expect it to be this good.

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A good plot and the movie is not half bad until the middle, but from the middle forward, it just became awful, with some odd editing and a crappy script. The final "battle scene" is ridiculous and almost makes no sense.

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I didn’t know what to expect. It was pretty awesome. More please.

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Shout by Deleted

Makeup was good story was not so good

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It's essentially Alien Nation with an Orc in a world where Lord of the Rings happened and we lived alongside the Elf's and Orc's until present day.
Now it is a good enough movie to watch and keep you entertained for a while as long as you don't question the logic.

It is not by any means a Must Watch

and probably a story better suited to a few series, there were points during it that would have been excellent points for episode's to kick in, and kept expecting the film to stop for a Series to pick up from.

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Shout by Deleted

I liked the concept. The film left me wanting more - it felt a little bit more like a pilot for a series than a stand-alone film. I hope Netflix explore this world more as I think there scope for some interesting stories the writers have done the world-building work to keep things coherent.

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The movie is about today's world but then with elves and orcs in it. And a cop and his orkish partner find themselves in some deep shit involving actual magic. Action was pretty decent, and the special effects too. Plus i liked mixing the whole gangbanger world with magic/fantasy thing.

Also interesting to see the comparison of how the races interact with each other similair to current day Racism.

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liked it, i was expecting a good movie to watch and i'm not disappointed. as usually netflix nailed it. it was worth the wait.

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This felt like a pilot for a series. The world was interesting and I'd like to know more about it's history and races inhabiting it. Pity there wasn't more magic... Also characteristic of the races - they felt just sketched, not enough information... There was even a mention of the Dwarves and others. Yet we saw only Humans, Orcs and Elves. Instead of half of shootouts they should've fleshed the world more.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

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Holy moly. Where should I start.
Did you ever want a mix of GTA and Skyrim? Tolkien and Tom Clancy? A FANTASY BUDDY COP DRAMA?
If you answered yes, go watch the movie.
If not, go watch it anyway. I didn't know I wanted this till I've seen it.
Really, the trailer gives away nothing of how well thought out the movie is. Sure, it's no Epos, but it's damn fine Entertainment.
Something to watch with your D&D Group, WoW Clan and your Girlfriend - at the same time.

10 out of 10 for the concept alone. It's one of the good Smithian Movies

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I think it’s quite an enjoyable film. Despite its downs, it fulfills its purpose, which is to entertain, and it’s definitely NOT the worst movie of the year, as I read somewhere. I guess the movie is centered in the relationship between Daryl and Nick and the story develops from then on. I wish Ayer had delved a bit more in the mythology of the film, but if Netflix decides to give this film a sequel, it can be the main attractive.

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Shout by Deleted

actually kinda boring. as expected

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Not a bad film tbh,watchable and entertaining IMO

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I think this has potential with Will Smith in it! I honestly think he can bring life into anything, but then of course I think he nails most roles. The wand scene at the end I could see coming, but need to know more now....

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poor story line, too much unreal violence.

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Man I really don't know what to say about this. Had some strong ideas but was bogged down by some weird editing and some things I just can't put my finger on. As HarboeJacob said, this as a series? Sign me up. Flesh that shit out some more and get it rolling. Maybe that was just Netflix testing the waters? If the movie is successful enough there might be a show in this, I'd be watching that, doesn't even need to have Smith in it tbh.

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Your mileage may vary, but to me, this was perfect.
No time wasted on origin stories or useless world building, the foundations are presented through the story and dialogue. If you liked David Ayer's previous cop movies and like fantasy (or Shadowrun) you'll at least like this if not love it. The story leaves a lot of place for sequels, while being it's own complete tale. I wish I could have watched this on the big screen.

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Absolutely loved the setting and world building.

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Shout by Deleted

a lot better than the critics say. i almost got fooled by them and skip this movie.

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I liked it. But, maybe it would have been better suited as a series. The universe seems to have a lot of unused potential.

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This has to go down as an expensive misfire. Sequels have already been announced, but unless they want to call the next film Dull, they need to lay down a better story. There wasn't a lot of room for imaginative world building here, and there were too many bullets over the magic. Clunky dialogue threatened to sink it, but a few bright moments lifted the film from the surprisingly mundane setting.

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The film is pretty enjoyable if you think of it as a police-themed action movie. If you expect some deep analysis of a society divided by races, social and economic status you will most likely be disappointed.

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