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Code 8 2019

I’m surprised at the low ratings for this film, I thought it was excellent.

It’s a simple tale, told well.

Lots of action from start to finish, great acting and production etc.

It’s a 90 minute film, but it seemed to be over very quickly; which shows how involved I was in the story.

It’s different, not predictable and I loved the simplicity of the story.

Great film!

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First of all, its a pretty cool feeling knowing that you helped produce this film on indiegogo (or kickstarter, whichever one it was). I was impressed by how well made it was. It felt like a big budget movie.

Second, the story was great. A few things happened that I didn't expect to.

The only thing that I didn't like was the ending... It needed 5 more minutes to explain what the hell just happened. Connor said he's going to make things right. But nothing happened. He visits his mom's grave. Then what? He's back where he started, minus having a mom?

Did Garrett essentially replace Marcus with that deal?

Did Park not end up having powers? I definitely thought he was going to have powers.

So Nia got to visit her dad in prison. That's not really a happy ending for her, is it?

Maybe I missed something while I was watching...

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This movie could’ve been so great but it had a terrible script & poor execution. Visuals were about the only good thing in this movie. So many things unexplained. Rushed ending. And not enough character development.

If you got 90 mins to waste & nothing better going on in your life, watch it. Otherwise move on, you’re not missing anything great.

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i really enjoyed this movie. stephen and robbie were amazing. the only thing that i didn't love was the ending, felt a bit rushed. was definitely hoping to get a little more explanation there but other than that, awesome movie!!

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A bit less than mediocre…

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Honestly, this movie was pretty good. The story and visuals were engaging and there was plenty of action to keep things going. My biggest complaint is really just the ending. There was so much left unexplained and didn't quite make sense. If I were the producer of this, I would've looked at the script and said: "This needs to be a series, not a movie." That way there would be more sufficient character development and truly satisfying ending.

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Although not a Acadamy award winner, this was an enjoyable movie.

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Sci-fi that's not a big budget, watered down, summer blockbuster (and that also isn't SyFy garbage) is often hard to find. Code 8 fills the niche of "decent sci-fi, decently done" pretty well. It covers some well-worn territory (mutant registration, police state dystopia, heisting, and gang politics), but it does it all well enough and with enough commitment from everyone involved to keep you vested. There's some genre tropes it rides, sure, but it's not so eye-rolling obvious you won't mind. I was generally surprised by Code 8, in a good way, and most sci-fi genre fans should also quite enjoy it.

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It's one of those generic movies that works perfectly, even though you know them from memory, it's entertaining, the Amells' acting is well done, the world in which the movie takes place is quite original and the powers sequences looks amazing. I really liked this one.

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A very good generic movie, i woud even call it a "filler movie", cause theres nothing to absolute hate about it or to looooove either, its pretty stable and ok to watch if you are having a boring day.

But in the end, it as entertaining, and acomplished what they promised.

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Pretty basic story with a pretty recognizable Canadian cast. The story would have benefited from depth in the dynamics between the characters. The villain and hero were written pretty black and white. The mother and son relationship was the only relationship with depth so the loss of life of any other characters had no impact leaving the action arc rather hollow. I give this film a 6 (fair) out of 10. [SciFi Powered Crime]

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This movie was awesome, original, and created from a shoestring budget short film. It blows away anything the top dogs in Hollywood have done in the past 5 years.

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It's tough times for those with super powers, using them is illegal and the police shoot first ask questions later. Interesting premise and some cool crime underworld elements thrown in the mix.

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dismall effects,horrible acting and a made for TV score. other than that...horrible.

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I was pleasantly surprised with this. The trailer really didn't do it justice and is the main reason why I didn't watch it the night it dropped. The only reason I gave it a shot was due to the cast. That being said, i rather enjoyed it! Good story with few, if any, gaps. Effects were good, action scenes solid, and the characters believable. Definitely worth the watch!

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Liked it. There are probably some things that could have been done better but liked how it al end up.
Maybe a part two to tight up the loose ends?

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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2020-04-16T00:19:01Z— updated 2020-11-12T11:35:21Z

Producer 1: Hey, do you wanna make a movie where individuals with special super powers symbolize undocumented aliens?
Producer 2: Why do that when we can make a worse than average heist movie?
Producer 1: Good idea! I've got just the clichés...

Code 8 posited some interesting questions and then fell asleep before it could give us any answers.

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Strangely, this movie is also listed here and has a higher rating. Maybe the admins could amalgamate the 2 for accuracy.

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Good backbone idea but was ruined by bad script and cliche ending

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Good story line. Well acted. Connor is just trying to save his Mum, and then things get complicated as he gets involved with some strange and dangerous characters. Good movie easy watch. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Solid film now that I've finally seen it. I think Sung Kang who I do love was miscast as a good cop here. His presence which is super cool and laidback just doesn't fit the setting he's supposed to be in. I'd watch another one.

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When you need to “rewind” time, there are forced viewings, in short, the TV showed this. To call a movie such a spectacle, where there is only a certain concept, an absurd template plot with primitive matches on the topic from cardboard characters, is beyond words. It’s sad something :recycle:

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Good movie, great story. Stephen Amell and Robbie Amell where great in this movie! Acting was on point. The movie had a nice pace to it, the only thing that upsets me is the ending.. it’s so rushed, he stands infront of the police station to turn himself in and he doesn’t? The police chase in the club at the end also didn’t make any sense, why didn’t they follow? If the ending was good I would give this a 8, but now I have to give it a 7.

But I can highly recommend this movie.

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This was surprisingly decent! Not too good but I don't regret watching it.

Cop scenes were bad! Good cop/bad cop routine felt like a cartoon parody. Also, they didn't change their t-shirts the entire film xD

Well we're stuck at home and can't leave so I guess watch it..

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Not an Oscar winning movie here. Slightly entertaining but it's been done before.

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Selfish guy in a dysopian future learns basic human decency, while the world continue to be the same shit it was.

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It was fair. Interesting plot with suspenseful moments but moved kind of slow and it felt like some plot elements were never fully resolved. Ended up skipping through parts and CGI left more to be desired.

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Messes up the basics of filmmaking (story, characters & acting).
The direction is actually not that bad, considering the budget.


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Fairly well done film, but what a bummer of a climax! He loses his mom and he doesn't get the girl! She's a keeper, and he should have professed his love for her perhaps when she healed him. Or maybe it would have been more dramatic to keep his love secret until the hospital scene. Either way, his love for her would have motivated his calling off her healing of his mom. Perhaps it's an easier decision for an adult viewer, but he's going to lose him mom eventually. He could have gotten the girl and had a companion his own age for many years!

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For a low budget movie, this was pretty good. However, it has a tv movie feel to it, possibly because of the casting of the Amell brothers. Otherwise, fine.

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a good idea, poorly executed.

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2020-02-19T22:28:39Z— updated 2024-03-01T03:33:49Z

Code 8 - :heart:x6

The most impressive thing about this movie was that it was funded through Indiegogo. With a budget of about $2.4M this movie easily looks way more expensive. The story isn't bad. The acting isn't bad.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The emotions are well played. The CGI is well done. But the plots are not consistent nor cutscenes and transitions. Could have been better.

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He's got money for a gym membership though:blush:.

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Had some pretty cool moments. Story was basic but I was entertained

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