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Dark Shadows 2012

Definitely not for everyone, but there were lots of little touches & homages for fans of the B-horror genre.

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Unique styled movie and it's fun to watch the weird characters played by the actors

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Director Tim Burton re-envisions Dark Shadows in this muddled and apathetic comedy. The story follows a vampire named Barnabas Collins who, after having been imprisoned for nearly two centuries, returns to his family estate to help his descendants restore the family’s legacy. The cast is impressive, and includes Johnny Depp, Eva Green, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Helena Bonham Carter; and while they all give fairly good performances, the characters are underdeveloped. The plot is also weak, and seems unsure about what type of story it wants to tell. There are some entertaining parts in Dark Shadows, but it doesn't come together as a cohesive film.

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very entertaining movie. if you like tim burton or johnny depp you'll like this movie.

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Terrible snoozer of a movie ... Boring!!!

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I know that many people hate this movie (due to other reviews I have read) however I lowkey love it. probably due to nostalgia reasons though

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Decent Tim Burton movie that really falls apart in the third act. On a side note Depp is one of my favourite actors, but I'm really getting tired of seeing him in Burton & Pirates movies.

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"That's the ugliest woman I've ever seen!"

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Anyone who calls this movie terrible has no idea about Tim Burton's style. This is his thing. He's gothic, old-fashioned, humorous and fairy tale-ish. It's not everybody's cup of tea, but many people find it to be interesting. Do some damn research about the director and don't watch it if you're not one of those people.

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I was expecting more...

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Bad... just bad. there is zero 'comedy' in this mess.

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A star-studded cast. A very decent Tim Burton movie.

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I didn’t even realize I had seen this movie before until I saw I had previously rated it on another site. Still just as forgettable the second time around. It has a few moments but is mostly lackluster.

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Unique styled film which is very typical for its director Tim Burton. The story is entertaining and it is just fun to watch the actors in their weird and crazy roles. But overall it's mediocre I would say.

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Although I was sucked in by the sheer, merry lunacy of this world, its characters and their wardrobe, there's really no excusing some of the fault lines that run through the heart of this confused little horror saga. It suffers from a severe case of subplot-itis, and tries in vain to cram four chapters' worth of back story into nearly every face. Even the less interesting minor players are obsessively over-inspected, which leads the more important characters to pull constant disappearing acts. Pseudo-protagonist Belle Heathcote is the most glaring example, vanishing without explanation for a full forty minutes during the second act, and then materializing right in the middle of a cramped romance. Johnny Depp's Barnabus is the one constant, happily sailing far over the top in yet another colorful, inexplicably successful leading turn.

I caught myself laughing at the punchlines more often than I'd expected, but Dark Shadows often tests the boundaries of good taste, and in one case (an out-of-left-field comic love scene) ventures too close to the uncomfortably absurd. Kooky and silly, it's unforgivably (and thoroughly) lacking in the kind of panache Tim Burton was always known for.

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Shout by Sunken

Bloody awful. Johnny Depp has become so predictable and boring in the roles he chooses. If it involves donning white foundation and black mascara then Johnny is up for it. Cliched tripe.

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piece of shit, don't loss your time.

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Most people ar going to watch this movie for one of three reasons: Tim Burton, Michelle Pfeiffer or Johnny Depp. I'm not a Burton Fan, I think both Johnny and Michelle can be masterful in comedic roles. They hired a strong supporting cast. But this movie just never finds it's rhythm, whether that is the fault of script or direction. It had potential, but fell short. I give this movie 4 (failed) out of 10. [Comedy, Horror]

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Nice to see once, it's not that special.

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I´m not a Burton fan by any means but I enjoyed this one. A dark comedy with a subtle sense of humor. Yes, the final 10 min or so are a bit of a letdown but the 100 before that are ok.

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An uneasy mix of comedy and horror, this is still an entertaining watch for the most part. The third act falls apart quite literally, probably to please those who like special effects over story, which is a shame. When the film focusses on its weird array of characters and period setting this is a lot more involving.

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"Dark Shadows" is a film by Tim Burton that has a promising beginning but the development is lost between comedy and horror. As usual, the dark cinematography is awesome and the music score is spectacular, with hits from the 70's. This film is certainly not among the best films by Tim Burton, but is entertaining.

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Shout by LOISKAL

Me encanta esta pelicula basada en una serie de Tv donde la quimica entre Eva Green y Jhony Deep es indudable y estos dos personajes son lo mejor de la pelicula aparte de su ambientación.

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Shout by Deleted

LA AME!!!!!!, Una de mis pelis favoritas de JD y TB (esos dos son FANTASTICOS juntos)

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Shout by Deleted

This wasn't what I expected, but it was a good comic relief.

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Shout by Sn0zz

As a Burton fan, I really liked this one. Granted, the story gets a little thin at the end and he uses a lot of his regular cast and tricks, but it still is a wonderful exercise in style, setting and detail. The story isn't Burton's best, but he sets the mood like nobody else.

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A little different than the original tv series!

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Shout by Deleted

I just watched for johnny

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Shout by Deleted

Very Funny

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Shout by Deleted

Really funny!

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Shout by Deleted

Seems like Tim Burton is bored of doing allways the same movie, with the same actors, and same stories.

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Shout by Flávio

really underrated! i can't believe the rate on IMDb is 6.5!

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Refreshing, liked the combination the music and the detail. Not the strongest Burton but I loved it.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie only has 1 WTF moment, which is quite decent nowadays. It's towards the end ... and when you've seen the movie, you probably know what I mean. :)

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Shout by Deleted

Love this movie

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Shout by Deleted

I want to see this

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