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Death Race 2000 1975

Heard this referenced on one of my regular podcasts and was curious. It was an interesting look at a "dark comedy" style road movie, but nothing I'm going to actively remember. I know I'm looking back at it vs when it was released, but it didn't really do a lot for me. I'd probably put it in that category of "glad I watched it for reference sake, but didn't really enjoy it".

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I'd heard or read about this a number of times and was also going back to watch anything Sly was in and finally got around to DR2K. Sadly, I could only make myself watch half of it before turning it off out of exasperation. Maybe if I'd seen it in my teens or 20s, I'd have built up an affinity for it and been able to enjoy it later in life. As it stands, I found it utterly impossible to watch or enjoy.

Apologies to the fans of this apparent cult classic, but if you've never watched this and are over...30?...I'd strongly suggest skipping it. Lest this movie's fans think I'm some curmudgeon who doesn't appreciate camp or B-movies, I loved Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Night of the Comet, The Evil Dead, the original House horror movie, and They Live.

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I first saw this film as kid in the late 80’s and I remember rooting for Machine Gun Joe because Sylvester Stallone was a big action star during that time. It’s still a fun occasional watch to this day.

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what did i just watch?
a mix of Speed ​​Racer, Wacky Race and Carmageddon!!

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This quick retro-kitsch slick flick gets off to a great start but runs out of gas before it gets to the end.

Fueled by bad practical special effects and irony, this political satire / inaction movie (there's so much filler of cars going nowhere) / cheap horror flick is at its best when it wallows in its own film, but wastes too much time wasting time to reach its 84 minute run out of gas time.

The film's only lasting claims to fame are probably 1) offering a young actor called Sylvester Stallone a co-starring role 1 year before Rocky and 2) serving as the basis for 2017's remake / reboot Death Race 2050, which succeeds in every area this film fails and remains a monument to retro kitsch satire and which you should be watching instead of reading this.

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Set in the (then) distant future, this mindless '70s action trash bag follows a corny, take-no-prisoners cross country sports car race with a passionate, dedicated global viewership. In such a morally lax futuristic derby, deception is expected, quirky charms are celebrated and pedestrian roadkill is rewarded; the only rule being “finish first,” whatever the cost.

When Peter Fonda turned down this leading role, he dubbed it "too ridiculous for words," and that's about as accurate a description as I can muster. In his place as the arrogant, bloodthirsty racetrack legend is David Carradine (fresh off his lengthy tenure on Kung Fu), with a very young pre-Rocky Sylvester Stallone playing the character’s primary foil. Carradine is a fish out of water trying to play it straight, while Stallone embraces the cheese and comes off as the much better fit.

Incredibly stupid fare with awful effects, a paper-thin plot and a sado-masochistic Halloween enthusiast's wardrobe, it's precisely what the artwork promises: a big, idiotic, head-shaking joyride.

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The cult classic ‘70s exploitation film Death Race 2000 is a provocative, ultra-violent rampage. In a dystopian future an annual cross-country race is put on to entertain the masses in which racers score points by running down and killing pedestrians, but the tables are turned when a rebellion attempts to takeout the racers. The film explores some very interesting issues, such as the culture of violence, the power of the media, and domestic terrorism. David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone lead the cast and give strong performances; especially Stallone, who brings a lot of charisma to the film. However, the production values are extremely low-budget, which is typical for a Roger Corman film. Death Race 2000 is an edgy thriller that tackles some controversial topics, but the filmmaking style holds it back.

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Film d'avant-garde, satire d'une télé-réalité qui n'existait pas encore. A voir !! En gardant en tête que c'est un film de 1975 !

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A blast from the past! As ridiculous as the story seemed at the time, in today's world it's not so laughable yet so many people love to joke about people as points never knowing the incredibly funny origin. Great fun movie, so glad I have this ability of keeping tabs on it now.

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Fun movie. It just shows that with enough pace and plot ideas you can make whacky and a seemingly bad idea work A lost way of making movies. Even if the humour is hit and miss (I liked it), the characters are cartoon-like and the the plot is silly, a fast pace can do so much. As long as it's all coherent and the characters are fun. This movie is like a sweet desert treat. If you got that trashy exploitation sugar tooth than it's a must.

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