Shouts about...

Die Hard 2 1990

Even though it's not nearly as good as the first Die Hard, this is still an entertaining movie. The basics for a good action movie are there, even a somewhat unexpected twist at the end and another iconic 'Yipi-ka-yee motherfucker'-scene. Some of the 'ordinary guy in extraordinary situation'-flair of the first movie seems to be missing however, which gives this just an entertaining status as opposed to the classic status of the first

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“How can the same sh** happen to the same guy twice?” Right?! Die Hard 2 suffers (as so many films do) from the sequel syndrome: more of the same, and bigger. John McClane finds himself facing off with terrorists once again when a rogue military group takes control of the Dulles International Airport and holds the planes hostage, including the plane his wife is on. Unfortunately the film just tries too hard and comes up short; unable to meet the high bar set by the original. And as a result, it’s overstuffed with McClane tossing out jokes and quips left and right like a one-man comedy show, and three main villains involved in an overly complex terrorist plot. However, director Renny Harlin brings the action with some spectacular sequences. While Die Hard 2 has its problem, it’s still an exciting, action-packed adventure that’s extremely entertaining.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-12-21T00:50:35Z— updated 2021-12-03T02:39:49Z

Hey if you think about it, this is the only Die Hard that didn't have him trying to make up with a family member. I give it points for that. Bruce Willis is also a bad ass.

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they say good movies don't easily get out of fashion but the one liners in this movie man, they didn't age well at all

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2017-12-13T02:25:26Z— updated 2021-12-03T22:25:12Z

Not sure how Roger Ebert didn't like the first film but absolutely loved this one. However this movie was pretty good. Just nowhere near better than the first.
This is definitely a thrilling ride when you’re bored though.

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Die Hard 2 is one of the must see movies

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While not as good as the first one, its still a fun watch. it's more of a caricature this time around though. the one liners are cheesy, the dialogue is non sense, The action sequences are over the top, and Bruce Willis is presented as still catching up to the signs of the times rather than a cool, average Joe.

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I am not a big Bruce Willis fan, and this is not one of my favorite Die Hard's, but it is a good Christmas (ahem, action) film. I can see why some people adore these so much!

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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Ya, not quite up there with the first still one of the better action movies.

Of the first three this is the one I liked the least. I always attributed that to the fact that this was directed by Harlin instead of McTiernan. The highrise was better than the airport as a playground, Rickman was the much better villain. I don´t know it just wasn´t there in the second. The movie is like a copy of the original - slightly faded.

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How to charge a plane with a lighter?

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Rewatched this on a whim as I scrolled through streaming offerings. It's bad, but entertaining. A lot of flashing gun shots w a 3% accuracy and some awfully ludicrous plot points, but we're watching die hard here and we want to die harder. Bruce Willis is but 34-35 in this and still a long ways away from his 10-15/yr straight to video specials era. He keeps this entertaining and the one liners are so bad they're good. 6.9. Yippeekayay.

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Boy isn't this movie the perfect example of 90s overly stupid and exaggerated action pieces! Didn't age well for me this one.

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Die Harder takes the same idea to an airport and gets some good fun out of the new location. It's definitely far weaker than the original, most notably having a far weaker villain and less engaging action, but it's still a good time.

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ending is literally amazing. wow. most of the film is not as good as the first die hard but the ending is at that level, if not better.

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This builds off the success of the first "Die Hard" and why wouldn't it after all? Nothing new here but still an enjoyable action movie.

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To follow up on perfection is hard, and Renny Harlin didn't quite make it, but Die Hard 2 is a good movie non-the-less. Willis does a good job being an ordinary cop in an extraordinary situation yet again, and even though the setting is a bit more "open" than Die works. The dialogue is a little more stiff and artificial than the first one, but it's nothing you'll notice too much. The action is actually a little step up from its predecessor but might be a tad "overdone" in some places. It doesn't really hurt the movie, and might even have made it better for some.

I've got some nice memories tied to this movie, and for me, it's even more of a Christmas movie than the first one. The first time I watched it was with my father on VHS, and, you guessed it, it was around Christmas time.

Yes...Renny Harlin has had some turkeys to his name, but Die Hard 2 is a good movie and deserves to be remembered as such even though it fell a little short of the first one, and I'll rewatch it again and again in the coming years.

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Always Christmas in this movie :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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For me, this is the worst of the trilogy (I don't care about later movies in the series). This movie is also toooo long, and the humor is not great. Action parts are of course over the top, but you expect that in these movies...anyway, there are some nice twists, and a few good action scenes... Guess I just don't care about part 2 :D 5/10

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2017-07-25T19:05:38Z— updated 2017-08-12T10:29:39Z

It may offend some, who am I kidding must offend some, but this is one of the most enjoyable trash move I've ever seen.

John McClane is the almost perfect superhero whose only flaw is his unpaid car parking tickets, beside this tiny nonsense he's almost immortal.
I mean how the f. could he escape an aeroplane's cockpit around him tons of grenade? Or from the motoring sleigh (?) incident?

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When making a sequel to a good movie, there are many which fall entirely flat of their predecessors. They do so by making a list of the things which they think to have made the original good, assigning knobs on a metaphorical sound-board to those things, and turning them all up until they won't turn any farther. Die Hard 2 could have altered the formula. It could have explored the John McClane character, or it could have explained his success in the first. But Die Hard 2 cut-and-pasted the formula of the former onto a new set of terrorists, increased the "badass factor", and let 'er rip. It wasn't a complete disaster-- There were more Die Hard films to come that would fulfill its potential for sheer awfulness-- But there is a measure of disappointment when a sequel is simply a dilution of its predecessor. Die Hard 2 could be filed in Dewey notation next to Aliens, Terminator 2, and Back II the Future, each one pleasing its fans enough, but accomplishing nothing on its own.

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As with "Die Hard 1": a very solid, fun and entertaining action flick! What do you want more?

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He has not lost the powers that made him be a good action movie. Yipikayei ... motherfucker. That Robert Patrick

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