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Dracula 1958

From Hammer Films comes a new interpretation of Bram Stoker’s classic in The Horror of Dracula. When vampire hunter Jonathon Harker goes missing after going undercover in Count Dracula’s castle, his friend Abraham Van Helsing comes looking for him and soon discovers that Harker fell victim to Dracula and that Dracula has now set his sights on Harker’s fiancée Lucy. The plot significantly deviates from the original novel, but still contains the essence of it and tells a tight story that comes in under 90 min. Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, and Michael Gough lead the cast and deliver strong performances. And, in true Hammer tradition, the film steps up the level of violence and sexuality from what was the standard of the time. Entertaining and full of thrills, The Horror of Dracula is one of Hammer Films better efforts and a classic in its own right.

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Creepy, campy, and a fun 82 minute ride. There is the occasional humorous moment - some intentional, some not - but Cushing and Lee ensure that the film is delivered with style.

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Jonathan Harker journeys to Castle Dracula, where he is turned into one of the undead by the famous vampire. Doctor Van Helsing arrives and drives a stake through Harker's heart, but must then pursue Dracula to London, where the Count intends to make Harker's fiancée Lucy Holmwood his bride. Honestly this is not my favorite Dracula adaptation but it still manages to be an entertaining gothic horror film. Story wise it's much simpler but the way it's presented is very dramatic and campy in all of the right ways. The production is top notch, the color radiates in vivid detail, the graphic and bloody special effects pack a punch. Quite interesting how in this film Dracula is actually offscreen for long portions. I'm not complaining though, Peter Cushing really steals the show as Van Helsing. That's easily the best potrayal of Van Helsing I've ever seen. Christopher Lee, while not having much screentime and dialogue, leaves a strong impression.

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This is definitely a classic. The story moves along nicely and we are dropped into things immediately. I'm not crazy about the way that they made Harker already aware of what Count Dracula was. It takes away from the horror of the discovery of Dracula's true being. The scariest moment of the film is when vampire Lucy abducts her niece in the woods. Lucy has an evil look about her that is unsettling.

Christopher Lee's Dracula is a polished gentleman when meeting Harker but acts like an animal from the library fight scene until the end of the film. For sheer frights, Lee's take on the Count isn't to the level of Schreck's Nosferatu or even Oldman's 1990's version. Cushing's Van Helsing character was the best I've seen. He was relentless in both his pursuit of Dracula and the protection potential victims. He brings charisma, brains and athleticism to the role. This is a great old Horror film.

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Dracula, or Horror of Dracula, is a pretty by-the-numbers Dracula film.

This one, in particular, focuses on Dr. Van Helsing, giving the titular character very few scenes. Regardless, the acting is effective in most of the main characters, including Dracula himself.

This film doesn't stretch the lore of Dracula much, rather just producing a solid film within the already-crafted confines, which works well enough. While it's not groundbreaking, it's not bad, either, which is a very good thing.

Overall, it's a touch of a drag, but the solid score brings the viewer right back into the action, which is a nice touch on most of these older movies.

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C. Le is the best Dracula. The film is still good

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Despite the many parodies since the release of the Hammer Dracula films that have dulled the horror and creepiness, the film is still strong, due to both Cushing and Lee. The film uses elements of the Stoker novel, but makes some surprising alterations from the start, most of which work quite well. Lee is still an imposing presence from his first introduction, and whilst the fight scenes are a little creaky compared to modern standards, it is Lee that ensures the film still has a creepy feel to it, shifting effortlessly from the brooding suave Count to an animalistic creature when he attacks.

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