The medieval fantasy setting isn’t really my cup of tea, but I heard good things about this movie and wanted to check it out. To my surprise, I really enjoyed it! A lot of charm, wit, and clever story telling!

If this one :asterisk_symbol:sounds:asterisk_symbol: interesting to you, you really need to check it out.

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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Just back from a secret screening of this and it had no business being so good.

Better and more fun than most of the recent Marvel movies!

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Fans of the game will find many issues with this movie. This movie was made for people who know about dungeons and dragons only through pop culture shows like strangers things. The producers of the movie openly admitted to emasculating the male characters so that the female characters are uplifted in the movie. I don't understand why you cant let each character reach their potential. How is it the bard did nothing and meanwhile the druid wild shaped 7 times in under a minute? The movie also put a ton of focus on the father daughter relationship between Edgin and Kira. God what a snooze fest. This is something you wouldn't see roleplayed or actually a part of a campaign. The fight at the end was the only redeemable part. It felt true to the speed of a fight in D&D if played out in full speed. Also the staf only had a range of 500 feet but then at end of the movie it conveniently changes to a quarter mile?

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A fun romp that manages to balance the high fantasy and the cheesiness well. It's not overly complicated, making itself pretty accessible while still paying enough homage for the die-hard fans. The use of practical effects was also a pleasure to see in this day and age. There will probably be a bunch of redditors that want to nitpick story-choices in comparison to actual game mechanics but they're forgetting the most important rule of D&D - the Rule of Cool.

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Loved it, absolutely loved it. As a D&D player (not as much as I wish, but being a grown up takes time, also the plan B is a bunch off retire to a retirement house and play D&D until we fall asleep :joy:) I absolutely wish to see more and more of this. We were owed a good movie finally.

Great cast, great characters. I wished this was a TV show so the characters could be better developed.

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Surely entertaining, different take with a lot of laughs. Also really fun to see some familiair cameos :)

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A tad slow at times... Often cheesy. But a relatively well executed adaptation. I can't say how through they held themselves to the source material but as a novice who played 2 games based on D&D it's close enough.

The characters are very charming, the CG is top tier. Often better executed than Marvel. (to draw a fair comparison)

All in all, worth a watch assuming you ain't expecting a masterpiece. Enjoy it for what it is.

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Fun. That's what this was. Nothing groundbreaking. Not too deep. But also not too dumb and just enough heart to give some meaning to the proceedings. Pine and Rodriguez are solid leads. The supporting cast is good but not great. The comedic elements are spot on, both the in-jokes and broader ones. The action is surprisingly well done. It's all just so...competent, which I sure didn't expect. This is worth the watch for sure.

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I've learned my lesson: never judge a film by its poster. Despite any initial doubts, the movie exceeded all expectations and proved to be a captivating cinematic experience. From the gripping storyline to the outstanding performances, every aspect of the film contributes to its brilliance.

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On one side it was better than I expected, but still.... not very good. Chris Pine was not charming enough and not naughty enough. I guess overal the movie was "ok", but nothing really more than just that.

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Swashbuckling fun, Dungeons & Dragons is a humourous, fantastical romp with a dash of heart that is better than it has any right being. An unexpected good time that is an easy recommendation to those after a popcorn adventure film peppered with modern Hollywood humour. Certainly not a masterpiece, but sometimes you just need something that nails the fundamentals and has a great time doing it.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Didn't know what to expect from this film and was very pleasantly surprised at how good it was! It would have been easy to take this IP and churn out a generic action film with easy laughs. Instead we got solid funny moments, fantastic action, a chilling villain and some ridiculously smart scene designs. The portal wand especially!
The cast and writing were great and it had good heart. There were DnD references overt and subtle. Perfect for fans old and new. This is definitely one for the collection.

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A terribly generic movie made well with some smart dialogue, genuine humour, great cgi and special effects, punchy action sequences, fun world/character building, the list goes on. Don't really like the cast, but they all become likeable, especially together. It's very forgettable as it's just rampacked with action and fantasy, reminded me of the thor movies.

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I think this movie got two things right. First, the comedy. There were was just the right amount of dry humor where it didn't feel like Deadpool or something similar. It was funny but it didn't over-stay its welcome. Second, it did (as much as a movie could) stay true to the game. In the action/adventure/fantasy genre, this movie found a unique little niche. You could do worse.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Shout by JC

I hate to give WOTC anything, but yeah this is pretty fun. Some nice practical effects, snappy quips at a rapid pace, a game cast, and some creative sequences and solutions for a blockbuster make this an endearing film. I could do without the fat dragon jokes, but focusing in on the family of choice theme many tabletop sessions end up doing was a smart choice and it makes the climax surprisingly emotionally stirring. Wonder if it would’ve done better at the box office if it came after BG3 rather than before

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These types of movies are usually a disappointment but not this one. The writing is good and the dialogue snappy most of the time. If the characters weren’t well acted this would not have worked. By the end I was actually rooting for them.

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It was such a good movie TBH.
I really like this kind of movies.

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Best movie ever absolutely loved it!

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As a non-dnd player, this was an entertaining ride that seemed truthful to both the spirit and content of the tabletop.

The characters were both the best and weakest part of the film, and ultimately feel more like living portrayals of DnD character sheets than actual people. Still, I was surprised at how fun and funny this managed to be.

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Fans are definitely going to have a field day when watching this movie. It was enjoyable, boring, but funny at times. Very authentic to the source material, for sure.

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I enjoyed it, one of the nice epic movies to watch with the family.

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Surprisingly good! Had a lot of fun watching it.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:- This movie had solid action sequences and pleasing visuals.

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull

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This was so much better than I expected. It's a bit like an MCU movie, but in the DnD world, not quite so action-heavy, and actually entertaining and fun and charming.

Maybe I just played too much Baldurs Gate 3, but the DnD stuff feels well used while not domination everything. Owlbear within the first half hour or so was awesome,I like those. And I laughed way too hard at the whole interrogating the dead sequence.

Also, the last Owlbear scene is pretty much the Hulk puny god scene from the first Avengers movie. And it was funny.

All in all fun action heist movie with a DnD twist that I think should not get in the way when you known nothing about DnD, but maybe I'm biased on that.

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This was fun. Was much better than expected

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I feel truly bad for the people who weren't able to enjoy such a lighthearted and fun movie. Perfectly executed and it didn't take itself too seriously. Actually properly laughed in a lot of moments.

Hoping to see more from this team.

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I was sure this movie would be boring but I had so much fun! A perfect balance between comedic moments, great action, an emotional side and a good story.

Hugh Grant's character is amazing and those portal scenes were so cool I need that Portal movie now!

I wonder if people who played the games recognize certain things, I have no idea how the game works and whether certain elements are always there.

I'm very pleasantly surprised with this movie and I would definitely watch a sequel. I'm certain I'll watch this movie a few more times.

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Very fun, cute movie! Those who enjoy D&D will like seeing the universe adapted to a movie format, but even for those who don’t know the RPG, it’s simply a good movie.

There’s one scene I very much enjoyed with an owlbear.

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Waw. Wasn't expecting this AT ALL. It was actually really good with actual good written jokes/funny moments! Sad I missed it in theatres.

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2023-08-26T19:43:23Z— updated 2024-04-23T14:37:23Z

Lots of snarky Ryan Renolds type comments from the main guy Chris Pine trying to make up for a dull movie. I couldn't make it too far before turning it off.

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I was not impressed at all. If Sheldon's game play was this slow and boring, I'm surprised the whole crew didn't fall asleep. This lacked the excitement brought to the small screen by the cartoon version I grew up with. Where is our one horned Venger and the little Dungeon Master guy? I may be old but I remember the good cartoons from the 80s and 90s before Saturday TV went to H3ll with news.

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It was actually pretty good!! Especially with all that Marvell crap that came out in the last few years, this was a fresh breath. It was really fun watching it. And Michelle Rodriguez made it even cooler.

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It's an adventure movie with some comedy, good movie to watch if you've had a busy day and you just want to wind down.

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Pretty good movie. It would have been pretty great if they eased up on the campy comedy

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One of my favorite adventure movies ever!

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This was so much fun!

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They should add another Genre called "Wokism", so we can skip them.

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It's much better than I was expecting, it's a rip roar of fun and adventure. Some belly achingly funny moments throughout and a great cast that seem to be having just as much fun. Very enjoyable.

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Much better than I thought it would be. Great fantasy adventure, in the best 80s fashion. It's extra fun for anyone who played the RPG and / or saw that cartoon (there's a funny homage). Great visual effects without looking plastic and the characteristics of each class is adapted very well. Fun.

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Dumb and funny, good time

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Much better than I expected! An enjoyable watch!

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Far better than expected. Charm, humour and great chemistry abound. Had some lulls around halfway that suffered from some pacing, but if that's all that really was off with this one. Looks absolutely spectacular in 4k DV on an oled. Truly mesmerizing. A very solid 8.0

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Being a parody of a paper RPG doesnt exonerate from being good at plots. I guessed the ending after a few minutes, which isn't good. It's saved by the incredible actress playing the witch and the constant puns, altough previsible still funny enough

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Much better than the previous Dungeon and Dragons film I’ve watched. Fairly entertaining with some laughs.

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Is this supposed to be funny? What bad claptrap garbage

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This movie has no right being this good! On paper it should be your typical blockbuster film, but it's very well written with hilarious moments. Chris Pine and Hugh Grant do an amazing job here. The team behind Game Night have a pretty good follow up.

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I'm not even a D&D guy and I freaking loved it. It's been a while since movies did this... you know, simply entertained you.

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Shout by Deleted

A nice option to watch on a saturday afternoon or introduce friends to Dungeons and Dragons lore. By the way, the narrative is like an ordinary RPG game without great pretensions to save the world. It enchants when takes that way, but it gets lost when wants to treat something serious and solve problems.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves is a watchable movie made by people who care and know about the original board game, which is why the 2000 film failed horribly.

Although I have to say, I didn’t quite get wrapped up in the adventure that I wanted to. Usually, when movies start slow and rough, where you are not feeling it, but when it does get going and you get swept up by it. This didn’t happen to me, sadly.

I appreciate the costume, production, make-up, visual effects, and characters; that one-shot take scene was solid.

I liked it a lot here, on the performance and technical aspects. It’s just that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to. Maybe the sequel will be better. However, judging by the bomb office numbers, I’m uncertain it will happen.

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Sophia Lillis (Doric) is so adorable, omg :heart:

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Shout by Robb
BlockedParent2023-06-05T12:56:54Z— updated 2023-12-05T04:50:33Z

The marketing team completely failed this movie. It bombed while actually being better, quality wise, than several of the other movies released this year so far which did better than it did. That sucks. I'd like to see more fantasy movies like this, but I guess now we're not going to get any.

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The humor makes this movie watchable for those of us that don't give a shit about D&D. I can't even remember what the quest was about. Mcguffin, something, something?

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Obviously, I was expecting a darker and boring film, it was very enjoyable with every detail, it should be continued

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A fun watch, good story. Never played Dungeons & Dragons, but you don’t have to in order to enjoy this fun experience.

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Good action sequences
Funny at times
Slow at times

Characters 7
Story 5
Pacing 5
Visuals 7
Rewatchability Factor 5
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 6
Average Score 5.83

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I was surprised that the movie was entertaining. Definitely had elements of the game without dragging down the story.

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This film is far better than it has any right to be.

Funny, actiony and even a little bit emotional. You get everything here.

Don't sleep on it!

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Fun action fantasy movie that's anchored by it's great cast with excellent chemistry.

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good movie and okay story

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Shout by Deleted

doric could slam me on the floor as well.

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Definitely a good movie to watch on a rainy day with your kid(s) Had action, adventure, humor and a quest. Enough to keep us interested. Worth a watch in my opinion.

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This is a fun time and surprisingly good, campy not too serious at all. Reminds me of classic Monty Python movies. They had me at “pudgy dragon”…

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Finally there is a movie about the Forgotten Realms

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Surprisingly good movie, definitely makes me interested in a sequel or spin off

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biggest takeaway: i want an owlbear

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Didn’t expect to enjoy it that much. It was a lot of fun to watch. A lot of jokes landed really well, some didn’t but it’s okay.

I’m still thinking about the chase with the big dragon bit and it makes me smile the day after :blush:

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So I went in completely blind. Up until yesterday I didn't even know this existed and I was positively surprised. There are some spots with bad CGI (that potato throw there was especially bad), but overall this was amazing... it's a proper fantasy movie, something we don't get very often nowadays!

Like someone else has said: this has no right to be as good as it is.

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I felt like at times it reaches beyond the fourth wall with the comments and remarks that probably meant to "explain" things to the "normies", as opposed to just being a plain joyride for the "nerds". Starts off a little slow, and there are some eyeroll moments later on as well, but the cast manages to shine through and make it a fun experience.
The fact that Hugh Grant, nearly two decades later, is basically playing Daniel Cleaver again, this time injected into a Master of Laketown - that alone is absolutely hilarious. And of course, Michelle Rodriguez is always great.

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It is a good movie with many fun parts and good acting. I enjoyed my time there, maybe that would be a franchise, who knows :sweat_smile:
I just had one comment on the twist it wasn't the best, story was good but it felt a little weird at the end.

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I watched #dungeonanddragons honor among thieves and it was only okay. Some parts were fun, some parts were boring. The cast did their best, but the script was weak. The movie felt like a generic fantasy heist with some #dnd references thrown in. Not worth the hype. #dndmovie

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This is a fun movie that is able to make fun of its source material. There is nothing too crazy regarding the story, but it was enjoyable to watch.

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This movie was exactly what it should have been, fun and a good watch. I very much enjoyed it. I hope they make some sequels.

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Better than the other D&D movies by a lot. It’s fun and occasionally funny, nothing really epic or rewatchable about it. The cast did a pretty good job with their characters, some really captured the their archetype with the antisocial Druid, and too good to be around paladin. The self doubting wizard is way overdone. The speak with dead gag is exactly what would happen, with real gamers but they don’t drag it out till it’s painful.

The totality telegraphed and obvious evil plan was stopped by distracting the towns people away from it’s effects. Couldn’t bother to lock them in or maybe a spell, to trap them if all it takes to avoid your evil master plan is to leave?

There is sorta dungeon crawling and a few dragons so at least they got that right.

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Great, they managed to make all men weak and useless. Awesome movie if you're delusional.

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While it's not as great as I had expected, it's still a pretty good movie. Having been a die hard D&D fan since the 80's this really appealed to me and you got the flavor of playing D&D even though it was a movie. Michelle Rodriguez steals the movie, honestly, as Chris Pine just does Chris Pine - and he does it very well in this movie, but it's the same guy we've seen since Star Trek.

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I wasnt expecting much of it, but it is a great movie! I hope they can keep the top quality if they go for a franchise

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I was expecting something more "wow", and it's just a simple adventure movie full of references to D&D.

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Boarders and roleplayers will get a lot more fun from the film than viewers tuned in to fantasy Guardians. We tried to please everyone by showing a small adventure of the party of heroes, not filming Baldurs Gate (eh!) and lowering the entry threshold. The layer of D&D culture deserved more. Dark Elf, Dark Sun, Ravenloft, hundreds of books and their fans are waiting. Maybe a series?

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The trailer looked like ass and completely undersold the movie. This was pretty fantastic! Lot of stealth, great action, some brilliant theming, and CGI + effects that look just good enough.

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Good CG, but predictable woke feminist formula. Weak writing, e.g. plot and character development.

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Honestly a better adventure than I think I was expecting. There was wit, storytelling and the touch of a bard. It was not so much a giant mash of DnD references as much as it was actually listen to the story of a friend’s campaign.

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I don’t even know what I’ve just watched. I play D&D and this was just sooooooo bad. If you pair bad acting with a weak (and predictable) story and horrible dialogue, then you get this.
Such a disappointment.

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Very enjoyable movie. Good cast. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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it was fine , in a way

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It's kinda silly, a bit predictable but also visually stunning, well acted and funny. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Soooooo goooood. Loved it. More please.

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I feel like this was a huge miss. Just like all the other Dungeon & Dragons movies. Someday, they'll get it right.
I think that 99% of the jokes, humor and comedy bits all fell flat. There were just a couple jokes that made me smile. But still, it's worth a watch.
The best part of the movie was the cute CHONKY dragon - lol!

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Who gave this movie this rating, i’ve seen better with a rating of 40%

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A surprisingly pleasing movie with lovable characters. Something I will watch when bored. :smiley:

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I don’t know whether it’s because I don’t know Dungeons and Dragons very well or just this movie. But this was so boring. I was bored during the fight scenes. :sleeping:

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Shout by Diego

We want to watch this with my D&D group. We all enjoyed it - and what is best, the movie had us thinking about the way we play, as well as brought us inti discussing details what happened on screen. Definitely recommend to any D&D player - even thiugh the movie is not 1:1 to the rules. Expect funny & light D&D experience. Not so much different from the way we play. Making fun of the rules dungeon master prepared, trying to get ariund it. But mostly, enjoy the journey there. The characters and the way they go through movie bring so much. Very relatable to the way a lot of D&D players would play then.

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A wonderfully entertaining and captivating fantasy film. From start to finish. Absolutely loved it. I laughed, I cried, I even liked Regé-Jean Page's performance in here. AND loved Michelle Rodriguez's character. The movie is THAT good. Reminded me a lot of Guy Ritchie's King Arthur.

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Not bad, but could be better. Especially the first half is quite boring and slow. Around the halfway point it feels like the movie changes writers and it got better, even with some clever moments. I also presume one or multiple of the writers have a very fragile ego and he had to belittle or insult every male character in the movie. At least that also disappears in the second half.

The movie is being dragged down by many jokes that just don't land or don't fit the setting at all. Also, the overall randomness was bad. They just need something and something happens, or they find something, all the time. Crazy convenient.

As mentioned, once over the half, there are some really good moments and it was quite enjoyable in the end. But I was not interested in D&D before I saw this movie, and I'm still not interested at all after seeing it.

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I'm glad this felt like a D&D campaign, instead of just another fantasy movie. I just wish there was more character development.

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This was a very good movie. I didn’t know anything about Dungeons and Dragons a board game but this was still a blast. The movie theater I went to didn’t have a break during the movie and I definitely did not need that with this one. The humor was also on another level and very clever. The movie definitely has some hartwarming scenes but doesn’t take itself too seriously.

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As for someone that has not played a DnD campaign before, I was very entertained, and laughed more than I thought I would. I'm sure I missed a lot of inside jokes, but this was an easy follow with or without knowing the source material.


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The plot was exactly what I was expecting from an American adventure movie of this kind, no surprises, some predictable passages. It mostly manages to recreate the atmospheres of the modern D&D tabletop adventures (not however the ones usually done in the 70s and 80s, that I prefer, more focused on intricate dungeons), with many cliches well-inserted. Some elements were not well-modeled, such as the spellcasters with infinite spells (instead of a more Vancian magic), no rolls to hit or savings throws, and other technical elements a D&D fan would want to find. Irony was there, but not well distributed throughout. All in all, a fair adventure film, worth a watch.

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A fun action fantasy. Cannot deny it. The comedy is so-so but the action choreography is pretty good. The story is very D&D like, adventure leading to another, last minute lucky d20 roll saves, and many choices for the characters to make. Since it's Dungeons and Dragons, it's good but I think if it were just a fantasy action film of any other kind it wouldn't have made sense as much. Or I wouldn't have overlooked the flaws as D&D-esque writing.

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Like men looking at Star Trek porn, Chris Pine took this solid 5 and made it 6. Small wonder Pine is a kind of wood.

Honestly, this is a decent spectacle with a fair sense of humor, but Pine's presence gives it even more respectability and his talent makes it entirely watchable.

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I would say a 8.5 actually.
The villains where pretty cartoonish but I liked the overall goofy feeling of the movie.

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