Shouts about...

Glass 2019


Shout by anthoney65

90% of the relevant parts are seen in the trailer. Every superhero scene for sure. We spend more than half the movie in the asylum. We spend a bunch of time listening to the doctor lady try to convince the characters that they're nothing special. Since we the audience know the truth it feels like a waste of time.

I hated the way the characters stories were tie up. There were a few tiny bright spots throughout the film. The postscript part of the film was the brightest part in an mostly dull movie. It's also the only part that's not given away in the trailer.

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I watched Unbreakable a long time ago and I didn't watch Split (which I do regret now). So it took me a while before the pieces of this movie fell together for me. But when they did it was amazing. I was really convinced "They" had won and it all felt rather unsatisfying before things turned around.
A very well made movie that is subtle and not blatantly action ridden. McAvoy's performance is ten out of ten alone. You could watch this stand-alone but it probably is better if you watch all three in succession.

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Oh my god, this was good!

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Shout by Jos Savelberg
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-01-17T20:49:10Z— updated 2019-02-02T10:42:01Z

Incredible that after 19 years the Unbreakble triology has ended. A dark, but enjoyable Superhero movie. We had the Unbreakable (2000) origin story, the Split (2017) origin story and now the ending with a focus on Mr Glass.

I think (i'm not sure) James McAvoy got way more screen time than the rest, but could you blame them? He plays the multi parts really good and it was enjoyable to see him on screen with his personas from Split once again. Doesn't take away that everyone did a great job as well.

These 3 movies shows us that superhero movies don't have to resolve about action, explosions and a happy ending. The movie had some good twists.

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Wow, what a ride.... I watched all three movies today as I'm on the couch sick. I love how the stories of the three films came together - although I see it more like Glass being the sequel to both Unbreakable and Split.

As with all Night movies - there's a twist at the end - albeit a minor twist this time.

I'm glad I was able to see these in order all in one day.

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We need part 3, what this organization

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Great movie but doesn’t hit the quality of Split in my opinion. Bruce, you can tell is going down hill a bit. Doesn’t have many lines. James does great again in his role. Overall good watch and I say go watch it once at least.

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Glad I watched the ending of the story. Actually my favorite of the three. Glad to see more of McAvoy again too.

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What a seriously twisted and demented show. James McAvoy did an outstanding job playing the person who has a small village living inside of him and played it to the tee. This is part of the unbreakable series and truly was a sequel worth the brand name

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at the end of the movie "split" it is recognizable, that these movies are trilogies
1st "unbreakable" (,
2nd "split" (,
3rd "glass"

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While this movie is not one that will appease everyone, I really enjoyed this as the culmination of two M. Night Shamalam movies. The idea of superheroes being more grounded and realistic is so interesting that one may question whether the two (or even three) "super-powered" individuals actually have powers.

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Why? Why on earth you keep two super humans with the minimum security measures and without a remote controlled door? This movie is a waste of time.

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Lazy, simple, what happens in the hospital does not make any sense, and the puddle of water, uffffff. They could have saved it

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Elijah Price: First name: Mister. Last name: Glass.

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Decent capstone to the trilogy not as good as its predecessors, but not an embarrassment either. Good beats and leads to a thrilling conclusion.

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I wish I had known this was part of a trilogy. I loved Unbreakable and didn't realize until the end that Split was the second part. Now I have to watch Unbreakable again.

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The story and ending were a little convoluted for me. Kinda long for how little action we had in film.

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Honestly, watched only to finish the trilogy. As a superhero universe, it's definitely interesting 'cause of how different it is from any other. As a story... not much.
Still upset that the creators made DID a superpower.

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For the cast of actors, I expected so much better. This movie was ridiculous. Don't bother.

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As much as I love James Mcavoy and know he's a brilliant actor, I think switching between the characters was a little too extreme here. It makes it really hard to take any of the scenes or even the movie seriously. Especially that scene at the end. How are we supposed to care when he's basically doing a skit? Anyways, the fact remains I don't care for this trilogy and only watched it for him. The session in the middle of with the three of them was the only interesting and engaging part.

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Shout by likhon012

this movie could have ended better....that was a let down..and also the David Dunn character seemed to be a side character in this movie ..the director kind of forgot why audiences were pumped up for this glass's because of the unforgettable Overseer character from the unbreakable movie and also because of Split's lovely performance...though we see a convincing amount of Mr.Glass and The felt like David Dunn were just a Cameo...this movie really was unjust to him --- SPOILER--- ( his death was just unacceptable )...and man do i missed the score of was used just one or two times..heck i can't even remember when.....

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Remarkable writing. Very nice put together! Well scripted and executed final for the trilogy.

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This movie shouldn't exist, both Unbreakable and Split were fine on their own. Absolutely boring plot and worst ending. If in the end their superpowers were all an illusion , I would have given a 5 out of 10.

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It can be considered a failed movie, but the approach it makes to the world of superheroes is highly stimulating

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The director's personal superhero universe gives rise to a magnetic and thrilling film, of the same quality as one from Marvel or DC Comics.

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An interesting idea for the continuation, but with worse realization. ps. Sensational James McAvoy just kept the level!

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Shout by Nuttefilt2000

best movie i have seen i hope they make some kind of tv show spinoff

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This is one of the absolute worst movies I've seen in years. I don't understand why M. Night still has a career. I gather his films make just enough money to keep his career "afloat." But this latest installment is yet another absolute bore. McAvoy is spectacular of course, but the story and the directing are profoundly dull. (I don't mean "dull" in the sense that there's "not enough action." I mean "dull" as in "tedious, uninteresting, and lacking depth.") I want these two hours back.

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M. Night Shyamalan continues his comeback by bringing Unbreakable and Split together in the supernatural thriller Glass. While battling Kevin Wendell Crumb, a notorious killer known as the Beast, vigilante David Dunn is captured by the police and taken to a mental asylum where a psychiatrist attempts a new treatment to convince David and Kevin that they are not super-human; meanwhile another inmate, Elijah Price (aka Mr. Glass), devises a nefarious plan to break out. Starring James McAvoy, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Sarah Paulson, the film has a strong cast that delivers some good performances; especially McAvoy, who adds a few new personalities to his character’s multiple personality repertoire. But unfortunately the plot is rather weak and promises more than it delivers. As a sequel (to either Unbreakable or Split), Glass is a letdown, but on its own it’s an interesting and entertaining film.

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This was very different from what I expected. It was very slow for 3/4 of the movie. Things finally pick up only to end horribly. The ending wasn't just frustrating, it made no sense in some ways. A genius master mind and that's what it the best plan he can come up with? The only good to come out of his "plan" was a video. And yes, I get why it's important but a video can be justified a million ways and the one thing that can't be explained away, the heroes themselves, are now gone. This movie was just disappointing all around.

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Shout by Simon

Superheroes in another sense; I liked but didn't love the movie. The highlight is McAvoy who gives a masterclass in acting, playing more characters than the total of the other cast!

Quality ending although a little sad; not everything in life ends with a smile

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Shout by Tiago Sacramento

I think Shyamalan made an awesome job with this trilogy. We were deceived by everything and he controlled our thoughts through his filmmaking. And we wanted that.
With "Glass" he teased us with what we wanted to happen. And we got slapped in the face. We forgot that this wasn't "just a movie". We forgot that this wasn't the conventional super hero movie. And yes, I got slapped too. And for a good cause. This movie made me realize how we act as consumers. I forgot that movies are a form of art too. And the artist expressed his opinion and I can't really disagree because, he made me believe in it.

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Ahhh, M Night, you raise my hopes so high everytime and then without any effort at all it seems, 10 minutes into your movies, they are usually let down.... what could have been but never will be due to your incredibley screwed up way of writing.....

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M. Night's take on the comic book genre is actually quite intelligent, even if it doesn't follow the heroic arc of the superhero movies we now know and love (except you Fantastic Four). It's dark, almost a horror movie even, and while I perhaps wanted more action, this is still a decent movie.

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I was waiting for this movie for a long time but I got disappointed. It seems that the famous writer Mr shamamalamadingdong has lost his inspiration.

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Worked for me. The end of the trilogy. Ending could have been much better. I would like to see this franchise carry on, I would like to see more about the Group that ended the 3 lives at the end. :rolling_eyes::thinking:

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This movie just didn’t doit for me. Preferred the other 2 more

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Shout by Al Lit

Decent film with fantastic filming and imagery. Quite disappointed with the story and acting; does not come close with previous venture. Weak twist :unamused:

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Just missed being an 8, but the showdown fell too short. Had heard so many negatives, but... does no one get it??? It's an ANTI superhero movie. If you're waiting for a big action scene after 5 minutes, you're going to be disappointed. Love that about all three of these movies, and I'm sure it helps that Marvel movies equal Ambien for me. Would've liked to see better action, when it did occur, but overall, appreciated M Night's idea and effort.

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Unbreakable good
Split ok
Glass boring

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Hmmm, what to say? The movie was meh, ok, I guess, but not really.

McAvoy did a wonderful job acting in this movie; in fact most of the actors did a great job. However, McAvoy really stands out because of all the different personalities he had to switch between - well done Mr. McAvoy - almost too much, but he pretty much had all the lines. Bruce Willis seemed to only have 10 lines in the entire thing, and same goes for Samuel Jackson.

The story line was dumb, dumb, stupid! They had such talented actors to work with, and that was all they were able to do with the story. Come on writers!

  • zane savage
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James Mcavoy’s performance was good but I think he was pushed into taking it over the top. Jackson’s acting was almost as laughable. Bruce was great , overall it was some what entertaining but a crap ending.
Split sucked just watch the last 20 minutes you’ll know enough to watch Glass

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It was just ok...It wasn't as good as I hoped it would be by far. The 2 separate movies were much better. I didn't care for the ending. I feel like so much more could have been done with the characters.

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Sarah Paulson ruins most of the characters she plays.

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Shout by Mick7506

Decent really enjoyed it :person_doing_cartwheel:

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Shoulda left Unbreakable and Split as separate movies and skipped this 2 hour trailer ppphhhffrrrrttt

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the psychiatrist really ruined a lot for me. Still a good movie, more unbreakable than split which is sad. split was awesome.

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Shout by jakefilmfreak

It's pretty good very entertaining can kinda understand the criticism but still I'd recommend you check it out if you enjoyed split or unbreakable I actually really disagree with people who say it sucks its a decent film

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it was different, I'll give them that. but it felt a bit like they where dragging the plot for 1:40 hours. nothing happens for the most part, it's just a lot of passionate speeches thrown around, and they are hinting at a sequel after that "shocking" finale as we are supposed to be curious to know about the aftermath. it had so much potential but it just lacked the proper tie ins and some more character development. a pity really. 6/10

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For me not that great end. Unbreakable was one hero, Split another hero, and this was the Glass mkvie, not the end story. That must be the 4th movie. It have some good twists, but not that great. 7/10 because the movie that i seen, but if triology it falls to 5.5.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0/ 1 story
.5 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
.5 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

1 / 1 misc

6.5 out of 10

Some great (semi)realistic action scenes, but holy shit what a movie to waste on this dumbass plot. "I know, for my grand finale that people have waited 20 years for, let's send them all to therapy, and tell them their powers are in their mind even though we've had two movies showing their powers are real. It may waste a full hour of the movie, but the audience won't know what to think... even though there are TWO MOVIES THAT SHOW THEIR POWERS ALREADY!" You and your non-twists suck, Shyamalamadingdong. But cool thrid act.

Also, wtf was that horrible old lady makeup? just get a real old lady if your fx people are that bad.

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Shout by Deleted

I'll give this movie credit for the acting. It's fantastic! The movie as a whole and the plot, are terrible though. Nothing makes any sense, the storyline isn't entertaining and the whole film just seems pointless.

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james mcavoy is superb, without him is just a mediocre film

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Ok M Night Shyamalan, time to retire. How you can take a movie that had such an amazing foundation and finish it with the piece of crap ending I just saw, is beyond me. I wasn't impressed. At this point, I think this guy just makes movies to try to prove some point that he thinks way outside the bubble or something, well the bubble has popped. I am done watching this guys crap.

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the whole movie felt like an awesome trailer!

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People will inevitably hate this film, mostly due to expectations. Me personally, I loved every second of it. It's a slow burn that is definitely imperfect, but I truly believe Shyamalan crafted something special here. A perfect deconstruction of superheroes tied with a brutal, depressing ending (in the same vein as Logan) that I loved.

Might even be a 10 on re-watch.

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The last in a trilogy. I haven't seen the previous films, but that wasn't really a problem. Still, although the concept is an interesting one, and there were some decent performances, some parts were just too silly and on the whole I found the film underwhelming.

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Much more of an 'unbreakable' sequel than 'split' as it has the same feeling, the slow build up to the big end.

Still keeps that cool, could be a real world superhero film.

Only really weird thing was Sarah Poulson's perfectly, freshly sprayed, prefect hair.

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The movie is a piece of shit. The plot seemed to be written in a dark basement, and the scriptwriter was paid with food.
Split was many times more interesting and better.

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A satisfying conclusion to a trilogy of clever ideas, powerful acting and masterly direction... 8/10.

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Let's face it: the plot twist didn't work. I doubt if i should call it a plot twist even, if by that we mean something totally "out of the box" unexpected. (hint: it's not.) What you get is a lack of character development and spectacular showdown you will get only by imagining how it would have ended if it weren't filmed this way.

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Unbreakable is one my favorite movies and i believe way better than the Sixth Sense.Here you have the ending of a trilogy that Mr. Shyamalan built over 20 years. Excellent performance by McAvoy and the ending was really good for me, i really liked the approach and the story behind it.

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What I liked about this trilogy is that it is completely different from any superhero movie out there. None of the three movies has big special effects, it is just a story that explain a different origin of superheroes. Here the concept of evil and good does not exist, there is always smething in the middle, and this is why I like it: here superheroes are not some mithologic creatures with superpower, but they are humanized. I am pretty bored of all these Marvel and DC movies and TV series: they have very beautiful effects, I have to admit it, but where is the story? In my opinion, comic movies lovers should watch THIS trilogy, and leave behind for a moment all these multimillionaire movies.

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Some impressive work from (M Night Shyamalan) I’ve got say a brilliant film and definitely better out of the 3 films and by far (James Mcavoy) best role in his actoring career, remarkable pull off on his multi character also good credit for the rest of the top cast. I really enjoyed the script, definitely has a strong meaning on villains and super heroes and reality. It was smashing!

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Oof. This movie was complete dog shit. Hated. What a waste of the end of a surprise trilogy. It's amazing how quickly M Night has lost all the goodwill he got back with Split. Now it's all back out the window. No good.

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I was completely on board until the ending, then I was like, huh? It certainly didn't end up being the character-driven story I'd anticipated.

McAvoy is stunning, makes it look effortless.

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Shout by Elvamp

Didn’t like it too much. Just ok

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I liked it...enough. It did try to do too many things though, all based on comic book lore. Mr Glass's lines felt a bit too gimmicky for me, too postmodern meta. Good acting and a gripping storyline, but it didn't come together very well. Sort of like The Defenders- all this hype, but the original individual stories worked better.

On a side note, the 4D experience didn't seem worth the added expense for this one, maybe because M. Night Shyamalan really gets in your head, so I wasn't as into the moving around & other special effects as I normally would.

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This definitely makes some interesting choices. The first half of this movie is a little too slow and the second half is a little too crazy. McAvoy is great again. I think this is the worst of the three but at least worth a watch.

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An ideal closing chapter to M. Night Shyamalan's Eastrail 177 trilogy. Terrific actors.

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This movie was amazing from start to finish. I don't care about the negative opinions on this movie, I have my own and I'm gonna come out and say that is amazing. 8/10

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There's just too much not enough here. The action isn't exciting enough, the story isn't surprising enough (and what twists they do have are more let-downs than anything else), the directing isn't engaging enough... and Anya Taylor-Joy isn't used nearly enough. (Though James McAvoy steals the film, and is far and away the best thing about this movie.)

Bottom line: Glass tries so little it winds up being trying.

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