Shouts about...

Gran Torino 2008

Should’ve called it…

Racist Douchebag Becomes A Little Less Racist And a Little Less Douchey: The Movie

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abhorrent acting from bee vang and ahney her, but the screenplay and cinematography really make up for it

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Rewatched this after like 15 years. Plot was good and what I remembered basically. Humor holds up.

Sentimental movie that might make you tear up a little

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Entertaining at best. Just a single-minded plot with very poor acting. The premise has more potential.

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Acting was poor, plot didn’t make sense. Very very average movie.

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Sesame Street for adults; a completely vapid exploration of racism and learning to care about other cultures. For me there’s no compelling drama going on here due to the apparent lack of authenticity and predictability. The depiction of its characters feels way too exaggerated and one dimensional to take seriously, and the poor performances on top of that aren’t helping either. The directorial choices to present everything as black and white as possible leaves no room for interesting detail, nuance or depth. Instead, the dramatic oversimplification more often than not I find dumb and cringey. It looks fine but pretty dull and artless in that typical Clint Eastwood way, while the score’s forgettable. Just more proof for me that I strongly prefer Clint’s genre films over his attempts at mature dramas.


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Gran Torino is yet another outstanding movie directed by Clint Eastwood, showcasing his filmmaking skills. The movie tells an emotional story of an old man who forms an unlikely bond with a young Hmong boy, teaching him valuable life lessons along the way. Eastwood's performance as the lead is remarkable, capturing the sprit of the character. Overall, Gran Torino is a great movie that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, and a testament to Eastwood's talent as a director and actor.

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Retired Dirty Harry does justice his own way.

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"Gran Torino" is a fine movie that underscores the significance of relationships and how they can overcome racial and cultural differences. I was actually surprised by how funny this film was despite the racial slurs name-calling and foul language. There is nothing surprising about the way this film progresses its just enjoyable to see Walt (Clint Eastwood) warm to his Hmong neighbors. The ending does surprise a bit but it certainly doesn't shock. Eastwood is very engaging and likeable here even though his character is as rough and crusty as they come. His direction is fine although in a film like this I don't think there is a lot of opportunity to wow the viewer.

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I watch this once a year or so. I would imagine the cancel culture police wouldn’t let this movie be made today, but it’s a gem. My grand parents lived in Dearborn and their house was identical to Walt’s so there’s a little extra nostalgia for me. My grandpa was an MP in the Korean War and his last name was Kowalski too so this movie brings a lot of memories back.

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This movie is certainly excellent and certainly proves, or at least provides a compelling case for, humans being redeemable. I wish more people would watch it and truly grasp it's message.

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A bit slow, but oh the ending is unique.

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I am a huge Eastwood fan and have seen all of his movies. Many of them more than once. Gran Torino is on of his best and after watching it for the second time I raise my rating from "8" to "9".

It's a great journey from the bitter man who's nothing left to live for to a man who discovered something worth dying for.

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Wow, what a great movie. Don't know why all the hate.

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A shallow effort from director/star Clint Eastwood, Gran Torino may have been better served with a more thick-witted title, something along the lines of Bitter Old Man Points Guns at Minorities.

Not that there isn't fertile ground for exploration along these lines; Eastwood's isolated, closed-minded widower could have been an excellent vehicle for prodding a number of inherent stereotypes present in modern American suburbia. Instead of meeting those issues head-on, though, it spends most of its time stalking up and down the sidelines and, often, reinforcing the kind of bull-headed resistance to different cultures that, at the outset, it seemed ready to confront.

I had a hard time accepting any of this film's main players as anything more than thin caricatures, especially considering the bland, straightforward dialog they're given to work with, and that resulted in a major emotional disconnect during the story’s climax. Eastwood's jaded war veteran never seems to completely move beyond his biases and, shamefully, the film's resolution only serves to prove him right for failing to do so. A plodding, incomplete picture that will ultimately be remembered for the single quotable line heard in its trailer.

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Excellent movie. Very real and kind of heartwarming in a weird way. Leaves me with a hope for the future.

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Lots of obvious set ups but it still worked and got to me.

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I really enjoyed this film. You see very few films that deal honestly with race relations. I like that Clint used words that make us feel uncomfortable - how else could you make such a movie? If I had one (extremely) minor criticism it is that they chose to make a group of people that nobody knows the subject of most of the verbal and physical attacks in the movie. I have to wonder if they feared the repercussions of featuring a group that had a larger voice. The movie was extremely well-acted even though most of the leads were complete unknowns. I thought that Clint may have taken this project because it kind of put his Dirty Harry character to bed, just as The Unforgiven had put his "Man with no name / Blondie" character to bed.

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Don't know why ratings are so good, what really suprised me was the 8.2 on IMBD not many movies got over an 8 on IMBD but as far as the movie goes it was poorly paced, they try to get you to care about the characters but by time you do it's too late. Acting is mediocre almost all around, has a strong ending and has it's moments of being a good movie but overall couldn't forgive the slow pace and mediocre acting.

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first performances by Eastwood that i watch on calm no matter what ages.

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Eastwood is like wine. He only gets better with age!

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Not bad but neither a great movie: while the plot is OK, the lines are not and often feel artificial and cheesy. What director Clint Eastwood wants to tell us is "Stand up, even when outnumbered, for what you believe in" (or at least that's what I think is what he wants to portray ;-)).

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Finally giving it a look off the To-Watch Pile. Have slept on it for too long.

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This is one of the best movies i have ever seen!

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I'm surprised this is so well received. It came across to me as a somewhat crude or clumsy lecture from an old man to a new generation. The representations of 'the faults of young people' were exaggerated. Mostly flat characters, traditional and uninteresting cinematography, un-nuanced good vs evil, unabashed glorification of an older generation / lifestyle, etc. I am not saying that I'm opposed to the views or lifestyle this film worships, but it just isn't a fun or enlightening watch when it's all this simple and one-sided.

It wasn't completely horrible, but it played like a common TV movie, maybe something you would see on Hallmark; I completely didn't feel the emotional attachment that seems to have moved so many others.

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Great storyline, great acting, really emotional. The only downsides, which prevented this movie to get my all time favourite, were some predictable moments and some "as if"-moments.
Still a must-see in my opinion.

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I typically don't care for Clint Eastwood's acting, but this was an amazing movie. Emotionally provoking.

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This is a terrific movie.

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Can't believe I waited so long before I watched this movie. It's brilliant! Must see for everyone!

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A beautiful movie of one of the most remarkable, decorated and dedicated actors in Hollywood.

Grand Torino is about one man, Walt Kowalski. A bitter old man, a veteran from the Korean War. The war made him cold and he takes it out on his own family who see him as a nuisance. When a new Asian family comes to live in the house next door he slowly makes new friends with them. But that new friendship is put to the test when a violent gang attacks them. Walt Kowalski is faced with a difficult question on how to handle that threat.

Grand Torino is Clint Eastwood his final acting movie, and boy what a movie it is. Even though he was 78 at the time of this movie he played as the main hero and directed it. It is a masterpiece. It is an fitting end to an acting career of more than 5 decades.

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