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Gravity 2013

I hate this movie so much. So freaking boring. So stupid. How the fuck did this bitch get in space?

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This is a technical masterpiece. The visuals are simply breathtaking. I wish I would of seen this in 3D Imax. The cinematography is just phenomenal. Those long takes are super immersive and couldn't be done on other movies. The story is pretty simple but effective. I haven't been this enthralled in a movie in a while.

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A stunning film in its own right but equally one that demands to be seen on the biggest screen possible. This is what cinema was made for and probably the first film since Avatar that is made even better in 3D. Fortunately, unlike that film, the story and characters are much stronger - this is essentially a two-hander between Clooney and Bullock - and each of the set piece sequences are tense, visually stunning and completely convincing - some of the camerawork is vertigo inducing at times. The film is beautiful to look at and the score is as effective as a character as it is at enhancing the mood of certain scenes. One of the best films of the year!!

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I love movies about space, so this is an easy :hearts: for me.

Gravity is a gorgeous, intense, thrilling ride through the atmosphere punctuated by heavy-handed emotion, George Clooney being funny, and space debris. If you want to be very anxious for an hour and a half, watch this film.

I could do with a different backstory for Dr. Stone. I found myself caring more about the action, cinematography, and audio than I did about Stone herself.

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the only good thing i can say about this movie is that it has good graphics everything ells sucks It was one of the most boring film I have watched in a long time.

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A great experience: tense, butt-clenching moments throughout. It really gives you a sense of how hostile space is and the kinds of dilemmas that astronauts could face.

I do wish there was a bit more of a build up to the drama though, maybe see more of the characters, their relationships, and the mission before all hell breaks loose.
On the other hand, it's obvious the aim was to show how fast things can go wrong, which, it turns out, can be very fast.

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Sometimes it really can be that simple.
A technically impressive, visceral experience that's very good at making you experience anxiety for 80 minutes, and it also manages to pack a nice little character study in there.
The dialogue can be a little Hollywood-ish (do astronauts really talk like that over the radio?), but I'm giving it a pass because Sandra Bullock's character isn't supposed to be an astronaut.


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I watched this first time at the cinema in 3D. (You remember that gimmick that we were forced to endure by the studios for about a decade while knowing it was utter crap?)

In 3D this worked okay as a visual effects exercise.

Watched as a normal film in 2D and judged on its merits, it's pretty rubbish. The visual effects are impressive and submersive.

The plot is ridiculously far-fetched not because it is impossible to have that chain of events happen but that the character could have achieved them! I've never seen a more useless person in all of cinema outside of perhaps... Nope... This is the most useless person in all cinema.

How could you have 6 months of training and be this clueless and uncoordinated at EVERYTHING?

No way she'd have lasted five minutes. And no way the Clooney character would have sacrificed himself for her.

What tosh!


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Recently watched for the 3rd time, and it amazes every time, stunning in 3d, the pacing is incredible, fantastic movie

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Ok so as a story this might not be anything special (you can't put too many twists in an ~80 minute film after all); but as an experience there isn't another film like it.

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Beautiful movie but the story wasn't really that great.

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Great movie, but what is a doctor doing in space doing repairs?

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Shout by Deleted

Almost perfect movie.

Take some artistic liberties towards the end but still an exhilarating ride.

I'm betting Clooney wins a supporting actor Oscar for this.

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I thought the movie was decent, but no where near great as everyone says. It's very predictable and yes the CGI is great but does that make the movie?

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I closed my eyes for 5 seconds and prayed a xenomorph would pull her out the airlock

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Low ratings are from people who expected a hard sci-fi thriller, rather than a powerful drama set in space.

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For the people wondering who the foreign voice was during a scene in the movie, checkout this short film as a spin-off to the movie!

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The movie has a very simple and straight forward story, but what makes this movie great are the visuals! This movie is one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen, and the sound design is very well done too. It is definitely not recommenced to watch this movie on a small screen and with bad audio quality. Seeing it in 3D at a theater is the way it should be done, and if you do that, the movie will be amazing. I held my breath through the entire movie, it was insanely intense.
If you see this movie on a big screen with good audio and preferebly 3D, I rate this movie 9/10

On a small screen with bad audio, this movie will be nothing spectacular, and I'd give it a 5/10

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Boring as hell, don't lose your time!!

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I kept hoping Sandra Bullock's helmet would crack so she'd shut the eff up. She howls at a dog and breathes a lot. Great special effects, but the casting is crap.

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I know that I will probably be the outlier here, but this movie was so boring. This is basically Castaway but in space. In Castaway the acting is amazing and it is very well done, but the reality is that it is long and boring for most of the movie. Same problem here. The acting may be great but it's basically just her alone in space for most of the movie and it gets old quickly. And this has more to do with preference than quality of the film itself.

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Probably one of the best 3D movies of all time. I'm dead serious.

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For a moment that day, this film managed to pull me out of the dark place I was. I am eternally grateful for it.

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A fascinating blend of opposing extremes, Gravity is gripping and white-knuckle intense from the word go, but also unexpectedly intimate as a character study. Many of its successes are due to an excellent application of sound design, which flutters from loud, echoey destruction to the sudden stillness of panicked breathing amidst the silence of a total vacuum. Outstanding visual effects up the ante a few more notches, expertly visualizing the helpless chaos of a rapidly-compounding disaster in low orbit in a way that's both picturesque and graphically terrifying. That the rules and environments are all so foreign and unfamiliar only makes it easier for the viewing audience to forget that so much of what we're seeing is CG.

The underlying moral is more than a little blunt, and a few laws might get bent along the way, but to zero in on those is to ignore the focus of the ride itself. A cinematic roller coaster in the truest sense of the word, it's one of the most physically suspenseful experiences I've ever sat through.

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The film gives us the feeling of actually being in space, the visual effects are stunning. I feel for the history of film is very degraded into question the message the film conveys. From what I hear talk about the film, I expected more.

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An overrated waste of time.

Bad acting, bad script, nothing but visuals.

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Edge of your seat tension , stunning visuals, loved clooney's cowboy charm, the film does really well portraying space as both breathtaking and ominous especially through bullock's amateur astronaut pov

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I really don't get what half of the comments mean with "Boring".
Yes, the story is simple: Just survive
But in my honest opinion the movie is solely about surviving in the hostile environment called "space" but about the experience as well. The whole time was tense. There were few moments where I could "relax".
I first saw it in the cinema and enjoyed it for "space" but now I see it for the space, the art and experience.

The CGI is stunning and believeable. I would even argue it looks more real than Avatar 2 does.

Just to add for those about to watch: This movie is a hard-science movie and not an action novel sci-fi fantasy like Star Wars. If you have read "The Martian" and like the idea, you will probably like it as well.

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This is probably the 2001: A Space Odyssey of the modern era. Simply just special effects eye candy that ended up being exceedingly overhyped.

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"Gravity" is one of those films that brings something a little different and is then uniformly touted as the best movie ever.

Yes, "Gravity" is good. There's plenty of action, narrow escapes and terrific images. The wrecking and wreckage of the space shuttle and neighboring space stations is remarkable and beautiful. There is danger and even some surprises, which was welcome in a movie climate where main characters' fates are rarely in doubt.

I couldn't initially put my finger on what it was then that "Gravity" lacked. There was character development, the effects were brilliant, the science was realistic enough. What was really frustrating was the fact that "2001: A Space Odyssey" and its exploration of the wonders of the unknowns of space, is one of my all-time favorites. This should be have been a slam dunk.

Then it hit me. The problem with "Gravity" is that it lacks those unknowns. Those mysteries. It features astronauts going through the routines associated with repairing a satellite. Seriously, the fate of Sandra Bullock's character rests on how quickly she can figure out User's Manuals. Oh sure, there's suspense in that, but zero wonderment.

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A great film which is impressive and describes the charm of dangerously stunning space in silence

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Not even close to great movies.Absolutely dissapointed..No action no plot..

But to tell the truth is was a fresh idea,something very special if you see it in 3d and incredibly directed.So 6,5/10 otherwise it would have been much lower.

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Let's see. Terrible, predictable, unoriginal, uninspired and ludicrously unbelievable story. Bad and uninspired acting. Awkward and unlikable and very cliche characters. Poor pacing making things unnecessarily boring. No depth what so ever to anything to justify the slow parts either. The story itself is paper thin and full of holes with absolutely terrible plot devices. They didn't even get the science stuff right. Much of the movie is overly pretentious too, making it extra annoying. The ending is bad. Hell, the movie even starts terrible. And the effects really aren't that good either. It's literally impossible to give this movie anything other than a 1.

I guess people follow hype so blindly these days that they don't even pay attention to the movie. One of my 5 worst movies of all time.

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Shout by Deleted

Not much is left to say about Gravity that hasn't been said before. The visuals are some of the best you'll ever see, but the story is basic and doesn't go anywhere special. It's definitely a good movie, but it isn't a great one. One thing I did notice is that most of the criticisms of the movie are things that couldn't be improved upon. The movie can't have a more engaging story because if it did it would be more unrealistic, and it can't have a more realistic story because if it did it would be far less engaging. There is no way to make this movie where it can be any better than it already is. This means the movie has to be good, and it can't be great. It's self defeating.

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I cannot understand why this movie is so valuated. Can you travel from Hubble to ISS in a space suit? Is there any special force pushing back Kowalsky? Its only CGI and Sandra Bullock breathing half of the movie.

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I usually hate most movies the last 15 or so years because of the overuse of CGI without substance in everything else, but Gravity was a wonderful surprise.

Yes, it's long and slow paced BUT that's to set the mood. It's entirely psychological and proves that there's still plenty of room left for more decent sci-fi in Hollywood. Like another commentor pointed out sci-fi and fantasy keep getting lumped in together and the focus for studios tends to go towards the fantasy. Seeing a purely amazing science based movie is refreshing, even with it's bumps and 'whaaaaat?" moments.

My husband also pointed out how it reminds him of seeing 2001 in theaters when it first came out and how it blew everyone's mind. I have to agree. This is my 2001.

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A really, REALLY boring movie.

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Well at least I tried watching it. It is beautiful yes, but too little action for my taste..

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I was quite disappointed. Decent visuals but predictable story development, overly dramatic music, and nothing we haven't seen in Dead Space or Mass Effect. I like Sandra Bullock but if you want to watch a nice space movie, go and watch Moon instead.

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Such a surprise! Definitely best film of the year so far, and a front runner for the Oscars no doubt. You're at the edge of your seat the whole time, and it never lets go of you until the end title. 10/10!

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What a fantastic piece of film making!! Alfonso Cuarón just solidified his stature as a top Hollywood director and writer. 10/10. The 3D was...out of this world. Beyond believable, it was as real as we'll ever get IMO and The Best 3D experience yet for me. Suspense was, Wow!!! This is a Must See in the theater. James Cameron got it right when he said; "I think it's the best space photography ever done, I think it's the best space film ever done, and it's the movie I've been hungry to see for an awful long time.” - Me too James, me too. This story, the visuals + the intensity will be hard to top. An Oscar winner for sure. I'll be seeing this again next week. Congratulations to all involved and bien hecho Alfonso, bien hecho.

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Gravity is a very good space thriller movie. Sandra Bullock plays Ryan Stone, a rookie astronaut on her first trip to space, and George Clooney plays Matt Kowalski, a veteran astronaut on his last trip to space before retirement. While they're doing some repairs on a satellite, something suddenly goes wrong, and they get separated from the space shuttle. Will anyone come to their rescue, or will they drift farther and farther out into space?
This movie has some intense scenes of action and peril. Some images may be disturbing for young viewers. This movie also has some bad language, about 15 to 20 bad words. I would recommend this movie for ages 16 and up. This movie is well made, with some great special effects. Gravity is an intense thriller worth watching.

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Absolutely unbelievable, not unlike a Marvel film, with the exception of the superpowers. However, at no point was I bored (unlike some Marvel films).

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Was always on the edge of my seat and this was straight a horror movie

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Cuaron made one of my favorite movies of all time, but this movie really stunk. The script seems to have been written by the same people who write for video games. A particularly bad video game.

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Shout by Deleted

A good movie, with an impressive story, and if you stop to think and analyze it, it is very sad.
It's more of a space survival movie.
But it was like more of a story, it was going to show us how these three astronauts came together, or how they got into space, not to start the film directly in space (it's not a spoiler).
It is also very short, not even 2 hours for a movie in space, it only takes one hour and twenty-seven minutes. It also has some very beautiful landscapes in space.
It's a movie worth seeing.

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8 - Great

Holy damn this movie gives me fear of heights!

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Shout by Charlie Rock

This movie blows more than a French whore on D-Day!

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Got new experience from graphic movement and great visual that deserve best movie of the year.

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Well the imagery is sometimes stunning and I liked the soundtrack and that there is from time to time just silence.
About the plot I am divided: I do not think it crap or junk like others do, but on the other hand I also have to admit that I do not think it a masterpiece. For that both characters as well as the story itself lacks depth and is quite predictable IMHO (granted I didn't see it coming that Kowalski is killed off about half way through the movie, but somehow this is only emphasizing that Stone is going to survive.) .

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NASA apparently hired an astronaut that was constantly in psychotic breakdown mode. I doubt they would have hired that. Annoying to watch. So no, didn't understand why that got any kind of awards. Loved the story though.

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Shout by xKepe
BlockedParent2016-03-31T02:38:54Z— updated 2017-01-31T11:24:46Z

This is how you act solo in a drama movie!!

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Truly epic in scale! Whilst 'Gravity' falls short against films like '2001: A Space Odyssey', it is a tense and visually stunning thriller from Alfonso Cuarón. The most visually stunning film of 2013

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Shout by Marcia L

I like it. I was expecting a bigger movie with more people and more history but it was good.

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Gravity has a very simple narrative, and it's characters aren't very fleshed out and developed, but the film is so fantastic in almost every other aspect, you might not even care. The art direction is stunning, the pacing is just right, and the suspense is powerful and exciting. In spite of it's weak characters, Gravity perfectly captures the mystery, the beauty and the horrors of outer space.

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This "Movie" was a huge waste of time. Even if you have 90 minutes spare time in your life, dont waste it on this one. Watch the trailer instead, and have this fact in mind "SPOILER" she lives.

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Having read the summary and the trailer, I expected more conversations between Bullock and Clooney. Turned out most of the movie is about Bullock's lone struggle to survival - her inexperience (which successfully makes her an annoying, but realistic character at times), her losing will, and her, finally determination.

The visual and acting excellent - and I suppose it is the ultimate point the movie can deliver. The plot is simple. The characterization is okay-ish. We don't get to know much about Bullock's character background so it takes a bit more effort to feel moved when she succumbed to losing hope (and found hope again).

Still, an enjoyable movie.

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Shout by David

Great movie. Amazing cinematography.

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Shout by Deleted

It could have been a better movie if it accepted it was just visual eye-candy and got on with that job in more interesting ways. For example, the only real memorable scenes are the ones where space debris shreds things up, if they had more cast, they could slowly ween-off characters.

The Reality of it is that it is just Sandra Bullock spinning in space and being generally useless, whilst George Clooney just lords it up in space, like a young Stephen Hawking on Ritalin mumbling crap about himself and trying to test out the effects of flirting in space.

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It's one small shot for human, but a huge mess for mankind ;)

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The plot is idiotic, the acting consists of George Clooney playing George Clooney in a space suit and Sandra Bullock gasping for 2 hours, the visuals are 99% green screen, and the characters are way too underdeveloped for me to care about them at all. There really isn't anything good I can say about it, it's a disgrace that this stole as many academy awards as it did.

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Shout by ⁺₊⁺ dⒶwtmaytr¡k☭!

Eyecandy, but thin story and scientifically bullshit.

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quite impressed, but besides great shots, great action scenes, the only downside is no backstory except her daughter, but all positive things cover the bad ones, so still 10 of 10

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One of the best 3d movies ever..

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Very good.

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this is a hell of a movie, I mean the story wasn't really that great, but it's a kind of movie that I've never seen before. worth a trip.

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Paco Cinema 1: Spectacular, intense, or see in big screen 3D or is not the same. The oscar is excessive

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I personally found it annoying. In some exciting scenes, others (most) tiring and sleepy.

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Only watch in 3D!

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Overrated movie, was way little boring movie, expected much more. Ofc, this movie is really well made, beautyful, but ''slow''. 6

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The movie is very good but i don't know why i was expecting more... meh.

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Saw it for the second time at home, the first time was in a big theater 3d. You definitely have to watch it in a theater. Not the same impact. The perfect example why theaters still exist.

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Even better in 3D

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Shout by marcelo_barrios

Incredible movie, just perfect in all details.

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A stupid woman going to space?

This movie too is simple for me.

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I guess you had to see this in the 3D in the theatre or, maybe I was expecting to much. Either way, not bad at all, some pretty suspenseful parts and overall a good movie.

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The first half is really good and got the feeling it was building to something but after that it starts to drag on and felt like it really was lost in space.

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La caméra filme avec tellement de sensualité qu'on en aurait le cœur tout retourné. On prend possession du personnage et on s'y croirait presque.

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Very good visual effects, but was not convinced by the realism. What would pull George Clooney away, it's space the is no gravity? If you bump or get tugged by a rope you go straight in the opposite direction. It's not like they were hanging from a cliff!

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Really wish I had seen this in Imax 3D, still a good film, but I think to truly enjoy it would have been in the theatre.

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Shout by Lainfan

I don't know what the fuzz is about.
The visuals are really good yes, but it's not that ground breaking. It does have some amazing views though, so that's 1 of the main reasons I didn't turn it off. The second reason is the sound. They really managed to get the silence of space on screen, without the movie turning boring (a risk with those long shots.)

What bothered me the most about this movie is the amount of convenience to the story (including the seeming lack of knowledge of the scientists on and off screen.)
A barrage in space because someone (actually a whole nation's science department) faultly blew up a sattelite? What is that civilian (Bullock) doing in space? (I mean not noticing or responding to the fire in the ISS, really?)

And those were a lot of casual talks during critical situations. If regular plain pilots already have such a strict radio script, I doubt an astronaut talks like that during (critical) communications.
Also, ALL communications are down and both ISS, the Chinese station AND their shuttle are just a few 100 miles apart? I guess that's lucky, since she just had barely enough time to make it to each 'save haven.' The fact Clooney wasn't coming back was actually more of a surprise with all this coincidence.
I do have to say that most scientific parts of the movie were pretty accurate as far as I can tell.

Conclusion: She must have been the most luckiest astronaut ever but with incredible bad luck.

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Superb film, just watched it in my living room on the projector. Outstanding absorption from start to finish. EPIC!

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Shout by Deleted

I didn't think this movie deserved all that hype. It had stunning views, for sure, but the story was predictable.

I have to say that I found Dr. Stone really annoying.
Her character is clumsy, doesn't listen and she doesn't look or think before she acts.
There have been some scenes where I got really frustrated with the level of stupidity Dr. Stone exhibited. Some might call that great acting.

Clooney's role in this movie was minimal and could/should have easily been any other actor.

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Interesting movie which absolutely has to be watched in 3D!
Watching it in 2D cant make justice to the breathtaking visuals and will leave wondering what the fuss is all about!

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Interesting movie which absolutely has to be watched in 3D!
Watching it in 2D cant make justice to the breathtaking visuals and will leave wondering what the fuss is all about!

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Interesting movie which absolutely has to be watched in 3D!
Watching it in 2D cant make justice to the breathtaking visuals and will leave wondering what the fuss is all about!

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Interesting movie which absolutely has to be watched in 3D!
Watching it in 2D cant make justice to the breathtaking visuals and will leave wondering what the fuss is all about!

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Shout by Deleted

Nice movie.

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MovieOrgasm! Not just a great of the best cinema experiences ever created.

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Awesome stuff!

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GREAT movie. Go go Sandra.

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The show breathtaking. Space literally and figuratively.

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