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Guardians 2017

better then most of the American comic movies and with only about 10% of the money Hollywood spends

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I was very pleasantly surprised, definitely above Doom, Cobra, etc class of movies. It' doesn't have a genre behind it like Marvel, but it seems to have a good X-Men like origin for a single story as a movie. Fun stuff.

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People are biased. They're giving a bad rating just because this is not a Disney movie and because it's Russian, let's be honest. For a production without a multimillionaire budget it was surprisingly good. Of course the CG sometimes it's ridiculous, but after some time, you kind of forget about it. The action and fight scenes are really good. I really appreciated the Villain; he's not only strong, he's cleaver and intelligent. I hope there's a continuation, cause I am willing to wait for it. Me and my family had a great time watching it.

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I remember seeing the Trailer a few years back and wanted to watch it but didn’t get the time to and forgot about it, till I was looking for something to watch and seen it on Tubi..I remember hearing about the reviews before and people were saying this movies was Poor and Garbage..After I watched it I enjoyed it. The CGI was done well but I feel The Story was rushed and could of been better…But for a Non American Superhero movie is was good and and worth the watch..Would like to know a little more of The Character’s any fellow up to this movie if they gonna make any.

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Didn’t mind this film, wish it got a sequel or hope it does

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فیلمی که قهرمانهایی بجز قهرمانهای مارول را بوجود آورده بود.
thank you
Shahnam M Nazar

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Shout by kinky

Bad acting, clunky storyline and nice special effects. Just like your average Hollywood blockbuster.

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This Russian avengers are curious, they do what they can with little money

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Obviously a fairly large budget went into this movie, but they failed to spend any real money on decent actors. Pain, fear, shock and awe just revolve around the opening of the mouth (especially from the hot invisible chick).
Bear man looked ok when he was a bear man, and when he was a man. The transmorphing was bit questionable. Even more questionable was the fact that when he went full bear (twice in the same final big battle), his trousers were ripped apart where he increased in size. Both times when he then appeared in man form, he had trousers back on. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he didn’t just have his junk dangling about, but continuity is important.
Subtitles seemed like they were written by a Neanderthal, with lines such as “but I realise the change me” and “tonight the painful and embarrassing”.
Aside from criticisms, it was a fairly enjoyable movie, however I won’t ever be watching it again. Plus, invisible chick is hot.

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A little bit of Avengers, a little bit of X-Men, and a little bit of Fantastic Four. Writing and continuity are all over the place, but some interesting ideas. Also kept seeing Scar Jo and Ryan Reynolds ... :)

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A good concept that just does not have a story to back it up. Also no team chemistry.

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A good try but not really a great one. It felt very randomly and incoherent, the story was too poor. I liked the visuals though. If you are into superheroes movies just see it and don't expect much.

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Feel asleep watching it so went back and tried again but fell asleep a second time. It's too bad this film is too bad.

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This movie lacks personality. But you gotta give 'em credit for the special effects.

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Horrendous script and storyline that is not possible to look past or even laugh at. At the end you're just left shocked, wondering whoever greenlit the poetry of this trainwreck. It's a shame too, because it really had potential.

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Shout by Élodiie Heirich

Film low cost. j'ai trouvé beaucoup mieux Les Gardiens de la Galaxy. Histoires similaires mais mieux jouée, plus de moyens également... A éviter

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Incredibly absurd, boring without a good story. One of the worst movies of my life, I love movies and I always have fun, but this horrible movie did not even finish watching it. See it under warning.

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Shout by Alex

So.... I saw the trailer for this some time ago and it did seem incredibly stupid but also intriguing. A russian Avengers? Why not!
But after the floods of bad reviews and press it got everywhere I watched this expecting the absolute worst.

And you know what? Going into it like this actually made it all the better. Sure, it was still incredibly stupid, littered with holes and nonsense but ALSO with some pretty good action sequences, some decent creativity and while many were complaining about bad CGI I think this was incredibly well done for a movie with a paltry budget of only $5 Million?!?

Not sure why this is supposed to be one of the WORST movies of all time if you believe some, I certainly was entertained and had some good laughs, even if only at some of the incredibly stupid things in it. :D
But yeah, don't write this movie off. Watch it while expecting the absolute worst and you MIGHT be pleasantly surprised.

I'm kinda looking forward to part 2 now. :x

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If you watch it with the original German synchronization it's gold!

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