Shouts about...

Hostel 2006

nobody can or will do anything to help. And that scares them.

There are still parts of the world that will not be controlled by Washington, London or Brussels. It is scary.

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And I watched it again... And again, it was "interesting" only in the fact that it seems to have been one of the forerunners of the torture porn genre. Unfortunately, the version currently streaming on TubiTV is the R-rated version, and while the "Unrated Director's Cut" is only a mere 9 seconds longer, it's the alternate ending that makes it worthwhile. Literally, only mere seconds' difference in only three different scenes so as far as the movie itself, you're not really missing anything by watching the R-rated version...but that alternate ending was so much more original and worthwhile. If you have the chance to watch the extended version (Unrated Director's Cut), I highly recommend it. And I'll stick to my earlier review that the backstory was really slow and plodding. If you're watching this just for the gore, skip ahead to the 40-minute mark; that's where it begins. But at roughly an hour and a half, it's not all that difficult to sit through the whole thing.

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It still holds up after 15 years, for being known as one of the first of it's genre it is very good.
Fair enough, I am a bit of a fan of Eli Roth but the acting, directing, cinematography etc is top notch.

highly recommended

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Very brutal and very disturbing movie about the abysses of human existence: kids are killing just to get some bubble-gums, whores sell their bodies as well as the life of their customers & the police tries to conceal everything.

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The part where Paxton got tortured by the "German" Guy though, as usual, it sounded like an made up alien language. Had to rewind it 4-5 times to understand it...

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i still love the achilles heel scene so much

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Quite a forgettable film - and I had forgotten all about the plot I only remembered the gore.

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Unseen unrated Edition
For it's time but
Very Mild by today's
With the movies that first
set the torture porn genre
into motion
The Last House On The Left*
and I Spit On Your Grave*
2 of my personal favourites
I knew back in the day I was
going to love Hostal.
I have an extensive
Horror collection as it's
my all time second favourite
Genre and over the decades
I have Horror movies that
make Hostel look like a
Care bears movie.
I still enjoy the
Hostels as it has a nice
bit of gore in the 3rd act
but it just takes a little
to long to get to the good
Times have changed
and so has the level
of Horror and Gore
I expect/demand
from the ass kicking
Genre that is "Horror".
(Still an iconic bit though
the Josh heel slice).

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edge for the hell of it, but decent enough. funny at times. preeetty homophobic and lowkey racist

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o sondaki tatmin duygusu beni benden aldi

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Not very interesting characters with juvenile motives get tortured now and then.

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"We can't rail a girl that's in a coma. I think that's illegal, even in Amsterdam."

It so takes me out of a movie when the characters are suppose to be in "Amsterdam" and they are not even trying to make it look a tiny bit like the city. Even the "Dutch" language is most of the time butchered. So sad.

Anyway Eli Roth's Hostel is alright. I saw this once back in the day and all that I could remember was the guy slipping so that Paxton could escape and the cutting off the eye scene. I totally forgot that Hostel isn't that gory at all. It all relies on sound and it does that alright.

The first part is a bit slow but once Paxton tries to escape it kind of picks up. He got so lucky running into the people who trapped him and the guy that tortured his buddy. He got some sweet revenge. And boy those Slovakian kids are brutal!!! All for some chewing gum. Lovely stuff.

So yeah, it was a decent rewatch but I'm a tiny bit mad that they never get Amsterdam right in these kind of films. NOT EVEN CLOSE.

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"Amsterdam, motherfucker!"

I remember when this movie came out. I had not seen anything that had torture in it before, so this shocked me as teenager. Now that I have watched it again - what a silly movie that still scares me a bit. Best part was when you realize what is going on and my man Rick Hoffman (from Suits) shows up.

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Listen to Wurst Vacation after watching this

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Quentin Tarantino Presents
A Lamer Version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake

Meh, I'm conflicted. The music is surprisingly great, and it takes itself a great deal seriously, there's a section in the final act you may get emotional at. Eli Roth has an eye for visuals, and effectively builds tension, but there's not much going on that I really cared about. If you're just looking for some gore and fun, you'll get it. Quentin Tarantino, Eli Roth, and Robert Rodriguez all love this kind of shit, and I do too, but man, the characters needed work. Lack of anything going on in the second act. The only amusing segments are at beginning, and last half hour. I find it hysterical, though, Roth considered this his Kill Bill, being presented in two volumes. Will I watch part two? Probably. I'm a sucker for their shit. The Green Inferno, here I come.

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I can't even... I was simply laughing my ass off. Next level geography and authenticity for sure. Slovakia has a border with my country, so I'd probably knew that there was some devastating war and the whole country turned into some Mad Max apocalypse where kids are gonna stab you with a knife on the streets because you didn't bring enough bubble gum. Vienna station has a sign saying Prague. Well, all the signs in SK are clearly written in Czech. Because... why not?

It's a miracle that those 3 guys found the hostel.

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I remember first seeing @EliRoth's HOSTEL and spotting a familiar face, Takashi Miike, exiting the 'museum'

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The sole purpose of this movie must be killing the tourism business of Slovakia :D

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