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Hulk 2003

The movie is boring, but hilarious if watched with friends. 5/10 for bare Hulk butt. This movie is a crime against editing, my eyes were bleeding by the end of it. Almost made me as nauseous as Battlefield Earth did.

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Too much drama not enough smash... And whoever edited this with all the sliding frames and split screens etc ruined the viewing experience.

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See father-son scene near end with Nick Nolte restrained. Great acting. Like watching stage play. Well done.

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See father-son scene near end with Nick Nolte restrained. Great acting. Like watching stage play. Well done.

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See father-son scene near end with Nick Nolte restrained. Great acting. Like watching stage play. Well done.

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It's a superhero movie, and an early one at that. So let me start by saying my expectations aren't high. They were basically met.

Maybe Ang Lee wasn't the best choice as director for this kind of movie. It just doesn't fit together well. The script is bad. It's an origin story but the part with the mad scientist father slows everthing down. At about 2h20m the movie is too long. It is not filled with content but with stretched out scenes. The actors are wooden and none of them stands out in a positive way. Whole thing felt like straight out of the 90s. The style of the movie I actually liked - but with all the negatives it couldn't save the movie.

I can understand why they discontinued this and tried another one. Not that it was much better.

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The worst kind of comic book movie. A boring, cluttered mess. Avoid this film at all costs.

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What an utterly ridiculous movie!

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See father-son scene near end with Nick Nolte restrained. Great acting. Like watching stage play. Well done.

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Poorly written, poorly filmed, poorly acted...
An embarrassment to Marvel, Sam Elliott, and Nick Nolte.

No more need be said.

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You can’t change my mind, this is the origin for the MCU hulk. Smart Hulk either flubbed the years or this takes place in 05 (need to rewatch to see if anything dates it)

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This movie is underrated and has received a lot of undeserved hate.

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Eric Bana's acting is as wooden as the horse in his other film "Troy".

The end is ridiculous. Nolte's character is unbelievable (and we're talking about a superhero movie were usually anything goes).

The comic book style transitions just don't work.

I'm giving it a 5 because I'm a Marvel and Hulk fan, but giving it a 3 or 4 wouldn't be an injustice.

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Hulk smash! Ang Lee’s Hulk brings the Marvel comic to life, but it doesn’t deliver a compelling adventure. In this adaptation radiation specialist Bruce Banner gets a lethal dose of gamma radiation that awakens the beast within him, leading to a violent clash with the military when they classify him as a threat to national security. Featuring Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, and Sam Elliott, the casting is fairly good. However, Lee undercuts the performances with an experimental directing style that makes the film seem comic like. Despite a lot of solid action, Hulk doesn’t strike the right tone and comes off as hokey and disjointed.

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At least the soundtrack is good.

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Not so good as expected

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