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Influencer 2023

Much better than expected. Not really horror, but a very solid thriller. Cassandra Naud is amazing. I felt so captivated by her; I wish she had taken me out to sea as well. It could have been a bit longer to stretch out the ending, but I definitely had a pretty good time!

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It was a good "social media" based kind of movie. But never underestimate the girl scouts.

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Boring, poorly acted, predictable—fast forward it to the end.

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The girl with the birthmark, has a nice ass.

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Rated a Connor 0, normal 5.8

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Shout by Cocotus

I think this movie wants to deliver the message on how easy it is to steal someone's identity. But for me this is more like a documentation on how dumb, vicious and self centererd current influencer gen can be. The worst for me: Absolutely no sympathy for any of the characters whatsoever. But this is the first thing you need to do when making a horror movie, right?! Watch one time and movie to better stuff.

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First 20 minutes, boring. But after that, the movie was pretty good. Acting is nice, ending could be better with the 20 lost minutes.

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Shout by TD127

If I can gather all the influencers and dump them on an isolated island, I would.

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Not the best and not the worst. It was better than I expected. You have nothing to lose giving up 1.30+ hrs of your time watching this movie.

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more fun than I expected but got a bit too predictable at the end and could have used less ryan

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An interesting plot held back by uninteresting characters.

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A solid if unspectacular entry from shudder here. At a slim 92 mins I didn't expect it to drag as much as it did in certain moments, but overall I enjoyed the film. Solid performances for the most part and worth a one time viewing. 6.2

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Shout by LAA1984

in general it's good movie :popcorn: to watch, good story, twist, I think the actors choice were not good and the finish need more work and details

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Influencer was a decent indie spooker, fresh faces, nice soundtrack reminiscent to some of the 2012 era songs I would find while browsing Soundcloud, makes use of trendy tech of now, parts of it reminded me of Shutter and Cast Away, I'd give it a Yes

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Is it wrong that I sympathised with the villain? Social media has killed society! The film is okay - a few twists kept it interesting.

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Went in blind and for the first 25 minutes I found it to be very unpredictable. The campfire scene was probably my favorite. After those 25 minutes, you can already see how it's going to end unfortunately. Although I did get surprised a few times along the way and the direction was satisfying. I wish it went more into character study but it never quite got there sinse we barely get to know anything about a certain character. Some really nice landscape shots nothing new but beautiful nonetheless, good acting all-around, some dumb cliché decision making from certain characters, filled with plot holes and I wanted more of a surprise at the end. I was still captivated the whole way through, mostly because of Naud's performance, her character and the interactions she has with others. A decent watch.

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influencer is just one of those films we've seen a hundred times before. You pretty much know what's going to happen, the protagonists make silly and dumb mistakes, it's all predictable and goes through the motions. But does just about enough to keep you marginally interested until the end to see how they will wrap it up, you should know by the times we get the opening credits, speaking of credits I noticed we don't get them until almost half an hour into the film.

Says a lot when that was the most interesting and unique thing about the film I guess.

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You saw this movie many times.Music too loud and too long,many stupid mistakes people doing here.

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