Shouts about...

Jaws 1975

'Jaws' succeeds on almost every level. It is terrifying without being grotesque, and spectacular without being unbelievable (if the shark looks a little fake, remember that, at the time 'Jaws' was released, 'Space Invaders' was on the cutting edge of computer graphics design and there was no such thing as 'Shark Week on the Discovery Channel'). The suspense is potent and the action thrilling, but the humor, emotion, and character development make this movie much more than a summer blockbuster.

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This movie honestly changed my swimming habits at the beach. Good flick.

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Legendary movie. I can't think of many movies that had this much impact on people of all ages.And who doesn't know the Jaws tune? almost 45 years old now...

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Terrifyingly awesome without being cheesy and too predictable.

The protagonists are fighting a shark which has no super powers.
The suspense and thrills are well crafted and not over exaggerated.
There is only 1 major jump scare which is perfect in my book.
A recommended and well paced thriller!

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I didn't really connect with this movie - I thought it was too long. The acting is good enough, the script too. Watching it in theaters must have been an unforgettable experience - an experience that, in the 70s, would make me rate the movie a top ten. However, watching it for the first time in 2021, I found it boring. Great, but redundant.

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Amazing! This is an exciting thriller. Even today (I had never seen it) this film made me sit on the corner of my seat.

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Sheer classic! Old is gold indeed.

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The best things about this movie are its poster and the theme song.

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Other than the fact that I am a completist, I can think of no real reason to post a review of "Jaws". Everyone knows about it. It's a part of our culture. Heck, this whole "Shark Week" craze that happens every summer is a direct result of its continuing popularity. This film set the table for all summer blockbusters to come. It set up Steven Spielberg for greatness.

When I rank my favorite films, this one is on the list. I don't know if it's in my Top 10, but only because I have seen it so often that I think I take it for granted. Maybe I ought to base my personal Top 10 on the number of re-watches. If that were my method of measurement, "Jaws" might be my favorite movie ever.

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A milestone in the movies history, editing and Oscar winner for this movie! Verna Fields was a relatives of mine, my mother side.

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The tragic story of a bunch of alcoholics who hunt down and murder a fish for the crime of being really hungry.

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"That's some bad hat, Harry!"

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Like a shark bite: Clean, efficient and effective.

A perfect movie in that it succeeds in becoming everything it sets out to be.

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Shout by Jimmothy
BlockedParent2022-10-05T01:49:24Z— updated 2022-10-06T02:24:29Z

The first Horror movie I seen as a child and still defend to this day. Its amazing ability to make you jump back in your seat and in more recent years laugh till you run out of breath is truly a testament to what a great movie this is.

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A perfect movie.
Story: 10/10...simple premise, captivating, great pacing, exciting and fulfilling ending.
Dialogue: 10/ wasted interactions. Some great one-liners.
Performances: 10/10...who doesn't hit their mark? And that USS Indianapolis story that Shaw tells...incredible.
Misc.: 10/10...introduced Spielberg as a master. So many great camera shots. Editing is perfect. Is there a more iconic musical theme?
Overall: 10/10

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It doesn't matter how many times you watch this, you may even know it line for line and frame by frame, it won't fail to astound, thrill and chill you.
A masterpiece of unequalled filmmaking skill.

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Absolutely does its job at scaring the shit out of you. The suspense, the music and the directing are brilliant, but it didn't quite stick the landing. The ending felt a bit too over the top, rambo style, but I had a great time watching.

Especially loved the first act and couldn't help but relate it to the current covid situation lol

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Shout by Wambie
BlockedParent2020-09-30T02:38:50Z— updated 2022-06-18T03:52:16Z

The U.S.S. Indianapolis scene is my favorite scene of all-time.

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Sensational in its time of premiere. Today it is also defending itself against its followers, which of course appeared.

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“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” Director Steven Spielberg launches the modern blockbuster with the horror-thriller Jaws. When the mangled remains of a swimmer wash ashore small-town police chief Martin Brody comes to believe that a rogue shark is prowling the waters and attempts to close down the beaches. Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss, and Robert Shaw lead the cast and deliver some pretty good performances. But the real star, of course, is the shark, and Spielberg does an excellent job at giving it a real sense of terror. And one cannot overestimate the impact of John Williams’ score, which heightens the tension and suspense, taking it to the next level. Playing on our primal fears, Jaws is a terrifying monster movie.

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The movie probably did as much good for the industry as it did bad for sharks.

But there is no denying this is one of the classics and I do like it. It has one of the most memorable scores ever, written John Williams. My parents didn't wanted me to see it but I was very resourceful even as a teenager. Since I never lived anywhere where there is even the slightest chance of meeting a shark I was never terrified by it. Interestingly on the Making-of someone said they never got any letters concerning scared children.
There are some really good scare moments and even in HD, with great picture and sound, the shark looks good.
I remember the sequels being really awful and even some tries of making a shark movie in the not so distant past failed big time. But this is one you should see.

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A classic for a reason. Such iconic music. The entire second half on the boat is great. The first half is a little slower but still good.

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Very disappointing. The acting was bad, there is no climax, the story itself if meh, I don't know how this became a classic.

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I've watched it! The movie is fun! I could enjoy the film. It's old, but the plot is well-made. I wonder how they made the movie. "Jaws" seems to be real and alive. I really respect people who created this brilliant entertainment.

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Nearly 50 years later, this film still holds up. No, it is not perfect. Yes, some effects are rather outdated. This does not take away from its execution. It is a really good film and Spielberg shines through.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 9/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9.5/10
Total - 48/5 = 9.6

Jaws is an anchor point in cinematic history. I've come back to it multiple times and each time I find fewer flaws than the last. I'm not an anti-CGI guy by any means but when I see Bruce now in an SFX world often lacking in practicality, I wish we could get more malfunctioning mechanical sharks. It truly creates a palpable air of realism and stakes that a dome of computer generation just can't manufacture. Apart from the mayor needing a swift kick in the buoys, I can't think of anything I would change. Spielberg made a near-perfect movie.

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Holds up remarkably well with a weirdly apt plot about corporate greed regardless of human cost and environmental damages. Was also humourous to hear a character written in 1975 chastise "modern men" for being soft and worthless. Time is a flat circle.

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Steven Spielberg is my favourite director beacause "Indiana Jones" Jurassic Park" and "Jaws"

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Every time I watch Jaws at some point I remember oh ya this movie was made in ‘75. It feels much newer than that. I know it’s rather subjective if a film holds up over time, but for me this is one that is absolutely just as good today as it was when it first came out.

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Watched this next to the canal/very small harbour (not sure what to call it), with somebody dancing in an inflatable shark costume, while enjoying one of the first warm days, amazing experience!

Because of that amazing experience, it was hard to focus on the movie and therefore my rating is a bit of a guesstimate. It's a classic, there are some very intense moments, iconic scenes, a lot of amazing stuff. On the other hand I've also seen it quite a few times in the past and it can feel a bit slow, knowing what's to come.

I'll try to finally watch the much beloved (xd) sequels.

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It produces nightmares. Still, it wastes the novel.

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Such an iconic film that is just timeless. The effects are great and the shark looks so real in most shots. Also it really is terrifying even though there are not too many gory scenes.

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It’s a fun movie with fine acting and a good script, but it baffles me how people can say this is terrifying. You can say a lot about Jaws and it most certainly is a classic for a good reason, but it’s not terrifying in the slightest.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Jaws highly considered to be one of the greatest, scariest and most influential films of all time

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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Jaws is an absolute classic in the world of cinema. Its ability to grip audiences with suspense and fear has stood the test of time. Remarkably, the special effects from the 70’s still hold up today, showcasing the skill and innovation of its creators. This film is a testament to timeless storytelling.

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Although there are a seemingly endless number of shark movies, there are hardly any that are actually good. One reason for this is that "Jaws" has already said just about everything that is possible in the genre. Almost all other films are either less innovative imitators or jump the shark (sorry for the pun). In the case of "Jaws," however, numerous strengths came together. Steven Spielberg directs masterfully, while John Williams delivers an unforgettable score, and the casting department can be celebrated for the hiring of the main trio (Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, and Richard Dreyfuss). What's also impressive is the presence the killer shark has here, even though he's not seen at all for most of the film. Furthermore, the pacing is also perfect. All of this contributes to "Jaws" being a timeless classic—the best shark movie of all time.

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Ellen: "What am I going to tell the kids?"
Brody: "Tell them I'm going fishing."

It takes little over half the movie but that's how it's done! That's how you do a proper, efficient buildup before all hell breaks loose. A perfect concoction of building anticipation, suspence, panic, fear and greed... Jaws is THE reason why I don't go swimming, anywhere... not even lakes! You never know what's below you in the water. A threat that's invisible, until it's too late. John Williams is at his absolute best with the score, brilliant camerawork, perfect pacing, very interesting characters and smart dialogue. The interactions between the three men and their different personality types being my favorite aspect of the movie... and the epic third act. My only criticisms being it's slow as hell in the first half and I wanted more kills. An absolute classic and one of the most effective man vs. nature movies.

The fingernails on the chalkboard at the beginning still terrifies me every time.

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How do you DUDES ROCK on a fishing boat over 4th of July weekend?

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Holds up. I didn't think I'd be so engaged by a film that is plot driven without character development or complex relationships but fear and suspense fill that space. Would watch again.

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Jaws is one of film's all time greats. Terrifying, memorable, and a textbook example of filmmaking in nearly every way. From special effects that still hold up in 2023, to the iconic trio of Quint, Brody and Hooper, tons of famous scenes and quotes, to John William's iconic soundtrack, Spielberg redefined the entire horror genre.

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I watched this many times over the years but wasnt born to watch it in the cinema. I just picked up the 4k blu-ray and poped it onto my 65" tv and cranked up the sound bar. They have done a great restoration job on this movie. If you havent seen it in 4k yet, next time you fancy a bit of hardcore finding nemo, give it a try. looks amazing, and of course is a great great film. Duuuunnnn Dunn

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Just watched the new 3D release in cinema. It adds a whole new level to this already amazing classic. The 3D is very well done and I actually nearly jumped out of my chair at one point despite having seen this movie multiple times already.

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A classic that you can’t call outdated when the shark still works to this day. Sure you can tell yourself it’s rubber. You can also tell yourself the T-Rex in Jurassic Park is CGI. That doesn’t mean it still isn’t effective to this day.
The film is well made and nothing really stands out about the shark that makes it look fake. Only if you think about it being fake you may take the fun out of it. That also goes for the T-Rex in Jurassic Park as well though.

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A simply flawless film of suspense, adventure and even comedy. Great pacing, incredible filming, and an superlative score. Not to be missed. I watch it every year.

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Shout by ShakespeareNdaHood

4 all u generation x artists; this is how u make a scary movie! C'mon y'all; peep the game don't sleep the game.

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Shout by Deleted

Seriously? Hey, there's a big shark in the water...let me lean over the brim of the bow and go down in a shark cage and cut off all communication. I rooted for the shark. Those people were dumb and once the first death happened, all of them deserved it. Money is not worth more than your life. Dummies. The dog made me sad. Also, I really wanted that council member to get eaten. That would have made it better.

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Must watch for Shark Week!

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8.3/10 really enjoyable and well directed!

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This first part of the Jaws series is not very scary nowadays, but worth watching anyway...

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