The film challenges conventional narrative by focusing on what is usually omitted: the everyday. Ellipses, which commonly exclude trivial details, become the semantic pillar here. Through the meticulous portrayal of Jeanne's daily routines, the film penetrates her inner world, making emotions appear almost palpable. Although not in a material sense, something pulses with an intensity that evokes the sensation of authentic life. This meticulous attention to everyday details, with its almost documentary character, not only facilitates a deeper and more genuine connection with Jeanne Dielman, a widow whose seemingly monotonous and orderly life gradually reveals cracks in her mental facade, but it also avoids becoming redundant.

However, contrary to what many media outlets assert, it is far from being the best film, as its innovation is more stylistic than practical. Its extremely detailed approach and slow pace are not comparable in impact, practical utility, or legacy of influence to the revolutionary innovations of other cinematic masterpieces.

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Enjoyable and sympathetic film. Murder, like all things, is rather pedestrian.

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My feelings towards this film is complicated.

I liked it, but I also hated it.

I found it hypnotic at times, but also very very boring.

I guess this movie does a good job of putting you in the shoes of a miserable and lonely woman.

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[Filmin] Cinema has these grandeurs. Now praised by Sight and Sound magazine, it provokes an incomplete but necessary retrospective on streaming platforms of a director who avoided the "feminist label" that was awarded to her. Her cinema is more than that, it's a humanist cinema that observes what the surface shows to investigate what happens inside. Even different from the rest of her filmography, the representation of daily actions causes memories and identification to emerge. Those "Jeanne moments" that appear in certain daily actions and that bring back scenes that you didn't know had remained so impregnated in your memory.

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watch... a woman do the dishes! watch... a woman make meatloaf! watch... a woman eat a whole bowl of soup! watch... a woman mail a letter! watch... a woman shine shoes! watch... a woman try to find a specific coat button!
in between all this she lets men pay to have sex with her. honestly, this was interesting because she finally snapped, but you should know what you're getting into.

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Another incredibly polarizing film that I don't have a very strong opinion on. The critics seem to love it. The public seems to hate it. Me? I thought it was alright.

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Put off watching this film for years as i knew it would be rubbish. But now it’s no. 1 on the sight and sound poll, i thought i’d slog my way through it.

And yes it is trash.

Critics and pretentious pricks can intellectualise it all they like but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s boring, insipid, vacuous trash.

It’s garbage, just garbage.

And if you like this film, im guessing u think the emperor’s new clothes look awesome too.

Unless u want to watch it out of mete curiosity, avoid it like the plague.


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