If you love violence then this is the one! Keanu Reeves, great actor and Awesome HUMAN BEING! Lovejoy and Jerome in the same movie, what more could you ask for? The Brits are taking over lol

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How many times do you need to shoot someone? These movies are getting worse and worse.

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simply perfect. Great action scenes

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It was better than the second, it upped it’s action with some cool and brutal fighting scenes and was fun to watch. A 299 kill count all together between all the films ha i feel the picture and camera work is a little strange and just doesn’t fit right and I can’t take John Wicks run seriously, looks like he’s limping with high heels on ha I feel the franchise is going over the top now with its plot and his character and feel it’s just overrated and getting cheesy and should of ended on the first one.

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In my opinion the second movie was the best.

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Waste of f* time. 7 big battles each 10mins. You knife him to neck 3times, then undercut his throat, then 3 bullets in the head and still not dead??? Sorry, bro. She shot him into face 3 times, then she is suprised, she is low with bullets in magazine and then she shot 30 times w/ regular gun? :D No no no.. As bad as Equalizer 2. True story.

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What. A. Movie.

I firmly believe this is a continuation of The Matrix, without the deep philosophical thoughts... this is my headcanon now. Where they restarted a different version of the Matrix with him as John Wick.

"I need guns. Lots of guns."

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Does not disappoint! Elaborate fight sequences! From start to finish this film has you hanging from the edge of your seat. Never say boring!

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Good continuation can't wait until the next chapter of John Wick...

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less speaking, less cars, more fighting!
That's called "Action Redefined" which the John Wick franchise has achieved.

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Forgot to add. Loved the dogs. They were great.

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Best so far. More action with stories crossing over and allegiances changing. Some good funny moments, can't wait for number 4, can it get better, I hope so.

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same story; same action; repeat => good recipe , worth watching in the movie theater
negative points : the man in the desert was useless ; zero tried to be funny but was not so entertaining ; some bad acting by supporting cast

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A lot of action and suspense was very good!!

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Shout by Khawlah

If you’re looking to be mindless and suspend all belief and watch action sequence after another after another with no reasonable plot or acting to ground it, then this is the sequel for you. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it. But it needed a twist to make us believe killing all these people would eventually lead to something, instead the movie ended where it started. It all seemed pretty pointless and an opportunity for more sequels to make more money.

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Do you know that meme about Raiders of the Lost Ark that says that, in the end, if Indiana would have never interplayed with the nazis to prevent them from getting the Lost Ark the movie would have come to the very same outcome? Ok, John Wick 3 is the same. Everything that happens in screen is just a cheap excuse to come back to the beginning, restore the status quo and make a chapter 4 as if chapter 3 almost didn't happened.

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Gun play, headshots.. err, more gun play and more headshots! Attack dogs, Halle Berry.. Uh, throwing knives!

Do yourself a favour and go see John Wick at the cinema, the sound engineering for the gun play sequences alone is worth it.. and just when you think they can’t out do themselves with the action sequences, they do.

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All the gun inflicted deaths in the world and the scene that got me was a casually torn-off ballet dancer's toe nail.

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The weakest script, terrible one liners, and some extremely predictable pathways. It's still entertaining as far as action goes because the entire movie other than say 10minutes of "backstory" are filled with it, but that doesn't make it a good movie.

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John3Wick is a long and pointless film where unstoppable man kills a lot of people then has doubts if he can kill even more for a brief moment until he kills a lot more...

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The benchmark for action movies but it started wearing thin imo. It doesn't help that the best action scenes all took place in the first half.

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The first John Wick has more of a story than the better rated sequels. That doesn’t mean I don’t love the sequels. This one especially is just about John having a hit on his head and that’s it.
But that does work since all the scenes of him fighting for his life. Are creative and entertaining fight scenes.

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loved the movie! I definitely did find the most brutal out of the three

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In agricultural sites it is often said: you are more gross than a plow, you have to change the phrase by: you are more gross than John Wick. "What do you need? Weapons, many weapons." With a lot of everything, I liked it a lot, waiting for the next

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The book fight, the horse chase and the attack dogs were amazing, but the majority of the fun was in the first 30 minutes. As John Wick gets into larger fights, the weapons get bigger and the body count swells. After a while, you just get desensitized by all of the killing. There's head shots, eye stabbing, skull stabbing, axes to the head, it all gets exhausting and the final half hour is a grind.

We learn about John Wick's back story and several layers of organized crime are revealed. None of this really matters other to put more bounty hunters on Wick's tail. I like Keanu as much as anyone, but three Wick movies is enough and since this movie has no ending, there's obviously more to come.

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The first 2 movies were better, simply because this one lacked any reasonable story. Sure, you don't watch John Wick for the great story, but I expected at least a little. In other words there was no development at all - everybody is at the exact same spot at the end.
There was one scene that was really ugly though and I had to look away because it was too brutal: when his dog licked his face - so disgusting!

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Action packed movie, if you are looking just for action, then this is your movie. Every 15 minutes there is an action scene. Sometimes for me it was too much. But it's enjoyable if action is all you are looking for.

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"John Wick 3. Fun. Lots of fun."

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Yet another family comedy movie, but some action elements.

All you need to know about world setup:
- 5% of the total population are assassins
- people are don't really care about neither being killed nor watching someone getting killed
- everyone tries to kill John Wick
- no one really wants to kill John Wick
- the best way to kill someone is actually least efficient but the most spectacular, at least when it comes to killing John Wick

Overall actions were good enough, comedy was good at some points. But I can't bring myself to rate this more than 6, because it is just so average family-comedy-action movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Keanu is decided to kick ass here and he will continue to do so. Even if the story is not at its best, all the work of the assassins and the fighting scenes is really outstanding. Glad to see known faces here: Halle berry and her dogs really kick ass, Jerome Flynn and his little roll and the guy for Wonder Woman (I can't remember his name sorry) I was glad to see here. I liked the movie, a bit long for my taste but definitely enjoyable! Will be going to the cinema for the fouth one!

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Third part was exactly was i expected! Script was the only week part from this movie but unfortunately is important.Directing,Choreography,fights scenes and the whole atmosphere was great you really going to like it.7.5/10

P.S Accept that fact that JOHN WICK is slowly become a superheroe and enjoy it :)

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Like a roller coaster with the biggest hill at the outset. The beginning is fast paced and exciting but it's all downhill from there. Fortunately, it's a roller coaster, so even when it's slower it's still quite fun.

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A high octane thriller that stays true to its origins. Keanu Reeves rocks Wick once again as violence catches up with him. The cinematography is amazing and the action is top notch. If you enjoyed the first two, you'll enjoy this.

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2h of raw killing. If putting knife into eye is too much for you consider if you wanna see this movie. You need to watch the previous one to understand what going on it this one.

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This is what you get when instead of putting action scenes in a movie you put the movie in a long action scene.

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A really good action movie with awesome fight scenes, a must see of 2019.
The bad : Halle Berry part, the ending.

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3 to 1… fingers I mean!!
Must be the funniest short scene in all the movie.

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Better action movie than Endgame. Fite me.

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Guns, a lot of guns

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-05-17T07:19:53Z— updated 2023-03-17T19:05:36Z

I don’t get the appeal of these.
Yeah, the stuntwork’s great, but I see no redeeming qualities besides that. The acting sucks, the dialogue’s corny, the story is schlock that’s presented way too seriously, the characters are uninteresting, there’s little to no tension because the main character is an invincible cartoon, the music’s unmemorable and generic, and most of the film is just plain damn boring.
All the good stuff that this has to offer is also offered by franchises like Mission Impossible and Fast and Furious, and more on top of that.
You’re not getting the clever intrigue or fun gimmicks of the MI franchise here, nor the tongue in cheek comedy or creative, over the top insanity of the F&F franchise.
This is so boring by comparison to me.


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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2019-05-17T02:54:41Z— updated 2020-01-01T03:13:41Z

It's more of John Wick. There is some absolutely insane action. There were quite of few times I audibly gasped. The story this time starts fine but it seems like this one is more focused on the action than the world and characters. Still this is an action fan's dream and I can't wait to see more John Wick.

No other movie does action as well as the John Wick movies. It is just non stop bat shit crazy action to the point of exhaustion.

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Drawn inspiration from every action sub-genre, John Wick 3 Parabellum provides seemingly endless amount of guns and gore, great scenes great lighting great locations, old friends... all perfectly right and satisfying. the only problem is that, and as a fan it bothers me to have to point it out: Thats the same complements we gave to john wick 1 & 2.

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John Wick fanboys write a John Wick film

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Over the top murdering mayhem, it's John Wick. 10.

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