Personal Lists featuring...

Kidnapped 2010


Every year there are a huge number of movies that fly right under the radar of the average movie fan. movies that are great but just not that well known.

There are plenty of movie gems out there and hopefully this list will help you find some.

Feel free to submit new movies in the comments below.

This list contains movies/documentaries and short films. The list was originally created on IMDb.


Not for those with heart conditions. You might get dirty looks if you mention these films. Welcome aboard fellow traveller. Remember it's only a movie...


Most Home Invasion flicks tend to involve some malevolent bastards forcing their way into a home, with the goal of terrorizing its occupants in mind. Sometimes they involve someone hiding in an attic or an upstairs room. Sometimes, it's a tiger that does the invading.

No matter what the scenario though, the average Home Invasion movie makes for an intense and terrifying ride. The above average ones make that ride even better.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Home Invasion flick, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For our money, Inside and Them are probably the best of them, but then again they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the Home Invasion Sub-Genre, so enjoy them all!

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Home Invasion flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

Source: (Published September 16, 2015)


Movies within the genre of horror, sci fi, fantasy or mystery.
Mostly low budget or at least not very well known.
Not all of them are necessarily good, but interesting in their own way if you approach with the right mindset.


With You're Next opening this Friday on the heels of the massive box office success of The Purge, audiences this year are again questioning the safety of their own homes. It's not at all surprising that the home invasion formula has endured so long in horror movies and thrillers -- after all, what idea strikes more directly and violently at our collective comfort than one exposing the vulnerability of where we live?

However, for whatever reason, the cannon of home invasion "classics" is fairly narrow. Critics these days often name-check Straw Dogs, Last House on the Left, Wait Until Dark, and more recently, Funny Games and The Strangers, but ignore a plethora of fascinating, horrifying and sometimes just bizarre entries into the genre. And so, check your doors and windows, then join us as we explore fifteen lesser-known, but no less terrifying cinematic tales of home invasion from all over the world. Be sure to chime in with any of your favorites that we missed in the comments below.



A Pequena Prosa dos Horrores, trazido até você por:
Getro Guimarães | Assine o canal Getro
Otávio Ugá | Assine o canal Super Oito
Rodolfo Castrezana | Assine o canal Nerd Rabugento

1ª Temporada [2018]
E01 – Episódio Piloto (1)
E02 – Terror Macro, terror Micro (2 ao 28)
E03 – Franquias (29)
E04 – Spoilers e Heróis (30 ao 37)
E05 – O cinema é meu templo (38 e 39)
E06 – Dublado versus Legendado (40 ao 44)
E07 – Gosto no Armário (45 ao 54)
Guilty Pleasures (Otávio: 55 ao 62; Castrezana: 63 ao 67; Getro: 68 ao 72)
E08 – Animais Comedores de Gente (73 ao 99)
E09 – Remakes melhores que os originais (100 ao 119)
E10 – Zumbis (120 ao 151)
E11 – Netflix (152 ao 160)
E12 – O Novo Oscar (161 ao 164)
E13 – Terrir (165 ao 199)
E14 – O que vem por aí (200 ao 202)
E15 – O Que Assistimos (203 ao 209)
E16 – Diretores e Suas Técnicas (210 ao 227)
E17 – Violência Mental (211 ao 252)
E18 – Sentença de Morte HD Cam 1080p (253 ao 256)
E19 – Preguiça (257 ao 267)
E20 – Críticos não gostam de terror? (268 ao 275)
E21 – Filmes Cult (276 ao 289)
E22 – Halloween (290 ao 308)
E23 – Filmes Torturantes (309 ao 320)
E24 – Ficção Científica (321 ao 351)
E25 – Stan Lee (352)
E26 – Viagens no Tempo (353 ao 378)
E27 – Filmes de Música (379 ao 400)
E28 – Atuações Perturbadores (401 ao 431)
E29 – Do Streaming à Próstata (432 ao 440)
E30 – Natal (441 ao 465)
E31 – Retrospectiva 2018 (466 ao 492)

2ª Temporada [2019]
E01 – Expectativa parte 1 (493 ao 529)
E02 – Expectativa parte 2 (530 ao 549)

E01 – I Grande Prêmio dos Horrores feat. Lucas Maia (Refúgio Cult) (550 ao 574) [2021]

E02 – II Grande Prêmio dos Horrores feat. Lucas Maia (Refúgio Cult) (575 ao 603) [2022]

E03 – III Grande Prêmio dos Horrores feat. Lucas Maia (Refúgio Cult) (604 ao 620) [2023]



Credit to reddit user u/SQUID_FUCKER


Películas de terror que he visto


A list of the most disturbing, depressing and traumatic films ever made. Does not include those underground torture snuff movies with no plot.


Movies I've watched that aren't neither in english nor portuguese (my native language).

