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Kin 2018

From the surprising ending I thought there would have been another movie or series. It would of been nice to continue the adveture.

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A likeable cross genre adventure. Based on a 2014 short film BAGMAN (also written by tha Baker brothers - who created, wrote and directed KIN), this story is part SciFi, Drama, Chase movie. The characters have depth. There are surprises. It has a cast with a solid pedigree (Dennis Quaid, James Franco, Zoe Kravitz) but when Carrie Coon (a favourite actor of mine) shows up towards the an ending that sets up a sequel, my mind went to a stellar TV series. (I’ve since read that critics had a similar idea.) However, if the box office warrants a cinematic sequel that would be good, too. But, if not, producers, “Think TV”! The premise is interesting and could be expanded. Young Miles Truitt goes a great job. I give this movie a 7 (good) out of 10. [SciFi Adventure]

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I liked by what it is. A nice and inventive B movie. To me feels honest and without big cliches. The final twist was unexpected and interesting.

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This was nothing more than a third-rate, direct-to-video, actioner type of movie. It's watchable, but could have been so much better.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Uneasy mix of social drama and sci-fi movie, with an unfortunate balance towards the former. However, the film does pick up pace near the end, and as the fantastical parts of the tale are explored, there is hope that a sequel might address the balance.

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This movie had some potential but bad scripting killed it. In reality the entire story could've been told in 15 minutes but they dragged it on for 2 hours. Complete waste of time. I would recommend skipping this movie.

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What a boring movie, nothing happens in the whole movie and sci-fi doesn't even have 10 min. And on top of that they end it with a cliffhanger as if they didn't see it coming that they are not going to make a sequel to how weak it is.

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A bizarre sci-fi/road trip film, Kin doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be. The story follows a young boy who finds an alien gun while collecting scrap metal and then takes off on a road trip with his older brother when their father is killed during a robbery by a crime lord that the older brother is in debt to. There’s three different plots going on here and none of them are served very well; the alien one in particular seems almost completely disconnected from the rest of the film. Also, it’s kind of hard to root for the brothers as the older one corrupts the younger, taking him to a strip club, using him to pull off a robbery, and then taking him to a casino. And the few good actors that there are in the cast, Dennis Quaid, James Franco, and Zoë Kravitz, are completely wasted in underdeveloped supporting roles. While it has a few exciting moments and some intrigue, Kin is a mess.

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I cared so little about all of the characters that watching this film was as interesting as thumbing through a stranger's photo album...and just as boring.

To make matters worse, there is far too much talk and far too little action to make this a good teen movie. Just watch the trailer again instead.

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That movie might have worked on me when I was 13 years old. Let me describe my viewing experience:
10 min in I knew I would not see this to the end.
15 min in I started to read comments and ratings and after reading them for half an hour at
45 min in I jumped another half hour forward to watch the end everyone is so high about (but me).

If you decide to make a movie like that, you should be damn sure it will make a sequel or this is all just a waste of time. Too much drama pulls the whole story down. When it comes to the scifi part I think most people were already out. That as***le brother should have been killed. James Franco is always overplaying everything he does. Honestly, even if this makes a sequel, which I highly doubt with 10m$ at the box office with a 30m$ budget, I don't think it would interest me.

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The truth of the matter is, Kin is darker and far less enjoyable than its publicity materials might have you think.
This movie feels like four different movies stitched together into an odd patchwork construct. It sets itself up as something of a futuristic superhero-like thriller at first, then flirts with being a brothers-bonding road pic, spends most of its time wallowing around in seedy noir grit, and ultimately tacks on a sci-fi ending with a pin.
But the stitches in this patchwork don't really hold together all that well.
There's definitely a sense that the film's directors wanted to break out of the typical movie genre box and set up a new sci-fi franchise. And if you squint just right you can even find a cautionary tale hidden here, with the teen protagonist delivering a kid-worthy message about doing the right thing. But one can only hope that there aren't many kids or teens hearing it.
Though given a PG-13 label, Kin sports dark, nasty underpinnings—the psychopath street boss, the strip club sleaziness, the thug brutality, the police squad massacre—that all feel like they ought to have easily earned this movie an R rating.

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Que filme ruim ....
sem sentido e com roteiro tosco.

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There were some good actors in here. There were a couple interesting ideas. But this film suffered from the belief that neat special effects will make a good film and that is not accurate. There was no reason to care about any of the characters and no reason to look forward to any resolutions, conflicts, or those special effects. SUCH a shame!

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This movie was ehh at best! I agree with someone else, it dragged on unnecessarily.

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