Shouts about...

Knock at the Cabin 2023

American movies about apocalypse are often unbearable, and this one is no exception. Violence and gun, I mean, what is wrong with United States? Violence and gun had to be the epicenter of the movie, obviously.

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Would make for a decent Twilight zone episode if it was cut to half the length. I really liked that they just quickly got to the point, but then they completely killed the pace but pointless flashbacks that did not add to the story at all. Also, no real surprise at the end . Not bad, but nothing really special here.

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Shyamalan is free falling since Signs and this is rock bottom. I couldn't believe how boring, boiled down, half baked idea that somehow ended up being a movie. Unless he has planns for another trilogy and this is the beginning of sth else. Waste of EVERYTHING! No atmosphere, no script, I couldn't care less if the couple with the kid or the horsemen survived or die. Also cheap trick in making them gay just to appease the Social Demand for inclusivity. I am utterly shocked of how bad this was.

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M. Night Shyamalan is actually a magician disguised as a director! I say this because when you watch a magic act, you know what you are watching is not real. You know the goal is to fool you. The magician wants to ultimately insult your intelligence and make you question reality. M Night has similar motives in his movies. He takes obscure and unique situations to get you initially invested, takes you on a ride, and pulls the rug from under your feet. Most of the time, the ending doesn't really make sense and you question whether or not you enjoyed the movie. For better or worse, people talk about M Nights movie, discussing his "magic trick".

"Knock at the Cabin" is a clever magic trick. I know I want to watch this movie again to appreciate the magic trick of this movie! Is it his best trick or movie? I don't think so, but I enjoyed the ride!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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A beautifully shot and acted, piece of shit. I would rather die in the apocalypse than watch this again.

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I never thought The Happening would be a better watch than any of MNS other movies but I’d rather be forced to watch that than this garbage any day. I didn’t feel a connection with any of the characters in the movie or care about the consequences of their actions. I’ve seen Twilight Zone episodes that were better. Worst MNS movie to date in my opinion.

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Dave Bautista is the best wrestler turned actor ever.

One of the most unique things about him that makes him stand out is that with most wrestlers/bodybuilders turned actors use their massive body size and height as a stoic action type or the butt of a joke in a tongue-in-cheek comedy. But with Bautista, he uses his size as drama. He gives off the "I don't fit in anywhere in this world", it makes him vulnerable and more compelling to watch.

You can see it in his other work like - Guardians of the Galaxy movies, Dune: Part 1 & 2, Blade Runner 2049, Army of the Dead, and this movie. I mean, Knock at the Cabin certifies that.

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I don't like it when I watch movies like this, they sound like empty movies with no purpose, and that I'll forget in hours. We don't have interessant critiques of society like The Village, we don't have an interesting fabulous tale like Lady in the Water, we don't have a pleasant atmosphere like The Happening, we don't have scary elements like The Visit, we don't have a thematic construction or characterization like Unbreakable, Split and Glass, and finally, we don't have an interesting message about faith/religion like in Signs. And here? we have nothing outstanding, just a convenient and random plot, out of nowhere three quiet people on vacation have to choose a sacrifice to avoid the apocalypse, why? wtf lol.

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Slightly Lovecraftian movie where prophets try to not sound crazy. Reminded me of A cabin in the woods with the premise

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It was a quite a tense filled ride. It didn't really have the typical Shyamalan twist but I enjoyed it.

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Wow, Trakt has a lot of armchair screenwriters and directors on here.

This is Shymalan's best film since "The Village" which is saying a lot since I wrote him off as a director years ago. So this is a good return to form for him.

Also, the script is adapted from a novel by Paul Tremblay, a respected thriller writer--so if you have issues with the story, blame the original novel (the film rights sold fora seven-figure sum).

Personally thought this was very well directed, acted and scripted: the scenario grows organically and I never lost interest.

Recommended for those who like endtimes thrillers. Would make a great double feature with "Leave the World Behind" as the stories share similar qualities: unexplained catastrophic events occurring mixed with the worst of human intentions. Both films also adapted from novels. And they both definitely touch on the zeitgeist we find ourselves now in post-pandemic with a lot of conflict in the world and the resulting uneasiness that permeates our daily lives.

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Little better than Old. Beautifully shot and good acting from Dave Batista and the little girl. Was interested the whole time but this movie is far from amazing. Will never need to return to this but glad saw it once.

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Well, someone had to come up with this idea. I like
And this Ben Aldridge looks so much like tom Ellis WTFFF

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The tension, camera work, and sound work perfectly in most scenes, but it felt just a little less than what it could have been. In other words, it could have been better.

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The acting kept my attention and is the only reason why I rated "Knock at the Cabin" better than "Old". The script doesn't impress. No real twists or surprises, besides the intruders murdering themselves.. This movie provides nothing but this one setting/"dilemma" and runs with it till the predictable end.

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Great acting ruined by a flimsy plot. There was potential, but the execution fell flat. The film clearly intended to say a lot, but didn't end up actually saying anything at all. Fellow Jonathan Groff lovers, this movie is a skip.

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I’m trying really hard to understand what the hell I just watched. In fact, I feel violated.

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Had high hopes for this but it sucked so badly. I do not recommend !

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It's hard to be an Abraham.

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I will rate this movie some LGBTQ+ members are mentally retarded/10

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An interesting twist on an already sort of done to death plot for a thriller as this follows a family a three who get approached while on vacation in a cabin by a group of 4 people who take and hold them hostage with a unique motivation. The acting, suspense of the filming, and scene setting was very good and made for a edge of your seat watch. However, there was little to no build up at all and hardly any shocking plot twists. The whole movie was the premise, no beginning nor climax really.

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No didn't work for me this
one, what a boring
Grind this one was.
Good performances I
guess for this paper-thin
plot, but it was all weird
and crappy and not a
Good weird either just
Dave did a good job
in this shitty movie
but nothing memorable
or groundbreaking.
Everything was just
slow and boring with
little to no forward
NS did not do the
source martial justice
at all,
(2018 novel
The Cabin At The
End Of The World).

Verdict: piss-poor
execution that
ultimately went nowhere
and ended up being
a big fat waste of time.
1H 40M
I'm never getting back,
Happy to put this one
in my rear view mirror.

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I thought there would be a scientific reason or something for justifying the apocalypses but found out it's just another one of those Bible preaching ones.

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Knock at the Cabin is another poorly-made dramatic thriller from M. Night Shyamalan. Based on a novel, the story follows a family that is taken hostage and forced to make an impossible choice by a group of four strangers who have come to stop the Apocalypse. The concept is fascinating, but the script doesn’t seem to know what story it’s telling. There are a couple of flashbacks with the family, but it all seems extraneous and doesn’t really develop the characters or further the plot. And the four messengers are woefully underdeveloped, with little to no information about the ritual that they seem to be performing and how they’ve come to it. Also, while there are some seeds of ambiguity sown about the truthfulness of the messengers and they’re story about the Apocalypse, it doesn’t really go anything. Knock at the Cabin is atmospheric and delivers a few thrills, but it’s held back by the weak storytelling and a lack of a clear vision.

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Knock at the cabin? More like snore at the cabin! Nah... the storyline and the decisions made by the characters were kind of blah. So at the end I didn't care enough about any of the characters and what happened to them. Also I found the whole motive for the movie which tries to send a cryptic message to the audience a bit annoying. Can't we just have decent straight forward horror movie with no modern day messages that the director wants to be delivered? Thank you.

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Original,. I'll give it that

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As a passionate misogynist I would of course choose and celebrate the apocalypse. Hell is other people. Oh, and the movie is :poop:

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As is the case with Shyamalan's script, it is unconventional, quite economical in effects, but thought-provoking. Only that American-centrism is a bit weak. ;>

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I didn't have quite the visceral reaction some on here had, lol, but the story was sadly rather lightweight and I guessed the reveal of them being the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse way before it was mentioned on screen. A shame because the cast is excellent and, besides Rupert Grint's character, all very likeable and nicely brought to life by the performances.

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The plot is ridiculous and doesn't make a lot of sense. But it's well acted and directed so kept my attention regardless.

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This one was just alright for me. Mostly because stories of this nature don't normally appeal to me. But despite that, I was invested in the story to see how it would end. But nothing really jumps off the page for me. I think the film was shot great and I did enjoy that for the most part.

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Shout by Diego

Even before everything starts to happen in the cabin, you know nothing is going to happen to the little girl, so the only mystery in the whole movie is what dad is going to die?

And at that point you wasted 2 hours waiting for that to happen, no twist nothing.

I didn't see the point of making it a gay couple, what did it add other than bashing you over the head with the struggles of gay people, they try and make the one dad seem bigoted the otherway but it falls flat and it painful to watch.

I would find it hard to not believe a mother's love for her child would have been a better fit, but having the two Dads makes it to where the decision at the end ment nothing cause hey ... she still has one guy ...

I really thought there would be a twist to where it was a hoax or something ... honestly that would have made the movie a 7 out of 10 but for me it's a 4.

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this is based one of my favorite books and the changes the filmmaker’s made seem like they fundamentally misunderstood everything about the story and I haaate that they removed all the ambiguity that made the novel so intriguing

also i thought dave bautista was just ok but not really agreeing with all the rave reviews of his performance

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Maybe we can define it a cabin horror with a total unusual approach. I mean, instead of the canonical redneck wackos, you find this time good people with reasons and motivations, and this is the twist that make it so interesting. It is up to the viewer to believe those 4 polite horsemen of the Apocalypse or not, but I gotta say I liked it: i liked the build up and the tension, the the actors, especially Bautista that continues to prove that he can act, the story is well written and coherent, and create doubts when needed. I don't know if the ending could be satisfying for everyone, with its pseudoreligiuos resolution, but in the end it works too. Shyamalan is still an interesting director, even if you hate his works you can't deny he has always something to say and something that moves you: maybe in a positive way or maybe in a negative one, but still.

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Bautista's performance is genuinely standout, alongside strong performances from the rest of the cast in this incredibly well-shot piece from M. Night. It relies a little too heavily on exposition for my liking, and I can't say I'm a fan of the ending being so direct for this kind of story, but it's well worth a watch for the cinematography alone.

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I love movies like this so 10 from me. Reminded me of The Man from Earth for some reason.Liked the second guessing are they crazy who is correct .The ending felt a bit dry tho.

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Really enjoyed the movie, even though some of the things mentioned do not follow their biblical similarities it is a nice way to keep the pace going and the viewer interconnected.

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Holy hell, people, please lower your crazy high expectations for M Night. It's a perfectly good movie.

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Much better than many on here are saying it is.
Is it a classic? No.
Is it worth watching? Yes.

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As a fan of M. Night Shyamalan's work, I was excited to watch Knock at the Cabin. However, I have to say that it left me disappointed. I expected so much more from this film, but unfortunately, it falls in line with The Happening as one of Shyamalan's worst. What's more, it didn't have the trademark twist ending that we've come to expect from Shyamalan's films. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this movie to fans of the director or the thriller genre. It's a shame because the premise had a lot of potential, but the execution was lacking.

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Excellent mystery, thriller buildup without any kind of payoff. The ending was extremely weak.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Original plot which was executed good. Evtertaining to watch. They tried to hard to incorporate "woke" topics. Which was rather annoying. None the less, worth the watch.

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I am BEGGING studios to stop giving M. Night Shyamalan money to write movies. His strength lies in directing, and he has a fantastic uniquely recognizable film style. He hasn’t written a good script since The Sixth Sense. Just let it go, man!

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The movies is not perfect, but our certainly is watchable, and has a few strong point. Bautista's performamce stands out and he proves he's an excellent actor that steals the show, but not at the expense of the movie.

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Not bad, but not great. Just ok. Could have been better.

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Pretty average fair. Worth the watch on a subscription service but nothing really that stand out here.

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The four apocalyptic riders was kind of in your nose, but the way they presented themselves, or how the first 45 minutes were acted out, wasn’t.
Kept us thinking and on our toes for a long time.
It’s done very realistically. No matter which side you’re on. Are they just delusional or is it real? In a situation like that, of course you wouldn’t just straight out believe some apocalypse is happening. It stands more to reason there’s some mass delusion. But is it? Eric having a concussion and seeing things was neat. Keeps you guessing as well.

And then it’s like… how would their sacrifice change anything? If it was meant to happen or already has happened, how would their sacrifice stop the “apocalypse”? At least with logical non-supernatural thinking it makes little sense. But with the supernatural one… yeah, ok.

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This guy has never made a good movie. Signs and Sixth Sense are decent, the rest is garbage.

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  • knocks on door seven times * :door:

Knock at the Cabin was alright for me, simple but still an interesting topic; good to see on a Sunday as it taps on certain beliefs, but I probably won't see it again for a long time.. a couple of amusing moments though, and mentions of Boston/Massachusetts, and I noticed Shyamalan's been using those second-person shots lately like in Old and Servant

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M. Night Shyamalan is synonymous with films with unexpected twists and turns that leave you open-mouthed. Not always, of course, but it's one of his trademarks. However, it was easy to guess that Knock at the Door would not be one of them when it is an adaptation of Paul Tremblay's novel "The Cabin at the End of the World".

Nevertheless, you can give it a chance to see Dave Bautista in a dramatic profile, away from the action films that opened doors for him after his time in the WWF, and to take note of the name of a very young Kristen Cui who does a spectacular job. The rest of the actors are mediocre, with Rupert Grint standing out and failing to shake off the "child actor" tag.

But it is not a great film. It's slow, boring and predictable.

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This is actually quite good. It's not great, but if you're in an M. Night mood, this'll scratch the itch. I suspect that much of the criticism of this film on Trakt is due to Trakt's persistent problem with the anti-woke crowd downvoting films/series that either they haven't watched or films/series, like this one, that accurately depict the world.

This is an average film. If you're in the mood for atmospheric horror, your time won't be wasted. If you are not in the mood, watch something else, and if you're a conservative, QUIT REVIEWING FILMS BASED ON YOUR BIGOTRY AND POLITICS. I'm sick of it.

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Was hoping it was building towards this big ending but then it ended and I felt that was it?

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Batista is the only good about this movie!

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Had fun with this one. No frills, no crazy twist, just a good old fashioned popcorn flick.

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Threat is the path to sacrifice, in one of those suspense exercises that are as well constructed as they are narratively ambiguous. I'm not sure if there is some element that may sound retrograde in this leap of faith to which the "modern family" must submit or, on the contrary, is a reflection of a paranoid society. But the spirituality that Shyamalan recognizes in his cinema becomes more explicit in this film, at the same time that the horror that faith causes to avoid the apocalypse becomes more unbearable. And this dichotomy between who believes and who doubts is the most interesting thing about a story that sometimes drowns in its own approaches.

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I really kinda liked this movie, I got hooked from the start to the end. It's not the best movie M. Night Shyamalan have done but satisfying enough. Good acting too.

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Gotta say I liked OLD better and I thought that what a giant turd!!!

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I was expecting another home invasion horror, but it was so much more.
I really enjoyed this one.

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Unimpressive, predictably poorly directed. Just a waste of time.

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Acting 10/10
Camerawork 9/10
Writing 2/10

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I liked the book, and the movies was pretty true to the book, but for me just lacked the ability to capture my interest.

The acting and character development was very good, and the script was well done, just didn't translate for me.

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Shout by Emm12321
BlockedParent2023-03-01T02:03:26Z— updated 2024-01-11T07:26:26Z

I agree with Andrew ... we're not worth saving. Would rather sit in the forest with friends and family, drinking some nice gin and watch the end. LOL Not convincing for an athiest. All pretty predictable too, from start to finish.

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If you are a M. Night Shyamalan hater you are going to automatically hate this movie. If you re a fan then the opposite. Was this a good movie? Hell yeah this was a good movie. I definetly recommend a MUST WATCH!

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Trailer is better than the actual movie. What a waste !!

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Such a boring movie. Kept telling my girlfriend “Here comes the Shyamalan twist!” which never came.

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Someone please stop letting this man make movies. For fucks sake

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The movie kept me on the edge of my seat and I never predicted where it was going. So that makes it a success in my book.

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is the plot that if two men get married and adopt an Asian child, they will cause the apocalypse? "what a twist"

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Interesting from a modern version of the bible (the four horsemen of the apocalypse) .. in my opinion, very good.

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These points are only for cinematography and acting. If we consider the remaining components, they, alas, do not justify the time spent. The director has always had everything in order with ideas, but something is wrong with bringing them to mind. After "Split" from trumps remained only pretentiousness

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Boy this is so stupid and ridiculous I couldn't believe the characters take themselves so serious and boy they so do!! MNS , you suck dude, just give up already. Ready who greenlits these movies unbelievable..
Don't waste you time, just don't.

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Not as bad as I thought but definitely not as good as it could have been. Too meandering and slightly too preachy it ultimately fell flat into yet another nothing burger.
it would have been hard to expect them to become the new Adam & --Eve-- Adam because... Well... that would either mean the destruction of mankind all over again or... Welp... A very awkward and ethically wrong situation indeed.

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What an absolute croc of crap, if you manage to make it to the end well done.

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I don't have much to say about it, but it's worth a watch.

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Another M Knight flop. He is never going to get back to the sixth sense fame.....of course the dude responsible for killing a large amount of people is the one that survives. Remember he said the rest of you can die but us 3 going to live? Something like that but he lives right? It seems more movies are working the no love, no empathy is the survivor, so what you trying to teach the world M. Knight?

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A film directed by M. Night Shyamalan that I enjoy from beginning to end? What a pleasant surprise! I am truly not a fan of the director's more recent films. However, I have to give him credit for the fact that his works always have a great premise. Only the execution is usually lacking. For once, this is not the case with "Knock at the Cabin." Shyamalan consistently succeeds in creating a reasonably suspenseful atmosphere. Furthermore, the film benefits from strong performances by Ben Aldridge, Jonathan Groff, and Dave Bautista.

Looking at the script, Shyamalan's usual problems are definitely present. The man simply cannot write natural dialogue. Everything is very clunky, as usual. However, in my opinion, it is much less of a problem than, for example, in "Old." Meanwhile, the plot is certainly not award-worthy and is also quite predictable, but it serves its purpose. You can sympathize with the main characters throughout, even if the film loses a bit of steam towards the end. The low budget is hardly an issue. If you don't expect a lot of changing locations or flashy special effects, you can definitely have a good time with "Knock at the Cabin."

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Shout by Jim222001

These days of course the trailers made it obvious of the Shymalan twist. That everything the strangers say is true. Even the trailers didn’t leave much for the imagination. No Sixth Sense like twist exists that will leave you shocked.
With that said A Knock At The Cabin is still one of Shymalan’s better movies. He has done worse movies where he seems to enjoy getting robotic performances out of people. Even Mark Wahlberg and Will Smith.
There’s at least no robotic performance and way better dialogue than Wahlberg had in the Happening. Even if I can’t say the trailers didn’t tell most of what to expect.
I just didn’t expect the sacrifices and that is about all that surprised me. After one though, they are less shocking and there’s nothing else surprising.

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After sixth sense, Unbreakable, The Village, Signs, Split, the Visit… this comes in as his seventh best film. It’s ending is a massive let down. What is it with his recent films and endings?!

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No too bad, thought it was intriguing throughout. Next to no gore which was disappointing.

Batista’s acting actually impressed me!

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Kept me engaged from start till finish, but it was nothing clever. Very forgettable.

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This had some good elements to it. I tend to enjoy Shyamalan's work. Bautista is great here. Some moments in the middle dragged a little and the use of super close-ups on their faces was a touch too common, but solid for what it was. 6.4.

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The movie has an interesting premise but ultimately 90% of the movie felt like a waste of time because none of the major plot points had any effect on the ending. The audience is never left wondering how the movie will end because it's made very clear from about 20 minutes in that there won't be a twist. What we're told is happening... is infact happening, and it's just not very creative at all. All Shyamalan had to do was not show those ridiculous news reports and I would've given this a higher rating.

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Truly imaginative opening, beautiful camerawork, acting is perfect. Then it just drags on. Because our own speculations are acted by the characters, we're kept in limbo and hoping for a mind blowing twist throughout the entire film... yet there isn't one?

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Really enjoyed it. Cracking plot. Could of been more gory

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Knock at the Cabin’:

  1. I know it may be an unpopular opinion, but I really do love the way M. Night tells a story, even if it is fairly simple and perhaps even a bit predictable. There’s always a sense of grandeur that I appreciate. A suspenseful unfolding of reveals that keeps me invested. Always a great score and unique cinematography too.

  2. I was kinda hoping for a major twist. Like the daughter being the one who unexpectedly sacrificed one of her fathers or them realizing at the diner that it was all a hoax or something. But I was happy with the ending.

  3. It was nice to see Bautista flex his acting chops here. And, despite not being very familiar with him, I thought Ben Aldridge was fantastic.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.3

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Oh. This was very disappointing. I cannot believe how the director of some of my favourite movies of all time … churned out this predictable and lazy piece of work. I waited and waited and waited but there was no twist and no surprise. Judging by other reviews here, I must be missing the whole “big idea”! 5/10

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Seen today in a sneak preview at my favorite theater. Exciting from the beginning to the end. Not easy to watch and a little bit harder than other M. Night Shyamalan films. Bautista played excellent. Really enjoyed this film.

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Well, at least it was better than Old...

In all seriousness, this is the first time I have appreciated Bautista as an actor. And the expectation of a Shyamalan twist actually helped the movie by keeping the tension going all the way until the end.

I just wish the emotional journey of the movie was handled a little more gracefully and a little less Shamalan-ly. But I suppose that's too much to expect.

Also, what was up with Leonard saying, "I didn't realize you were the only female in the family" or whatever? I thought that meant they were going to have to sacrifice a female. Though I'm glad that wasn't the case.

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More like a 7.5, but I'll round up to 8. Regardless, I really enjoyed this movie! I was hesitant because sometimes M. Night does too much (specifically Old and Avatar come to mind). But this was a really well executed movie. Gripping all throughout, thought provoking, emotionally evocative. I'm truly glad I went to see this movie

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I started to read the book last year and got half way before giving it away. It was awful. And all 3 characters you were supposed to root for and/or feel sorry for i was rooting to die. Especially Wen. Thankfully, the movie strayed from the book and the characters were better. Overall, a decent flick.

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Shout by Vassilis

Unfortunately, the PC also affected Shyamalan.

The movie was a huge disappointment and i'am a fan of Shyamalan, not one of those who say "how long we will tolerate him because of 6th sense"

And I'm not referring to the couple but to the placement and the whole culture that went through that we will not save the world, since they hate us, nobody wants us. Let 5 billion people die because there are people who harassed him in a bar because he was gay.

Is it possible to not have Shyamalan's touch in the film? an unnerved very bad direction from him, I was really surprised from what we are used to and unimaginable that there was no twist!

A lot of things were missing from a typical and what i was expecting to see from a Shyamalan movie.

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Like a Chippendale working for the post office: a nice package that delivers.

Knock at the Cabin is a solid film, replete with mystery and moments of genuine suspense. Some interesting turns help wash down the cliches that pepper the film and, while the flashbacks harshed the vibe the rest of the movie gave, Knock at the Cabin delivers 100 minutes of decent genre cinema.

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If you want to watch blood and gore, skip it.
If you want a move that will make you think, definitely give it a go.
I love M. Night and i love when he puts out a new movie. I will always watch his movies and shows.

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The majority of Shyamalan's movies are preposterous at the very core and lack substance throughout. Knock at the Cabin is no exception. This film may not be M.'s worst attempt, yet it falls short of low expectations.

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This is dumb AF. Why did they try to escape when the captors said they would kill themselves? What a waste of 2 hours.

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Not M. Night Shyamalan's best movie, but a satisfactory movie that succeeded in what it was trying to do. The tension was established quite early in the movie, and it never let up until the very end. I will say the end of the movie did leave with more to be desired, but I can't say the movie didn't keep me watching throughout.

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Yo, this was good! Dave Batista is great!

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A very tight thriller with some great direction from Shyamalan, all of the cast is good especially Bautista. Major downside just comes from some of the changes from the book, while understandable definitely kind of muddle what kind of message the movie is going for

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