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Lisa Frankenstein 2024

Silly movie, but entertaining. It's a MEH. I would like to see Kathryn Newton in a more serious role I think she has potential.

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thought this would be a new queer but not queer movie but instead it was just straight.

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Proper portions of eighties nostalgia, levity, and murder.

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Watched it because it was talked up on a Podcast I listen to, but it was a miss for me. Definitely not a film I would have picked on my own nor am I the target audience.

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This is a weird movie. There are aspects that are so cheesy its painful, but the next moment I love it. It will be difficult to recommend, but I also want to talk about this one with everyone. It is in the same vein as "Warm Bodies", and there are parts of it I like more and less. If you have Peacock, check this out!

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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It was just an okay movie overall, but Newton made it worth the watch.

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If you have seen Heathers this is VERY similar to that.
Therefore awesome and entertaining to me! Bullies and cruel people get their comeuppance! Underdogs finally have revenge. 80s and romance included! what more could you ask for?!

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Had some good moments - a few chuckles. But none of the aspects of the movie were really good. Cast, eh. Humor, eh. Story, eh. Style, eh. 80s nostalgia, none.

Worth a watch if you got nothing else to watch... Nothing memorable though.

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I didn’t like this. I’m completely shocked at that. I expected to love this movie. Late 80s. Frankenstein. Comedy horror. Diablo Cody. That’s a recipe for a movie I’d love!

But I didn’t like it. It was boring at parts. Trying too hard at others. Not funny enough. Not scary at all. I just thought it was lame.

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im someone who loves My Boyfriend's Back from 1993, so i enjoyed this outing

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This film has some clever/charming moments, but overall, moves so fast that it doesn't feel cohesive. Something will happen with no context and then it quickly moves to the next thing. Most of the characters are underdeveloped, but in particular, the character of Lisa goes from 0 to 100 with no transition. Because of that, most of the antagonists are more sympathetic than evil. Which makes Lisa a protagonist that's difficult to rally behind. The overall tone is cynical enough that I can't tell whether the characters are intentionally unlikable or if it's from the frenzied pacing. There are certain bits with potential but lots of holes and some interesting segments that are quickly abandoned.

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Didn't really like this as much as I thought I would, but I love that it's so obviously having fun with the story and visuals.

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Target demo will be for those younger than us, but this had its moments. Some asinine, some well executed. On the whole it felt a bit more cringe than not, but I appreciate the intent and it looked like everyone involved had fun making it. The 80s style is what drew us to this one, and the sets, music, and colour palates used were fun. Good editing and decision on overall length as well. 5.9

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I had high hopes for this as it had a promising story and visually looked good but it was devoid of humour and poorly executed. If you want something better, then check out Frankenhooker, Re-Animator or Young Frankenstein instead

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I loved it so much. Finally something you don't regret watching

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Film 120 (Goal: 300) of 2024:

I was surprised how much I was enjoying this (or more so, how little I was disliking it) but you have to bend and accept a lot of the rules of the Universe, just because. However once the film heads towards the end of Act 2, it loses a lot of momentum and never really recovers. Film definitely has a style that harkens back to the angsty, neon drip films of the 80s, like Heathers. There's an element of Tim Burton here as well, and Edward Scissorhands comes to mind as a primary example. But yeah, this was just a little too low on story especially towards the middle.

I like Kathryn Newton though. Don't know if she's a particularly great actress but I like her. And Cole Sprouse seems to make people happy. Having him not talk was a bold move though.

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Lisa Frankenstein - :heart:x6

This was OK but not great. It could have been much better. Anyway, I thought the ending just fizzled out. Also, a thought came to mind. . . is Cole Sprouse this generations Johnny Depp?

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Weird and nonsensical, but I couldn’t stop watching and laughing… Entertaining

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A campy mix of comedy romance horror. The comedy wasn't for me, I never laughed but I did chuckle one or two times. The romance is so cliché, silly and demands a suspension of disbelief, it sorta redeems itself in the third act but that's a little too late. The horror elements are very light with only two kills I believe. Really dig the 80's aesthetics with the costumes, hairstyle, colorful sets, neon lighting and soundtrack. Good performance from Kathryn Newton but her character lacks depth and not much of what she does makes any sense to me. Carla Gugino instantly steals the spotlight, love her as the evil stepmother. Overall not a terrible take on Frankenstein but it just doesn't come together like it should.

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This feels like a dark comedy plucked from a different era and it works in that respect. A few misses here and there yet comes together nicely in the end.

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Shout by Benjamin Rice
BlockedParent2024-03-01T03:59:43Z— updated 2024-03-24T21:38:18Z

Honestly didn't know what to expect when I started this, but I started to really enjoy it by the end. Kathryn Newton did a great job acting in this campy horror rom-com movie.

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Instantly liked this movie from the trailers' soundtrack alone. I thought it was a kids type film, but oh, was I wrong. THIS IS NOT FOR KIDS. I can imagine a gigantic number of parents thought this was alright for kids. It's very unexpected, I knew this was a love story, but it's more. It's almost iconic. The characters and design and story at least. Haven't seen a new horror that's been this refreshingly psychotic. The casting was great, the design was great, the comedy was great, the soundtrack was great, the yucky mucky was great, the story was great, the dialogue was great, you get it. It was slightly dragging, but it's mostly because it focuses on the romance, and instead of horror, it's more gruesome. I'm still thinking about some of those scenes because, oh my, was it unexpected. Once again, NOT FOR KIDS. NUMBER 2? WHEN?

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we actually really loved and enjoyed the movie! just don't take it seriously, haha. it wasn't that bad, although the plot is weird and some scenes were just toooo comical, but still an enjoyable movie!

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We enjoyed it overall. There were a few funny parts but the story had multiple holes. My wife enjoyed it and I got to spend time with her so it was a good day overall.

I thought this was going to go a different direction. They bring up an axe murderer early on in the movie. I would have preferred if she was actually the murdurer and the entire Frankenstein thing was just something that was in her head.

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Like a scarecrow watching porn: Lisa Frankenstein is a disturbing amount of slapstick.

Apart from the Benny Hill style humor which goes from ingratiating to grating in the blink of an eye, the writing of Lisa Frankenstein is problematic. It's not just the unclear motivations and characters / plotlines that litter the film, it's the central character who completes her arc in the first 5 minutes of act I (and we're left guessing you're she achieved this feat) so she has nowhere to go but in circles for the rest of the running time.

If you're like me, you'll keep wishing you could touch the screen to see how much time you have to wait until it's over.

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Finally a wide release for mainstream weirdos

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If this movie had anything going for it, it was vibes costume/sets/music) and some jokes that seemed a little past pg-13 that I could appreciate and sure the directors late father could as well. This movie feels really empty though and paper thin. Just wish their was more story and character to this.

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Entertaining movie, suspend your beliefs as a lot of things are left unanswered or implausible and just enjoy the movie.

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