Shouts about...

Malignant 2021


Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-09-10T21:42:31Z— updated 2024-04-19T20:08:25Z

This is bound to be divisive, and I can see it getting a cult following in the future.
It plays out a lot like an Edgar Wright movie, starting as one movie and slowly morphing into another.
I personally liked it a lot, I found it very inspired and creative from a story perspective.
It has a great character at the center, some really unpredictable twists, it delivers the scares and gore you want, terrific visuals (Wan’s trademark camerawork is here) and good music (there is a subtle song reference that’s actually kinda brilliant).
It’s not perfect though: the acting can sometimes be a little wonky, there’s too much unneeded exposition, and the tone can occasionally get a little campy, which doesn’t always work.
Still, you have to respect James Wan for bringing creative and fresh ideas into a genre that has continued to give us the same shit over and over again.


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Shout by Alexandra E

Sorry I really tried. About halfway through, had to stop punishing myself. It sucked that bad. If you never think about watching it, you'll never miss anything. Yes it's that bad. Save yourself the time and just bypass completely

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The tone of this movie is all over the place; it is an absurdist collage of genres that never capitalises on any single one to great effect. It's both fantastically shot while being absolute drivel, it's a complete whiplash in quality from one facet to the next. Not once was I sure what type of response this movie was trying to illicit from me. Was I supposed to laugh at the absurdity of it all? Enjoy the annoyingly well shot action sequences? Be scared by the slow building horror scenes? Chuckling from the poor acting and terrible script work?
Either James was shooting to make The Room of horror movies as his return to the genre, or something here went horribly wrong. Or it'll become a cult classic because of how stupid it is. What a wild ride, and sadly not one I can say I enjoyed. The Saw references were a nice touch though.

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This movie really is something, James Wan decided to go for it and throw everything he had to dare the audience to come along for the ride. I’ve seen some people say this is bad and there are definitely parts that are but I also think it is on purpose? Right from the opening scene you can feel that the tone is slightly askew from Wan’s more recent horror releases. It feels a lot like James Wan’s answer to Leigh Whanel’s Upgrade but keeping the horror roots intact. It really scratches the itch of being a bonkers horror VHS you stumbled upon because the cover was cool and something all it’s own. I don’t want to spoil anything more but if that sounds cool then strap in and fire it up.

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One of the worst movies I've seen. I literally thought I accidentally chose a student film by the same name or something. Bad acting, terrible plot, absurd effects.. The whole time it feels like you're being pranked into thinking this is a serious movie.

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I loved the concept and twists in this movie even though it was predictable. Unlike other horrors where things like the monster being backwards or Madison's paralysis are just for shock value, everything in this film had a reason behind it. An innovative horror, and Annabelle Wallis was fantastic as the lead!

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Started off good, got kind of stupid, then got really good and then a pretty dumb ending.

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This made me want to make a movie where every woman is a brunette with bangs. After finishing it, I wonder if that was all some sort of reference to Gabriel's appearance though. Either way I'm into it.

I don't care if this word is 'overused', especially by me, but James Wan is most certainly an auteur at this point. The thing is, though, after now seeing 6 of his 10 films he's still not made a film I've given an 8 or above to. 5 of the 6 I've given 7's, which is very impressive and crazy consistent, but I think his almost anti-subtext approach, admittedly very likeable, holds his films back from potentially being showstopping.

But, there should be nothing but praise for this goldmine aussie who once again steps up to be the face of modern horror with his 10th feature, undoubtedly his boldest yet.

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Shout by Deleted

三星半, watched at 2021-09-10, imported from douban

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In Malignant, director James Wan crafts a visually-impressive horror experience in which camera work, production design, and aesthetics do most of the heavy lifting. Annabelle Wallis and her Backpack do their best with a garbage script and subpar supporting cast that appears to be there to punch the ticket. If you can get over the slow opening 30 minutes, Malignant's innovative ideas distinguish it from the usual horror movie clichés, giving surprising turns that keep you intrigued until the end.

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Well shot but quite cheesy. I will never watch this again

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this is a very original horror movie and very worth watching but nor for the squeemish. it may start out like hundreds of other slasher flicks but its definitely different

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People still complain that there are no more original horror movies while this exists?????

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The good: Some nice camerawork and interesting angles, lighting, sound.

The mediocre: Overuse of wide angle, the pretentious moments, the cliché and the derivative.

The bad: Subpar acting, nonsensical story,
ridiculous stunt scenes and action movie CGI like some knock-off superhero movie from 2005.

The terrible: The sum of everything above.

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If they had another actress play Madison this could've been better. God that was a horrible performance.

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I'm not certain if this is good or not. There's a shocking reveal at about the halfway point, and the movie takes off in that direction and then goes completely berserk. It's not a scary movie, in fact it's laughable. If James Wan was trying to make a ridiculous B-movie then mission accomplished, except that it looks too good to be a B-movie, so I'm even more confused. I can't recommend it or demean it. Weird.

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This was awful. One of the worst movies I've watched in recent memory. Definitely not for me.

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This has the most stupid ending I've seen in a long time.

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another great South park episode turned into a terrible, but hilarious horror movie.

probably good for 10 year olds.

over the top acting, 00's CGI. and too many"why would" moments.

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I am not a huge horror movie fan, to be fair, but I was a bit underwhelmed with this movie. [spoiler] Not of the performances were super captivating, the romance between Sydney and Kekoa went nowhere, and Gabriel's origin as to why he was evil was never explained. I did find interesting the whole concept of a parasitic twin which kept me engaged for most of the movie. The prison scene was also badass!

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Promising use of “waking nightmares” in a movie becomes predictable and disappointing twist. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t as good as it could have been.

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Meh, it was watchable. The filming was good but the story not so much.

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Yes, absolutely giving this a 10. This was a wild ride from start to finish. Awesome cinematography and a compelling narrative that transforms the movie outside every expectation you have. This is just as much art as it is high camp wrapped up in a deceptively cheeky red herring of a normal “my house is haunted” movie.

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I see that most people are complaining about the last twenty minutes ruining the rest of the film. I honestly think it’s the opposite: those last few scenes were the only ones worth watching. The rest was excruciatingly boring, crammed with so many clichés that it almost felt like watching a poorly made spoof. The answers were pretty obvious from the beginning, yet it would be hard to guess the “dynamics”. After the plot twist, they just stop pretending to be serious and go full throttle with silly but highly entertaining action scenes. Too bad it all ends abruptly, right when I was starting to enjoy it.

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I just enjoyed watching this film from start to finish. It isn't a masterpiece, but the haunting intro engaged me. I understand some of the criticism since thematic shifts happened abruptly, with one moment leaving me in terror and a second later I'm chuckling. Yet, the visuals and cinematography were on point, and the acting, while not perfect, was compelling and helped fuel the momentum of this film. The twists were fresh and exciting, with well-executed explanations and build-up that helped to sell the possibly nonsensical, but ultimately compelling aspects of this film. Overall, when you're bored at home at night, this is a great horror film to watch. It won't be a waste of time.

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I only liked the third act. Everything that happened before the twist is not that interesting or scary.

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Totally felt it when Detective Moss said, "you have got to be kidding me!" Lost track of how many times I nodded off. As a previous commenter said, its not horrible, but this is just awkwardly bad.

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James wan riffs on horror movies of the past, both in style and story. However, the final half hour is a little more original, with a new way of presenting an age old horror theme.

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James, sweetheart, you’ve made so much better. It wasn’t painful to watch by any means, but predictable and the writing and dialogue was lazy. Basically this is hardly his magnum opus. Watch but don’t expect it to change your world.

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No, it wasn't just weak or made in a good B-horror style, it was awkwardly bad.

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Sincerely, juts loved it. Great trash movie, you don't have to think, doesn't even try to make sense out of it... Just feel it

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Ridiculous, stupid, senseless. What the fuck did James Wan do this time? Where is the director who made that wonderful Saw?

A movie that I found to be anything but a horror/thriller, in fact it felt more like a comedy. I recognize that it's an 80's B-movie, so I shouldn't expect much, but there are movies in the same category that are good, such as the first Nightmare, or the first The Evil Dead.

In some scenes I was wondering if I should laugh, it seems as if James wanted to make a troll movie, where we could create memes about it.

Maybe he wanted to pay homage to Cronenberg with his weird, malformed creatures, and if he wanted to do that, he did it really shitty.

Shall we then talk about the nonsensical dialogue and acting? Ridiculous.


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I'm sorry but the little t-rex arms got me!

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What’s with the bad wig :D

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I liked it. It started like every other movie about obsessed people but it turns out better. I enjoyed it.

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I'm just gonna let you know off the bat, you're not gonna like the ending (completely anyway). I can't give this movie a high rating, but they do have some great realistic gore scenes! I think I like the concept of the move, although I feel there was more information that was sort of left out, and I had to draw my own conclusions. Right now, this movie left me at neutral. It wasn't a great movie by any stretch, but there are elite groups of people that like these types of movies. BY THE WAY, is it my imagination, or does George Young look exactly like Pete Buttigieg? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Are they related???

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Episode 10x04
The new by J. Wan contains traces of many genre films, is intimate and low-budget and begins with a prologue very of series B. An hour or so of cult elements and fantastic well shot go hand in hand to reach an end of another 30 'apotheosis and enlightening. His Achilles heel is music, he took me out of the movie.

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That freak on her back was kinda funny, especially when it moved with his arms. I was expected more from this movie. :thinking:

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Just one details that made the watching experience really bad.
The cardio gram are always stuck on 69 bpm no matter what's happen to the patient lol

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This movie took me 6 days to finish because every random thing I could possibly do was more interesting than it. By the end, you will know the true meaning of a bad hair day.

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Corny script and cheesy dialog with typical horror movie tropes but the third act is totally worth the time. Bonkers!

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I like it, first half is laughable, the other half its just crazy and stupid but I really enjoyed it, the inspiration in Argento films it good.

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Shout by ZeusCBA

Well, when Maligno 2 comes out? (Ironic Mode)

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I liked the music. I liked it very much. The movie itself is lazy - a hash of various horror tropes and cliches thrown together without any regard to a coherent theme. It's predictable, trite, and I'm sad that James Wan still gets multi-million dollar budgets to make such empty trash. I'd be lying if I said I was bored, though, it's the sort of disposable movie that's harder to watch more than once because it only served as novel background noise while relaxing on the couch.

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it's got to be the silly thing I have seen all year.

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A clever story idea. I think it would have worked better if the filmmakers had really leaned into what could’ve been a terrifying horror-comedy.

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This movie is a classic example as to why I don't like trailers. This movie was a complete waste of time. I didn't like some of the soundtracks used for this film, it felt too much like a slasher movie. If they focused more on what the actual storyline was, it could've been better understood and appreciated. Such a disappointment

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it's got style, maybe it was the soundtrack. decent movie, was scary until the parasitic twin reveal, brilliant acting from Annabelle though.

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watching this in the theater was terrifying. the soundtrack is AMAZING (reminded me a bit of Suspiria), acting was good, cool twist, everything felt fresh and not cliche. gore was on point. I went in with very high expectations since it's directed by James Wan and he didn't disappoint. best horror movie I've seen this year

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Very enjoyable well paced horror movie. Very interesting concept that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

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I had heard a lot of poor reviews from friends about this. I doubted their opinion and went to see it anyway. And, sadly, I have to agree with them.

This movie was disappointing on so many levels it's really hard to point out one that outshines another. I wasn't looking for originality. I certainly didn't mind the predictable plot. I can forgive the script. I can even forgive the acting. The action scenes and the special effects were great. But the music just crushed the entire movie.

If you're looking for a mash-up of the Dark Half, Sisters, and It's Alive (to mention the top three movies that came to mind immediately when watching this) then maybe you'll enjoy this. Then again, you might enjoy it more if you have no idea what those movies are :grin: All I can say for certain is, I should've waited for it to hit Netflix.

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I love the mind of James Wan, and the way he captures horror is truly mesmerizing. But I was despairing while watching this movie. It started strong, with Insidious vibes, but then it morphed into something like the Saw. The fast paced music, and the gore showed, resembled Saw (for me at least). I dismissed the jokes and the comedy relief, I thought it didn’t work for this movie. Still I was happy to see Annabelle returning for a new horror movie.

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Wildly entertaining and well paced horror film with a main conceit that is unique and familiar all in one sweep. Not to be missed.

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This movie is 10/10 best in every aspects. The story line, the casts, the musics, the action sequences, all of them are amazing. Really recommend this movie to everyone.

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Shout by Alaric Saltzman
BlockedParent2021-09-21T23:50:28Z— updated 2022-12-26T19:17:37Z

This is just AWESOME. I'm lost for words. Don't really know what to say. I'm pleasently surprised by this movie, my jaw is on the floor after what I just watched!
Recommend this to everybody:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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10 pounds of camp in a 5 pound bag. So ridiculous it was a little fun.. only worth your 2 hours if you’re not really paying attention to it.

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Overrated garbage, just like the Conjuring, Insidious and everything after the first Saw movie. The only reason I have rated it this high is because it at least tries do bring some creativity into its story. Don't get me wrong, it fails miserably and makes absolutely no sense but at least there is something here that isn't copied and pasted from so many other movies...

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What the hell was that… :/

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James Wan should stop letting his wife write his movies.

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Disappointing, overrated movie. Some points didn't make sense (horror movies sometimes don't have to be logical, but they gave it a reason rather than being such a monster) such as how he spoke in the radio while she was with them! Why didn't she go to a doctor for her bleeding head! 5/10

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This movie is like Madison and Gabriel - once beautiful once ugly.

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Something different, but great. Point for the chair! :joy:.

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Finally, a horror movie that dares to be different. It has a pretty good twist.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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i don't care if gabriel walks backwards, i'd still let him blow my back out with a strap

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Hooptober Eight: Hooptober takes Manhattan!

"It's time to cut out the cancer."

Going blind into James Wan's latest film was an amazing decision. Never saw any trailers, never knew it was coming and never knew it was going to be this bonkers especially the final act.

A Giallo type of film which they need to make more and James Wan did it well. I love it that they give him loads of money to make movies he wants when he wants. Just keep em coming James.

I just don't want to spoil anything about this film. It has action, scares and a great "villain".

Going in blind is the best and lets pray for a sequel.

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It's "The Eyes of Laura Mars", "Basket Case" and "The Invisible Man" with a bit of overacting. The third act was martial arts "Cabin in The Woods" and was laughable.... But, i couldn't turn away (like a car wreck). Much better than the last Conjuring movie, but still grating.

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Seriously I think horror movies nowadays are really good or like this where they they don't even give any effort. Why we can't have an in between? This is really bad and more like a 90s horror Tv show

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meh, I couldn't finish watching it. rolled my eyes for half of it and finally asked myself, why bother?

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Christ, I wasn't expecting that! Where do I start?

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Shout by Bonebag
BlockedParent2021-09-15T18:02:23Z— updated 2022-01-28T14:36:21Z

Not a supernatural horror it seems. It's a monster movie. I was a little disappointed when i learnt that, but James Wan's direction makes up for it. I predicted several things way before it happened, yet i completely enjoyed the ride. Even though i wished it would take a supernatural turn at some point, I'm not really upset with what i got.

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Predictable from the first 10 minutes. Very middle-of-the-road, tiresome, trope-filled, derivative, with weird sound design choices and shot like a comedy. James Wan is a hack fraud who keeps making the same stupid movies over and over and the final act's "interesting" deviation from the norm doesn't make up for what is, up until that point, another entire movie's runtime filled with lacklustre melodrama.

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I liked it, good to watch

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Shout by Pete
BlockedParent2021-09-14T06:26:36Z— updated 2021-09-16T00:06:32Z

I truly enjoyed this. I guessed the ending quite early on, but still really had lots to enjoy. A big fan of Annabelle Wallis so that certainly helped. The soundtrack was outstanding and the camera work was on point. I really enjoy Wan's horror movies for the most part. Glad this one lived up to expectations. It'll be devisive, but I'm happy I'm on the side that thoroughly enjoyed it. For me the first half is better than the second, but it's still top echelon. I wasn't ever scared, but I'm old and jaded. A really fun tongue in cheek flick w extreme cheesiness that most folks aren't getting. 8.2

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I gave it a second watch to be sure. It takes itself too seriously to be fun. It's way too off the wall to be serious. I can't say anything without spoilers.

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I always like Wan directing movies and his creativity in camera movements and the concept of this movie truly benefits from that. But I always felt he made mainstream horror, accessible to watch and, therefore, for genre fans not so pleasant. In this movie he tries to keep that mainstream but get closer to the fans with some heavy gore. While that is nice, that’s the lazy approach. A genre fan also like the drama and the mistery in the category. And on that it fails a lot. While the movie is playing around moving from one style to the other, it’s was always obvious to me who and where the evil was since the opening scene. Getting to know better why and how should always be there to the tension on the story. It’s hard for me to accept the hero reversing the roles at the end and even harder that the person that can explain the origin is totally ignored in the end. Seems that the movie doesn’t take the mythology serious and only uses it for the visual show off (and does that brilliantly)

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Just disappointing. A true waste of time. THE SOUNDTRACK WAS AWFUL. 4/10

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I was laughing at the end…

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It starts out well, but then not so much, the explanation of what happens does not match what has been seen.

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Like me in high school: it waited too long to be cool.

While I loved the pay off of the third act, I felt I had to invest interest for too long at the beginning, considering the small returns the first two acts doled out.

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First of all, yes I know there is haters! And this ois not a movie fgor haters! Buit if you are able to see that James Wan want us to see. So damn it was a good movie. Good twists. Nice actions scenes! Soemthing "new". Watch it! /GEEKZTOR!

PS. Cheers!

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An inspiring madness that embraces the giallo, especially Dario Argento and by extension approaches Brian DePalma. The staging in large sets (police station, hospital, subway...) builds a dreamlike sensation, but also of operatic gloom. Joseph Bishara's work is reminiscent of Goblin's music, but it also mixes inspiration with apathy, up to a third act directly trash that abandons terror to build a bizarre fantasy.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Malignant’:

  1. This movie was absolutely bonkers. But in the best way. It was incessantly entertaining from the start and everything tied together in a weirdly satisfying way.

  2. What I found so unique about this film was how it seemed to evolve into different genres along the way. It started out as standard supernatural, then morphed into a mystery, a whodunnit, a slasher, straight-up horror, and some pretty impressive action.

  3. I did NOT expect to step into the Matrix towards the end there. Those police station scenes were wild. Major props to the choreographers.

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I really liked this movie
not just the plot twist ( a bit expected ) but James wan did so great job in filming it besides that the amazing soundtrack overall a Great Job

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This was really good, especially the plot twist. A movie that really beat my expectations. Surely worth the watch!! 8/10

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A good horror movie, plagued with bad acting here and there. Especially the police officers were horrible. Still, it kept me intrigued and interested in what's really happening. Worth a watch.

The ending was quite a surprise, can't remember the last time I was not able to predict where the story is going. Big thumbs up for that.

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Honestly, from the very first sequence to the last I kept asking myself is this a serious film? Or is this a spoof? I can't believe this is a James Wan creation. Alarmingly disappointing.

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A true waste of time. Bored throughout until about the last bit of the film. The obligatory sequel bait too at the end.

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genuinely one of the worst movies i’ve seen in a while. graphics were good but the acting, script, plot, and execution were laughably flat and bad

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Simply amazing, It is soo crazy it's GOOD. So many great moments of "DUH"! Just an over all very fun movie to watch, especially if you are fan of "Giallo" films! Just an over the top, fun ride!

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Definitely not for everyone, but it hit all the right buttons for me. A very strong potential for my favorite film of the year. I'm in love

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if you like james wan's body of work (i do) then you'll like this (i did). the score is fantastic if you've got good speakers or headphones so make sure you're set with your audio if streaming at home on hbo max like i was. the acting was always 10% terrible 90% great - like you can tell that this was designed to feel like a campy cult horror favorite, so having all these solid actors pulling things into just a little ridiculous territory was a fun experience. camp is only truly entertaining when the acting is good, after all (see rocky horror for an obvious example).

the cinematography is also great. another one for my body horror list for sure!

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2021-09-11T00:40:03Z— updated 2021-09-26T23:49:29Z

James Wan should have just done the Conjuring 3. Malignant is visually stunning with the right cast but it has a story that had potential if the script was worked on more.
I enjoyed watching the movie at home with the lights off even if I was never scared. The movie is very nice to look at and Wan’s directions did keep my interest at least.
it gets goofier as it goes on and Annabelle Wallis’ acting seems to get worse. I think she was meant to go for B-Movie horror acting though. It’s like Wan was trying to make a B-movie on purpose which is a waste of his talents.
If you liked this. Watch: Conjuring 1-2, Insidious 1-2

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Jeez this is terrible. Like a badly made for TV B-movie. One of the worst films Ive seen in a long time and thats no exaggeration. Horrible!

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It had potential to be a decent horror film and/or franchise. But in the end it was just another cheesy movie. Also, the score/soundtrack is awful. It doesn't match the themes most of the time.

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So disappointing. Kinda laughable. Maybe that's what they were going for.

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  • Ending is the only good part of this movie.

  • The fight scene reminded me Kingsman and Aquaman. So, I liked it.

  • The romantic relationship between Shaw and Sydney (or Winnie) was really out of place and had no conclusion.

  • Actors were just overreacting to everything.

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I'm lost for words. This is beyond my expectation!! It's scary and extremely violent with lots of action sequences. Literally a horror film made for horror fans.

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