Shouts about...

Monster Hunter 2020


Shout by Matt D
BlockedParent2021-02-18T04:19:09Z— updated 2022-07-28T20:42:15Z

This movie offers a unique experience. It gives you one of the most genuine and undoctored glimpses into the soulless eyes of corporate Hollywood

There is no love for making movies
There is no love for the source material
The only interest is making something with the specific goal of being a "Blockbuster".
There is nothing to it but the intent of making money.

There's legit nothing to this movie.
Every shot you see is made just for cool trailer moments....
The Characters have no life or personality to them, They don't make any emotional connection with the viewer.
The acting........ no
There's no real plot or pacing
The effects can be good at times but its far and few in-between
The fighting and action scenes are rendered useless with the unprecedented amount of jump cuts done in editing....

I enjoy movies that might have glaring flaws, or even be considered bad, I'm not a heartless critic... But there are no redeemable qualities about this movie.
You can't even spin it as a "So Bad It's Good" movie, its just that incompetent on every imaginable level.

0/10 - Genuinely

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As expected the movie has lots of CGI which is ok but the story is lame. I just watched it for the sake of Milla. One more thing, I hate the music. Unfortunately, just a timekiller movie.

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Took my daughter to see this last night. It wasn't as bad as the reviews were making it out to be. The action was pretty good and the fight scenes were well choreographed. Overall the story itself was ok. Nothing special but entertaining. My main issue was with the way it ended. You will need to stay for the credits because they literally just ended the movie after a battle. Even with the bit shown during the credits, it's like they didn't know how to finish the movie. You can tell that they are trying to shoehorn a 2nd movie. Their fix to ensure this is set up was to basically put up a "To be continued" sign at the end. It's not an actual sign but I hope you get what I'm saying.

Overall if you're feeling trapped in your house and you want to get out and enjoy a movie I'd go see it. We had a fun afternoon munching on popcorn and watching some monster action on the big screen.

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Watching a PWSA movie is like eating an extremely salty popcorn. It does taste like popcorn, but the intense flavor ends up being unpleasant. The director gives what he thinks is expected, and don't expect characters development. Non-stop action edited as if it were a two hours trailer, one second per shot. A mix between "Mad Max" and "Pirates of the Caribbean", better in the scenes with Milla Jovovich and Tony Jaa. Diablo!

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Turned it off after 45 minutes. Biggest pile of trash I've seen in a long long time! Bleh!

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Ok where to start?
The CGI was impressive with some quite cool looking slow-mo shots. I suppose the choreography is good too. Oh, and there’s a few witty and amusing jokes and one liners.
However, not one character is overly likeable. There is no character background, there is no character development, and to be frank, there is no character at all.
All in all, it’s watchable. I’ve seen many worse movies. If you’re in the mood for mindless action and want your finger to be continually on the volume button turning it down for loud monsters and up for muttered dialogue, then this is the movie for you.

I enjoyed it, but don’t go in with high expectations.

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Monster Hunter was actually a pleasant surprise to me. I shouldn't really be surprised, as I usually like whatever Paul W. S. Anderson puts out, but this one kind of flew under the radar. To be honest...I didn't know anything about it apart from that Milla was in it.

The action is good, the monsters look great, the acting is surprisingly good for the material they had to work with because...well...what Monster Hunter lacks is a decent story. Don't get me wrong...what little there is, works fine as a way to drive things forward.

Monster Hunter is no instant classic, but I enjoyed it. That may be my love for monster movies talking, but I think this one has something to offer to most people that likes action as well.

Now I just need to get into the Monster Hunter games I bought, but never ended up playing...

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Unwatchable! Half an hour and take it out, I can't take this crap anymore Anderson and Jovovich, killing another video game franchise.

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God, this movie is hideous. I can't put that in words.

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Mindless, meaningless fun, with a truck load of CGI and very little story. I enjoyed it, but I know it is really rubbish

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I had no interest in the story line. Just not my kind of movie, So i thought. Now I love the Resident Evils, I'm a complete zombie buff, but monsters!!?!. The cast is up there,. Mostly Milla Jovovich & Tony Jaa battle the big ass dragon/monsters & unbelievable massive spider creatures with the help of Ron Perlman (SOA). The effects are excellent & yes the storyline is believable, I totally recommend you giv'er a watch. I definitely was entertained. Wouldn't mind a part 2 even!!

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I was gonna give it a 4 but I fell asleep and missed 50 minutes so ppphhhfffrrrttt

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i didn't pass 10mins to know how fucked the movie is.

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This movie is shockingly bad considering the special effects are great and it has good actors.
The writing is childlike and pacing is terrible. None of the characters have any depth or behave even remotely believably.

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Could've been better, could've been worse. Open ending for a sequel is useless as I don't know whou would spend the money for it :) It's that type of the movie you watch and forget. Week or two later you really don't remember anything. There is no special moment, nothing. If you like Milla and monsters you will probably like it but not more than 5 stars out of ten.

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Exactly what you would expect from a movie adaptation of a game.

Couple of OK predictable jump-scares, decent effects, Milla in her type-cast role.

Ron was maybe the most interesting character, features for a total of 4 scenes, max, total screen-time maybe < 30s.

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Terrible, terrible movie. They had soo much potential and they just wasted it for crappy action scenes and screen time for Mila to scream in. Go play the games and enjoy the true monster hunter universe

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At least this one is better than Dragon Ball movie.

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Paul W.S. Anderson adapts yet another video game into a feature film with Monster Hunter. The story followers an American Army unit that is transported to another world that’s full of giant monsters that they must do battle with in order to survive. Starring Milla Jovovich (of course), Tony Jaa, and Ron Perlman, the cast isn’t too bad, but the performances are phoned in at best; except for Jovovich, who does her usual action-hero shtick. And while the CGI is pretty good and features some interesting creature designs, it all feels like mindless video game action. B-movie shlock, Monster Hunter has some entertaining monster fights, but it’s all rather pointless and goes nowhere.

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It was a struggle to get through this one. I haven't played any of the games, however, the story sounded interesting.
There wasn't really any connection to any of the characters, very one dimensional, and just seemed long.

Would not recommend.

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Film based on a video game reminiscent of the old B movies that were released directly in a video store.

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A fun action movie where Milla Jovovich hunts monsters. Set in a beautifully dystopian world with action throughout it's a fun and enjoyable experience. The only negative is that instead of explaining the world and ending the story suitably, they are betting on a sequel instead.

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Movie isn't as bad as people are making it out to be. Beginning was a bit slow. Then monsters just appearing. We had less information about the story even to the end. Still though was a good enough survival action movie

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It is by far one of the worst movies out there. CG is really good, scratch that it's spectacular. But there is no connection, no personality to the actors' nothing just only "cool" action scenes and nothing else. I wish I could get back the one and a half hours of my life wasted on that.

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Shout by Pedro Couto e Santos

Very fun! Only ruined by bad reviews by whining little kids who can't seem to enjoy a monster action movie. I liked it.

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I was taking notes while watching the movie.
- a third of the movie spent on a useless and senseless army rangers plot instead of focusing in the world building of a pre-existent rich lore.
- I don't know what tone was the director going for in the first half, this is monster hunter, not Resident Evil, he clearly wanted to turn an adventure franchise into horror, why...
- the writing is atrocious, characters fight to the death for 10 minutes and then they're friendly… "I'm not your enemy" ass! mofo you stabbed the guy!
- horrible editing, bad acting, jokes that make you cringe.
An overall bad transition of a fun adventure game to an awful movie, should have focused more in battling monsters instead of diverging into useless subplots.

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if you hit your head against the wall a few time before and after this movie then the movie itself becomes a nice experience in comparison

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i fell asleep so many times watching this. i never do that

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i'm sorry, no.

does this movie get any better after the first half hour?

i hated every second of this.

i hate this movie.

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Shout by Lenny Tua
BlockedParent2021-02-24T23:42:54Z— updated 2021-03-01T14:53:49Z

This movie is by far the worst movie I've seen this decade. People complain about video game movies. Just like they did with super hero movies in the past. Guess what?, with a decent narrative and a good cast you can get the Marvell cinematic universe. But by adding a character that can't talk there is no character progression (reminds me rusell"s soldier). A hero that pushes too hard to have "Bruce Wayne and batman trhoath cancer voice" ( pun intended). No real movie to watch here could have been pulled of with trained monkeys.

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I don't know if this caught me on a bad day or not but this just felt soulless.
I believe another user described it as a nothing movie and I'm inclined to agree, it needed more exposition to it if anything, something to give it depth.

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A movie that feels like the direct result of a marketing meeting. Absolutely Terrible

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Its a great turn off your brain flick. Its in the title Monster Hunter. People are saying there is no story. This is not the epic story movie. Its Milla vs Monsters instead of Zombies. Props are awesome. CGI is great. Now if you add story you have Skyrim. Yes please.

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if it wasn't for the decent looking monsters and the well known actors, you'd swear it was an "Asylum" production from the 90's .
I've literally just finished watching it, and can only remember bad compositing from the last few scenes. its that dull

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Ignore the reviews. If you're a gamer and you know this movie IS based on the game, you'll enjoy it! The characters are spot on, the weapons, the look and feel of it.
It's a better adaptation that many other game movies.

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Worse than I expected. Very boring and it takes an hour before the action starts...

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To be honest, I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about this movie. I only gave this movie 5 stars because I really expected more from a Milla Jovovich movie. I think the script could have been better written. It took to long to explain to the audience what was happening. I don't like having to find out too many things towards the end of the movie. I expected T.I. to last a lot longer, he's T.I. for goodness sake (with his fine ass)!!! Although Tony Jaa is a cutie too!! I have to say the overall quality of this movie does not go being "made for TV." I don't think I would even bother with the Blu-Ray. Although the special effects where good, nice fighting scenes, and I did not perceive the monsters to look fake. But, man...... More thought should have went into the movie script.

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This is a terrible movie. Weak sauce!:no_good_tone4:

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OH. MY. GOD!!! WHAT A LAME ENDING. Almost 2 hours wasted just to get in a conclusion that there will be a sequel to this left-to-desire so-called movie because, come on, it can't end like that!!!

Definitely loved the cat lmao but that's about it.

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Depending on your expectations you'll either be disappointed or highly entertained. It works both ways.
Me, I was looking to pass a couple of hours time and it works just fine at that. There is practically no plot to speak of. It's monsters, shooting, fire, a bit of dialogue but mostly just some form of action. It looks pretty good, though.
As a one-off I can live with that but this seems to be an attempt to establish a franchise. I think I can do without.
Somewhere between a "5" and a "6" but I go with the "5" because the "6" would ultimately be just for the CGI.

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It's a heavily action-focused movie and it's fine at what it does. Some reviewers complain about a lack of character building or deeper plot, which isn't too unreasonable but the source material itself doesn't focus on these at all either. Comments about there being 'too much action' are silly to me - I don't know, maybe it's just me who watches a movie about hunting monsters in order to see monsters being hunted, not people becoming friends (.. which happens anyway, actually). :')

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The fact that the film was shown here right after Resident Evil meant that I thought it was Resident Evil the whole time.

I think that says it all.
Zombies swapped for monsters and that was it. Picture, sound and visuals 1:1 Resident Evil. Almost no plot, the usual fight scenes in a dystopian world full of stereotypical characters.

I think it could have been marketed better as a Resident Evil spin-off.


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:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage: - What a mess

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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This is the perfect movie to not pay attention to, just play it in the background and go clean your house; you will have engaging action movie sounds accompanying you while you work, as you hoover and stop only to watch Milla beat the shit out of someone. 1hr 45mins later, you’ll be convinced the glimpses you took at the tv while scooting about the place is completely sufficient and you’ll have a squeaky clean home. Then you can unwind to a better movie with a glass of wine in your hand as a reward for all that adulting.

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My Atmos home Theater makes this kind of movies pretty enjoyable to watch. A good investment. Who needs a good story when you can be a movie audiophile :)

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Some really good graphics and really easy to follow plot but it was too basic. Everything other than the action parts were incredibly boring.

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It started promising
Then i guess the movie lost something. I got bored
Lost interest.
It was difficult to focus on the movie because something was missing

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I like it. Was turned away by all the bad reviews for a while but I glad I decided to get it off my watchlist.
It was like watching a video game.

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I was looking forward to the release for a long time.
The movie felt very long and in the end hardly anything happened under all the action.

The movie had some magic after all.
Despite my disappointment, I would be very happy about a second part... strange.

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Astonishingly disappointing despite having Milla Jovovich and Ron Perlman in it. I like the cat though. 3 of my 5 points where just for the cat.

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Dune remind me this movie ,and now I feel it pretty good.

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I haven’t played any of the games so I can’t comment on how close this film is to them. But as I know the games are highly rated, I am sure they are better than this empty headed spectacle. The special effects are reasonable but if you’re here for a decent story, then you’re out of luck.

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1/10 first half, 6/10 second half.

The only redeeming quality this movie had was the epic battle (and CGI) at the end. Meaning: at least you get a small reward for sitting through that steaming pile of garbage.
The funny thing is, you could've watched those last 10 minutes on it's own and you would know about as much about the world and it's inhabitants as someone who watched the entire movie.

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This is my first Paul W.S. Anderson in a while, and I am shocked to find out that his taste has not changed a bit in the last 30 years. Video quality aside, it feels like watching a direct-to-video action film from the late '90s. Monster Hunter is a franchise that could work pretty well with film adaptations, as it offers a detailed setting but gives you absolute freedom with the plot. Yet, they just went to the usual “American guys transported to a hostile world” gimmick. The action scenes are usually the only decent aspect of these films, but here they are so monotonous and repetitive that there is really nothing worth watching.

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Effects were decent enough, but could have been better for 2020. Very weak storyline so didn't get invested into the characters unfortunately. Good cast, just need to put some good script writers in there and take out some of the already overpacked action.

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For a movie based off a game, this is on par with most. Taking something that is popular with gamers and sucking some of the life out of it.

The game is far more enjoyable than this. It became background noise for me 3/4 of the way through.

It’s not a bad movie in terms of action. It’s bad in terms of plot. Super basic.

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Replace Resident with Monster and Evil with Hunter

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When you're on the highway to hell and then you take an exit to the Care Bear petting zoo before getting back on track.

Monster Hunter starts off OK, then gets weird (the stupid kind of weird) before finishing on a high note. Too bad the whole thing couldn't have been the ending.

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Solid Anderson + Milla Jojovich film (if you are looking for that kind of action movie)
I didn't like the ending : they where just too confident that they will make a sequel ...

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Shout by Deleted

Felt like a movie that needs to be seen in the theatres where the main attraction is your popcorn and the seats that move. But alas I do not live in New Zealand so I cannot see it in theatres. Solid 8/10 theatre movie 3.5/10 at home movie.

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And it ends with a cliffhanger... yea, no.

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I have to agree with most reviewers: the film is horrible. Got rid of it at minute 33.
Beginning reminds you of some cheap cinese martial art film.
Second parts just catapults characters in a fantastic world populated by monsters where most of them are killed.
Couldn't stand it anymore and switched off. Safe your time and watch something else.
2/10 Bad

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so boring. the history is empty and it's clearly aimed at chinese market to make more money. soullessness.
do not waste your time watching this

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Monster hunter doesn't have a good script, but it gives me what it promises, Milla fighting huge monsters. Tony Jaa and Ron Perlman are a plus. There is extra scene

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The movie had much potential. The story is not as good as I hoped and whoever directed the music should be fired.

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.5 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
.5 / 1 act I
0 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
.5 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 0 misc

2 / 10

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God awful. Literally the worst movie I've seen in the last few years.

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Definitely not worth risking your life by getting out of your house during a pandemic just to watch this movie. Not worth at all.

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Yep, as rubbish as I thought it would be.

I still watched it, and I don't know why.

Times are bad folks.

This does not help.

At all.

Time for bed.

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Sorry but the story is just terrible and this annoying

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Just bad the beginning was good with the ship in the sad + the music but then......... xD
Milla can only play resident evil movies i think :)
Hate her in this movie.......
Just watched 15min............

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Horribly structured and edited.
50% Riddick (2013), 40% Godzilla: King of Monsters, 10% actual monster hunting

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Action, action and more action. What happens when you have a monster laden, kung fu fueled adventure movie written and directed by the Resident Evil team? You get this. Exactly what you would expect.

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All I can say it was a good movie, a lot of action, really liked it.

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What's strange is that this movie became the movie I wanted to see in the last 20 mins. Before that it was kind of a run of the mill, mediocre, everyday kinda monster movie. If there is a sequel, I really hope they keep the momentum they ended this movie with. 6/10

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Its people hunting monsters. I guess you know what you are expecting when you go into this film but really fails to work in any story. Unsure why if you are going to base it on an existing IP borrow more from the story they have in there already. The lack of any decent story means one monster-fighting scene shoved down your throat to the next.
Visually looks good but after the first forty-odd minutes I had my monster hunting fill.

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This was straight up garbage movie. The first 15 mins were great & interesting but after that it just went downhill. Somehow non-english speaker & English speaker were able to communicate in normal English, how is that even possible.

If you want some mindless entertainment, watch this movie (but turn off your brain first).

If you want a blockbuster type of movie, skip this movie.

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Milla Jovovich trading in her zombie card, for her monster card.

it's starting again. we don't have enough time. there will be another attack.

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OMG! The storyline and acting left me speechless.

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Milla and Tony had a fun relationship in the film and that's about it

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Watched finally. Action sequences were decent but overall...... :type_6:‍♂:type_6:‍♂

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I saw the ratings for this before hand, went in with low expectations and was still disappointed.

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It's a fun movie if you go in with the right mind set. This is a monster movie and you better have checked your sense of physics at the door next to your sense of disbelief - It's fun and just sit back and take it in :)

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Another one very bad movie, based on a very good series of videogames and it seems that there will be a sequel movie. Sad.

The 4 stars are for the CGI, because it was great!

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Good luck to all those who watch this in anything other than a pitch black room.

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2021-02-20T04:19:47Z— updated 2023-10-30T06:21:39Z

I'd swear Milla hasn't changed a bit since Fifth Element. Aside from that, the movie is more popcorn than substance. It was definitely a fun ride. This was a little bit Tremors, a little Enemy Mine, a little Pitch Black, and just a lot of fun.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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shit. where is the end?

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It wasn’t bad for the genre. I mean the video game adaptation genre.

I didn’t play the game so I didn’t look at anything else than the entertaining factor and that was okay.

I had to laugh at the Rambo 3 gunpowder cauterization scene. We know who did it first so the question is who did it better :joy:?

Some funny moment due to the language barrier between the two monter hunters. Just a shame that they had to have one perfect English speaker in the other world to make the plot go forward.

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What absolute garbage! Weak sauce.

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what a load of bull.....

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Good visuals, generic plot. Why's there only a single Palico in the entire movie!:expressionless:

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Half way through and it feels humiliating to continue watching.

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Absolutely horrible yet predictably watchable.
It's basically any movie she's in, her getting her ass beat and surviving.

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I've never been interested in the games and feel the low rating was from game fans because this deserves a higher rate and yeah some of it needs a little improvement, felt it was a little rushed but the action was great and fun, the characters were all good, Milla did well in her role good pick from her husband the director and also the effects weren't that bad, close to high grade level, especially not on the cheesy side and It's made me crave more.

Ron Perlman seems like he's in everything and suits most roles haha

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It took over a minute in the beginning credits just to show all the companies they had to string together to make this p.o.s.

Milla Jovovich's career should be over. She was hot in the 90s. And let's be real, no one watches her for her acting abilities.

She only gets roles in the movies her hubby makes, aka resident evil and this crap. Paul W. S. Anderson's movies have sucked for years.

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My number one worst movie of all time now.

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It was a very fun experience...
One Part Kaiju
One Part Video Game fan service
And One Part “how much abuse can Milla Jovovich take?”

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